Chapter 373: A Generation of Tianjiao!

The thunder and lightning dragon occupies the sky, and the sound of thunder sounds like a dragon roar, deafening.

Everyone looked at the sky in shock, I’m afraid they will be unforgettable in this lifetime.

Wang Teng also looked at the Thunder Dragon, but there was no fear in his eyes.

At this point, fortunately, it is desperate!

Whether it can be achieved depends on God’s will!

Wang Teng’s mouth twitched. If he said he was crazy, he was also a crazy person.

At this moment, he closed his eyes, and the scene of the previous experiment appeared in his mind.

“Are you admitting your fate?” Seeing him close his eyes, Ren Qingcang couldn’t help but a hint of sarcasm appeared in the corner of his mouth.

And this scene was also enlarged on the big screen. After everyone saw it, they were all wondering, did Wang Teng really give up?

Although Ren Qingcang’s attack was terrifying, he was now at the last step. How could he be reconciled if he didn’t fight for it.

The narrator said: “Ren Qingcang uses the power of thunder for his own use to condense the thunder dragon. The power is amazing, but Wang Teng closes his eyes at this time. Is he helpless to admit defeat? Or is he brewing something?”

In the audience, Lin Chuhan held Xu Wantong’s hand tightly beside her, very nervous. She held her breath and kept her eyes unblinking.

At this moment, Wang Teng suddenly opened his eyes.


A deep drink came from his mouth.

As soon as the voice fell, a whirlwind hovered around him, spinning continuously, rushing straight into the sky, and a violent gust of wind raged across the ring.


There was another deep drink.

The raging flames swept the sky and completely surrounded Wang Teng.

At this moment, Wang Teng can no longer be seen, only the endless flame whirlwind, descending from the earth and up to the sky!

But this is not enough!


A sound came out of the flame whirlwind again.


After the sound of the long sword being unsheathed, the flame whirlwind suddenly stopped, followed by a wave of sword energy, which merged into the flame whirlwind.

The flame whirlwind suddenly became violent, as if it would crash at any time, extremely unstable.

But gradually, the flame whirlwind and the sword light in it reached a delicate balance, and the sword air revolved with the whirlwind, like a fish merging into the sea.

At this moment, Ren Qingcang’s expression changed.

He felt the terrifying destructive power from the flame whirlwind.

Damn it!

How did Wang Teng do it? ?

Once he gritted his teeth, the force of the thunder system surged throughout his body, attracting more thunder into the thunder and lightning dragon.

The thunder roared in the sky, thunder and lightning raged, and thunder slammed into the thunder dragon, making it grow stronger and more violent.


Ren Qingcang’s right hand had blue veins violently, cracks even appeared on the surface of his arm, blood oozing out, and it looked extremely miserable.

He was pale, and suddenly grabbed his right wrist with his left hand and held it tightly.

On the second floor of the auditorium, Lei Zhenting finally changed his complexion, and said angrily: “This kid is going to die, his right hand will be abolished!”

“The young people nowadays are crazy!” Ye Jixing shook his head and said, “But how did Wang Teng manage to combine several attacks of different attributes into one, resulting in incredible changes. The power is terrifying!”

In the arena, Ren Qingcang finally couldn’t hold it anymore, the thunder did not converge, and the Thunder Dragon stopped swelling.

His face was extremely dignified, as if it was extremely difficult, and his right hand was swung in the direction of Wang Teng little by little.


Ren Qingcang has a fierce face and roars in his mouth.

In an instant, the huge Thunder Dragon hovered in the sky and swooped down towards Wang Teng.

At this time, another word came out from the flame whirlwind on the other end.


Suddenly, a blade of light rose into the sky in the flame whirlwind.


The flame whirlwind swelled instantly, in which the sword glow rushed from the left to the right, as if completely out of control, it was about to burst.

“This guy is too reckless!” Peng Yuanshan’s complexion changed drastically, and he stood up suddenly from his seat.

“Don’t worry!” Tan Taixuan frowned and motioned for him to sit down.

“He is in the center of the storm, and if he is careless, he will lose his life. As a teacher, don’t you just look at it like this?” Peng Yuanshan said anxiously.

“As a teacher, I choose to believe him!” Tan Taixuan stared at the storm below, her expression more serious than ever.


The flame whirlwind rotates at high speed, and the shadows of the swords and swords are heavy, like a terrifying storm.

It’s done!

Wang Teng made it!


The thunder and lightning dragon roared in front of him, and arrived.


The next moment, the thunder and lightning dragon slammed into the storm.

Thunder Dragon was too late to wreak havoc, and suddenly seemed to be restrained, unable to move at all.


The dragon wailed, and the sword light in the storm cut its body, no matter how hard it struggled, it couldn’t escape.


After a while, the Terror Thunder Dragon completely exploded, turning into a wave of thunder and lightning and disappearing invisible.

The storm’s surging prestige swept all around, Ren Qingcang was the first to bear the brunt. Even though he was covered in cuts and bruises, his whole body was hit and flew out and fell heavily to the ground.


He spouted a mouthful of blood, completely wilted, and his powerful aura quickly dissipated, making him extremely weak.

The storm gradually dissipated.

In the sky, Wang Teng appeared, panting slightly, and his face was a little pale.

He slowly fell to the ground, staggering under his feet.

This trick is too expensive, even with his original power reserve, it is almost impossible to sustain it.

He looked at Ren Qingcang not far away, and he was quietly relieved.

Now I finally won.

If Ren Qingcang accepts his move and can still fight again, then he really capitalizes a character to give it to the opponent.

When Wang Teng was thinking about it, he found that the surroundings seemed to be a little quiet. He raised his head and looked around, everyone staring at him in a daze.

“A generation of Tianjiao!” The commentator’s voice suddenly sounded.

“At this moment, I can only think of these four words. Today, today, Wang Teng can be the name of the pride of the day!”

“Champion, well deserved!”

“Champion, Wang Teng!”

When this voice came out, everyone seemed to have reacted, and they almost stood up unanimously, shouting in unison:

“Champion, Wang Teng!”

“Champion, Wang Teng!”

“Champion, Wang Teng!”

The applause was thunderous, and the cheers resounded across the sky, as if to overturn the entire dragon nest.

Everyone is crazy, throwing away what can be thrown away, hats, clothes, and even shoes all into the sky.

Han Zhu from the Yellow Navy Academy embraced, yelled and bounced, as if the only way to vent the excitement in the heart.

The champion belongs to the Yellow Sea!

No one laughs at them, only envy!

Ji Xiuming of the First Academy is envious, Luo Cheng of Xiadu Military Academy is also envious, Xiao Yunfan of Donghai University, Zhao Yuanwu of Qian Yuanzong, etc., everyone is envious.

This is the charm of champions!

The audience was boiling, and tens of thousands of people called one name together. How spectacular it was and how exciting it was.

With fiery eyes, they sent applause and cheers to the young man in the field!

He is Tianjiao!

A generation of arrogance, I am invincible!

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