Chapter 430 War is about to start!

Wang Teng suddenly realized that his cheap teacher was worried about him!

Oh, woman, hard-mouthed and soft-hearted!

Wang Teng smiled in his heart, but there was no fluctuation on his face. He coughed and said, “Teacher, can’t you still trust me? Your apprentice I am extremely talented and powerful. It is not a matter of minutes to catch a spy, you see. , Didn’t I bring this guy back?”

He kicked the ‘corpse’ next to him!

“…” The corners of everyone’s mouth twitched.

This kid is so shameless!

But why do you feel that this picture is inexplicably familiar?

Their gazes couldn’t help but glanced at Tan Taixuan, and they understood in their hearts, this is the same line!

Tantaixuan turned a blind eye to everyone’s gaze and glared at Wang Teng. Seeing that he was not injured, she stopped saying anything, looked at the corpse on the ground and said: “This is the mysterious person?”

“Yes, this person’s name is Qiu Bo. He is an officer of the Star Maple Legion.” Wang Teng turned the’corpse’ on the ground and said: “You still have a tone. Pry something out.”

When everyone heard Wang Teng’s words, they couldn’t help but secretly praised:

“Good job!”

If you can catch this spy back, all the problems will be solved easily. It seems that Wang Teng really has two brushes.

The three of Niu Li were shocked.

Wang Teng actually caught the mysterious man back, how did he do it?

The opponent is a 9-star warrior-level powerhouse!

They don’t understand, and their hearts are full of questions.

However, one thing is certain. Wang Teng said before that he was sure to catch the other party. It was not a joke, but that he really had this strength. They didn’t believe it yet, thinking he was fooling around.

When the three remembered the situation, they were a little embarrassed and couldn’t help laughing.

At this moment, Qiu Bo’s fingers moved. It may be that Wang Teng’s force was too strong just now and he woke him up.

He opened his eyes with a blank face, and couldn’t help but look around.

Then I saw Wang Teng sitting in front of him at first sight, his complexion changed drastically, and he shouted in horror: “You devil, if you want to kill, you have to kill you, you have to slap me in the face, and I will not let go of being a ghost. you!”

The sound of the stern voice made everyone’s imagination uncontrollable.

What’s wrong with this guy? I was so afraid of it!

When they saw Jo Bo’s face, their expressions suddenly became weird.

This face… has become a pig’s head!

Everyone looked at Wang Teng, who had the same expression, and thought that the army master’s apprentice was really black when he started, and they weren’t as good as they were hitting him!

“Ahem!” Wang Teng gave a dry cough, for fear that everyone would misunderstand that he is a pervert who likes to abuse people, which would affect his heroic personality, so he patiently explained softly: “Jubo, I pat your face, in fact, it is for Hello, you see that you are injured all over, and there is always a bump on the road. I knock you out and you won’t feel the pain. I don’t know how much you have suffered less on the road.”

“…” Qiu Bo was almost crying, is this talking human?

Beating him like this, he actually said that it was for his own good, so Nima had to shamelessly!

The atmosphere at the scene was extremely weird, and the military leaders present had a clearer understanding of Wang Teng.

This son, the shamelessness is no longer below his teacher!

Kong Li, Yu Wenxuan and others looked at him, with black lines all over their heads, speechless.

Wang Teng didn’t know the people’s thoughts, and felt that his explanation should have worked, so he continued: “But now I won’t shoot you anymore, you can rest assured!”

Qiu Bo was suspicious and didn’t believe Wang Teng’s words at all.

Suddenly, he felt strange again.

Peace of mind? ?

It always felt like letting him die with peace of mind.

“Here we are.” Wang Teng said again when he saw that he didn’t believe it.

Where is it?

Where is it?

Qiu Bo’s neck could still move, and he looked around, and the senior officer sat on a chair, looking at him with a cordial smile.

This environment, this atmosphere, it’s like returning home…Fart!

Qiu Bo was ashamed at once!

That’s it!

It’s all over!

In the hands of the military, no secrets can be hidden.

“Take him down, don’t let him die easily.” Tan Taixuan said.

When the words fell, several sergeants rushed in and carried Qiu Bo down.

Qiu Bo didn’t yell, probably he had already accepted his fate.

Tantai Xuan waved his hand at Wang Teng: “Okay, there is nothing wrong with you, why should I go.”

Wang Teng: “…”

Unload the mill and kill the donkey!

It’s so ruthless!

Wang Teng’s heart is full of resentment. He has done a great job anyway. Shouldn’t it be discussed about rewards now?

Could it be forgotten?

Thinking of Tan Tai Xuan’s style, it is not impossible that this is possible, so he winks at Tan Tai Xuan frantically.

“Have you got sand in your eyes?” Tan Taixuan asked suspiciously.

“…” Wang Teng.

“Just blow your eyes into the sand, do you want your dear teacher to help you?” Tan Taixuan said lightly.

Wang Teng’s eyes instantly healed, this kind of Tantai Xuan is too terrifying, I can’t stand the bird!

Wang Teng no longer struggled with military merits, because he couldn’t run away, and Tantai Xuan would not pit his apprentice.

I just don’t know what level his military rank can rise to?

The rank of corporal, you can’t get it.

Anyway, the whole lieutenant should be…

Later, someone came to ask about the mission. Wang Teng naturally said that small details like Yuhanshu and the pile of celestine mines that he walked along were irrelevant. They didn’t need to know…

Of course, even if they pry out of Qiu Bo’s mouth, they can’t do anything to him.

As Tan Taixuan’s apprentice, who would dare to snatch it back.

After handing over the task, Wang Teng, Kong Li and others walked out of the meeting room.

The three of them looked at Wang Teng relaxedly, as if they had just returned from a vacation, feeling extremely unreal.

“How did you catch Qiu Bo?” Kong Li came over and asked quietly.

Although she knew there must be some secrets in it, she still couldn’t help but want to know.

Niu Li and Yu Wenxuan also looked over, and their curiosity was overwhelming.

That’s 9-star warrior level!

In the end, Wang Teng was really caught back, and it seemed that Qiu Bo was abused.

The process is probably tortuous and exciting!

“My strength is so strong, of course, I rely on absolute strength to suppress it.” Wang Teng said nonsense seriously.

“Who are you bluffing? Only your 7-star warrior-level also suppressed 9-star warrior-level.” Kong Li said silently.

“Otherwise you said how did I catch him?” Wang Teng asked rhetorically.

“Hey, forget it.” Kong Li gave him a white glance.

On the way, a few people chatted while preparing to go back to rest.

After a while, Kong Li grabbed Wang Teng’s shoulder again and said hehe: “The mission is over, do you want to relax?”

“Ahem, just relax a little bit.” Wang Teng glanced at Niu Li and Yu Wenxuan, and said lightly.

“You two…” Niu Li was a little speechless, and finally just shook his head and said, “Although this mission has ended, things are still going on. At the latest tomorrow, there will probably be big moves. Don’t be crazy.”

“Don’t worry, don’t worry, I’m a proper person!” Kong Li waved his hand, and walked away with Wang Teng.

Yu Wenxuan watched the two leave, his eyes flashed, and Niu Li greeted him and turned to leave.

Wang Teng and Kong Li ate and drank outside, having fun, and did not return to the dormitory until the evening.

When I was about to enter the house, I found that the rooms on the left and right were very quiet. It was estimated that Han Zhu and Wan Baiqiu were still on duty.

Think about it.

They didn’t miss much time for this mission, and it was over in a few days. Compared with others, it took less time.

The task of Han Zhu and others should not be too difficult, but in order to train them, the time will definitely not be too short.

Wang Teng shook his head, did not pay attention, and sat cross-legged on the bed to practice.

The next day, as Niu Li said, around ten o’clock, they received the task notification from above.

In a meeting room, Wang Teng and Kong Li once again gathered together.

The four of them glanced at each other without speaking.

After waiting for a while, but no one was seen, Kong Li couldn’t help but said: “Lieutenant Colonel Niu, do you know what arrangements are up there? Let me reveal one or two.”

“I didn’t receive a notice either.” Niu Li shook his head.

“It is estimated that we will go to the Star Maple Army to support it.” Yu Wenxuan guessed.

“Oh, that’s not bad. This wave of Wang Teng must be the first effort, but we can definitely share some soup and drink.” Kong Li’s eyes lit up and he laughed: “Wang Teng, this time we But it’s dazzling you.”

“Senior sister, don’t laugh, what kind of task is not arranged by the head, it has nothing to do with me.” Wang Teng said.

At this time, the door of the meeting room opened and Song Wanjiang walked in.

“It seems you have guessed it.”

The four hurriedly stood up straight and saluted.

“Okay, let’s talk about business. Yesterday afternoon we dug up the information we wanted from Qiu Bo’s mouth, and then the army owner personally took him to the Star Maple Legion overnight, where there was a meeting for the whole night, and now we are in a state of preparation for war. , The war is about to start!”

Song Wanjiang’s words made Wang Teng and others’ faces serious.

War, these two heavy words.

Its appearance is bound to be accompanied by blood and death!

Even if they dominate this time, many people will still die if they want to.

Song Wanjiang looked cold and said: “The Dark Species have invaded for many years. We have been in a weak position for a long time, but this time we finally have a dominant position. We must gather all our strength and give them a head-on attack.”

Wang Teng, Niu Li and others looked at each other. From Song Wanjiang’s words, it is not difficult to hear the determination of the human side.

They couldn’t help but boil with enthusiasm.

Even a self-interested person like Wang Teng is a little impulsive, wanting to go to battle to kill the enemy, and breathe out a sigh of evil for the loss of mankind for many years.

“Your task is very heavy this time!”

“After we discussed it, we decided that the four of you, each with an advance troop, will go to Xingfeng City!”

“At that time, we will always follow the arrangements of the military master!”

“You have a problem!” Song Wanjiang said in a condensed voice.


“Very well, get ready, let’s go!” Song Wanjiang nodded in satisfaction.

“Yes!” Kongli and the three replied in unison, with a high fighting spirit.

“Yes~” Wang Teng replied lazily.


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