Chapter 44: Then cut in half


As soon as Wang Shengguo returned home, Wang Teng couldn’t make waves anymore.

Had to go to school honestly.

He put the eggs in the backpack and put them in the car with the two weapons, planning to rent a house outside today.

Come to a golden nest egg!

At the school.

Wang Teng was surprised to discover that many people were learning “Five Years of Wushu Tests and Three Years of Simulation”. The crazy energy made him a little scared.

Even Lin Chuhan was no exception. He immersed himself in reading, making notes and chanting words.

This is really-you can’t survive if you don’t be mad!

Wu Kao’s appeal to everyone is really not small, even if the opportunity is slim, many people are unwilling to give up.

They gambled their lives…Bah, they blocked the college entrance examination, and they had to fight it again anyway.

Wang Teng was very pleased.

The attribute bubbles of the “Five Years of Wushu Test and Three Years of Simulation” here, students, you are really amazing, you learn hard, and you all learn hard.

While picking up attributes, Wang Teng expressed his admiration for the hard-studying classmates.

——You are all good!

One morning, Wang Teng quickly mastered “Five Years of Wushu Three Years Simulation”.

At noon, after having lunch with Xu Jie, he drove out of the school.

Zhao Ganghu and Zhao Gangbao have been waiting at the gate of Donghai No. 1 Lieutenant Colonel for almost two hours. After a night of thinking yesterday, Zhao Ganghu made a decision that he couldn’t believe he himself.

At this time, although he waited for a long time, he did not dare to complain.

With a downcast look, Zhao Gangbao sat on the steps on the side of the road, smoking a cigarette, looking a little vicissitudes of life.

As soon as Wang Teng’s car drove out, Zhao Ganghu immediately recognized it.

“Young Master!”

His eyes lit up and he shouted quickly.

Wang Teng was about to drive away. Hearing this sound, he stepped on the brake again: “Well, it’s him! It’s really here.”

The car stopped on the side of the road.

“Why, did you think about it so soon?” Wang Teng got out of the car and looked at Zhao Ganghu.

“Since I have agreed to Shao Wang, I must make a decision as soon as possible!” Zhao Ganghu smiled bitterly.

“Then what decision did you make?” Wang Teng asked with some curiosity in his heart when he saw him like this.

Zhao Ganghu gritted his teeth and seemed to hesitate when the matter came, but in the end he said: “Wang Shao, although I Zhao Ganghu is not talented, there are some junior and intermediate warriors who ate with me…”

“If you don’t dislike Wang Shao, we will follow Wang Shao in the future.”

Wang Teng was a little surprised at once.

He had thought that Zhao Ganghu would go bankrupt to raise more money, or get a few rune weapons to resolve the grievances between the two sides.

However, he never expected that Zhao Ganghu did it so thoroughly that he wanted to bring a team of subordinates into his command!

“Brother!” Zhao Gangbao looked shocked.

He also didn’t expect that Zhao Ganghu would make such a decision. If he really became Wang Teng’s subordinate, wouldn’t he have no backing in the future.

Wang Teng didn’t know what he thought of, and he couldn’t help but move in his heart.

Although they were only junior, intermediate and senior warriors, Zhao Ganghu was the only one, but it was still a small force in the end.

It’s not unacceptable!

However, he didn’t immediately agree, with a pensive expression on his face.

Seeing this, Zhao Ganghu’s heart jumped, and he grabbed Zhao Gangbao from the side: “If Shao Wang feels that it is not enough, this matter is always caused by my brother. Since he can’t control his lower body, it is better to cut it off and let him He will never dare to do evil again.”

Zhao Gangbao almost freaked out on the spot!


“My brother!!”

“I must have been picked up by you, how could you be so cruel to me!” he yelled and struggled desperately.

But with his strength, how could he resist Zhao Ganghu, a senior warrior.

Wang Teng was also stunned.

“Cut…Cut it!”

It took him a while before he came back, looking at Zhao Ganghu’s expression a little weird.

If it weren’t for the similarities between the two people, he would really think that Zhao Gangbao had been picked up.

“If you cut it off, isn’t it a bit too cruel?” Wang Teng pondered.

When Zhao Gangbao heard Wang Teng actually speak for himself, tears filled his eyes, and he nodded quickly.

“Brother, you see that Shao Wang said so, so please forgive me this time.”

“I don’t dare anymore!”

“This time, it was pure lard that was blindfolded, so that I would have thoughts about Shao Wang’s friend that I shouldn’t have, I know I was wrong…”

Zhao Ganghu was unmoved.

Wang Teng nodded, “It seems that your brother really knows that he was wrong. If this is the case, don’t cut it off!”

The two Zhao Ganghu felt strange when they heard this, but they couldn’t react for a while.

Zhao Gangbao was overjoyed, knowing that as long as Wang Teng let go, his elder brother would definitely not be cruel.

However, Wang Teng paused, then continued.

“I am always very kind, so cut off in half!”

Zhao Ganghu: “…”

Zhao Gangbao: “¥%%……**#¥¥%¥……”

You must be the devil!

The heart must be black! !


Half way to go!

Zhao Gangbao’s entire face turned pale, and he looked at Wang Teng in a daze, especially the “I am very kind” expression on his face. The whole person was not good.

“Young Master Wang, or cut it all off.”

Zhao Ganghu’s eyelids were twitching crazily, and he kept admonishing himself in his heart that he must not provoke Wang Teng in the future.

At this moment, Zhao Gangbao even felt that Zhao Ganghu said this sentence for his own good.

Cut in half…

It’s better to be a bit more crisp!

Zhao Gangbao had no gods in his eyes, half was frightened, and half was unlovable.

This world is terrible, mother, I want to go home!

Seeing that the effect had been achieved, Wang Teng stopped frightening Zhao Gangbao, patted him on the shoulder, and said:

“Okay, I’m scaring you, don’t make trouble everywhere in the future, not every time you can meet someone who is such a good talker of me.”

Zhao Gangbao suddenly raised his head, his face was full of surprise, so there is no need to cut it off? ?

“But if you commit another crime in the future, I will take care of you by myself!”

Wang Teng said lightly, and then ignored him, got into the car, started the engine, and prepared to leave.

“Wang Shao, what do you think of my proposal just now?” Zhao Ganghu quickly shouted.

“No hurry, wait for me to see your details, and if it meets my requirements, I won’t be too late to talk about it.”

Wang Teng lowered the car window, glanced at Zhao Ganghu, left a word, and drove away.

Wait for the car to go away.

Zhao Gangbao asked cautiously: “Brother, don’t you cut me?”

“Idiot, you are the only one who really thinks I cut you. I don’t understand it. Shao Wang can tell it at a glance. It’s just to scare you and look at your bear look.” Zhao Ganghu stared.

Zhao Gangbao got used to being scolded, he didn’t care, he just breathed a sigh of relief, patted his chest and said: “Scare me to death!”

“Useless things!” Zhao Ganghu was even more angry and kicked him hard.

Zhao Gangbao skilfully jumped aside, avoided, smiled, and asked: “Brother, are you really going to mess with him?”

“Ranging with a warrior, still such a young warrior, is more promising than a senior warrior following me.” Zhao Ganghu said leisurely.

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