Chapter 37: It seems that a billion yuan has been lost

Wang Teng left the Tongming Road where the pet shop was, and went to the place Lu Zhiqing introduced to buy an incubator.

It’s best to be oversized.

That egg almost stuffed the hiking backpack…


Bird eggs?

Wang Teng was suddenly excited.

He patted his forehead, why he was so stupid that he didn’t think of this until now.

Isn’t this just the crow’s mother who came to look for its little boy!

“I’ll go, what hatred or grievances I said, I must kill me, I turned out to be a child kidnapper!”

Wang Teng thought silently.

“However, with the strength of those two warriors, how did the terrifying giant crow steal its child from under the eyelids?”

“Probably not by some special method, or by stealing it while the giant crow was out looking for food.”

“Forget it, think about it for nothing.”

Wang Teng shook his head, suddenly rejoicing.

“Fortunately, that mysterious warrior shot, otherwise this is really an endless hatred, even if I didn’t steal the egg, now it is in my hand, if the crow doesn’t come at me, who else can I go at?”

“…Wait, that warrior cut out that sword, are there any attribute bubbles left behind?”

“Damn, that’s an attribute bubble of the strong!”

The giant crow’s attribute bubble has already given him a taste of the sweetness. Wouldn’t it be even more awesome if the mysterious powerhouse fell.

Wang Teng hurriedly turned the front of the car, and according to his memory, hurried towards the building where the source of the sword light was located.

“We must catch up!”

As the car shuttled fast on the road, he kept praying in his heart.

Finally the car stopped in front of a commercial building.

“It should be here!”

Wang Tengchong got out of the car, and he called the door with a “bang”, and the people had already rushed out.

“Sir, who are you looking for? Is there an appointment?”

The beauty at the front desk just asked, Wang Teng ran past her and came to the elevator door.

“Sir, this is a private company, and outsiders can’t rush into it.”

“Quick, quick, stop him!”

Several security personnel heard the yelling from the front desk and hurriedly approached Wang Teng.

“Dip!” The elevator arrived.

“Stop!” the security guard shouted.

“The fool stopped!”

Wang Teng rushed directly into the elevator and madly pressed the close button.

The elevator doors closed slowly, and the security personnel finally took a step behind, and watched him disappear in front of them.

They can only catch up from another elevator.

But this time difference is enough.

Wang Teng climbed directly onto the roof of the building, his eyes swept across the empty roof, and he saw a bubble that was about to disappear.

“so far so good!”

Wang Teng hurriedly walked over.

However, when he was about to pick it up, the bubbles disappeared…

? ?

Wang Teng stayed in place, his smile stiffened.


It still disappeared!

My heart hurts suddenly! !

Wang Teng covered his chest, this kind of pain cost at least one billion!

Too cruel!

God why are you so cruel to me?


Wang Teng sighed, walked to the edge of the roof, lit a cigarette, and stood in the wind messy, melancholy and melancholy.

At this time, the security personnel caught up with him out of breath.

As soon as I went to the rooftop, I saw Wang Teng standing on the edge with a look of lovelessness.

If I just wanted to ask about sin, I swallowed it again when I reached my lips.

“Brother, if you have something to say, can you get down first?” said a middle-aged security guard who tried to soften his voice.

“You don’t understand, I just lost a billion!” Wang Teng sighed, the expression on his face even more melancholy.


Isn’t this young man bragging?

Don’t make any noise, irritate him, and then really jump down, you are responsible!

Several security guards looked at each other and completed a silent communication.

The middle-aged security guard continued, “Isn’t it a billion? You are so young and you can earn it back in the future. Maybe by then, it will be two billion, three billion, and now a mere one billion is counted. what.”

This middle-aged security guard opened his mouth to be billions, and people who didn’t know thought he was Jack Ma Wang 100 million.

Wang Teng also gave him a surprised look.

“You said it so easily, I almost thought it was Mingbi!”

The middle-aged security guard couldn’t help laughing.

“Well, I got lucky and lost my life!”

Wang Teng sighed again.

When several security guards saw him put it down, they were relieved. Who knew the next moment, Wang Teng jumped.

“Goodbye everyone!”

Several security guards stretched out their hands and yelled, just like the moment Erkang wanted to catch the crape myrtle…


Some even closed their eyes unbearably.

But the tragedy did not happen. The middle-aged security guard caught up with Wang Teng when he jumped up.

He is a senior warrior, but when he reaches middle age, he has no chance to go further. He can barely make a living as a security minister in this company.

He is faster than other security guards.

When you reach the rooftop, look down.

His eyes widened suddenly.

I saw Wang Teng lightly land on the air conditioner outside the wall, and then jumped down layer by layer.

Seeing the middle-aged security guard sticking out his head, he did not forget to wave his hand.

Now, it was the middle-aged security guard’s turn to stand on the edge of the rooftop, messy in the wind…

“This little brother, it’s not easy!”

Wang Teng regretfully left the commercial building, bought an incubator, and then returned to school.

It was already noon.

Everyone went to the cafeteria for dinner. Before he came back, he sent WeChat to Xu Jie and several people, so they also kept a copy for him.

After lunch, there is about two hours of lunch break.

However, in the review stage of the third year of high school, many students only took a break for a few hours, and then started doing exercises and memorizing texts again.

When Lin Chuhan was reviewing, Wang Teng was also not worried, studying the attribute panel next to him.

【Comprehension】: 83

[Spirit]: 12.1

[Talents]: primary fire talent (10300), primary ice talent (12300), Lingshi (primary 110)

[The Force]: 41100 Fire (One-Star War Soldier Level)

4100 ice (one-star warrior level)

[Gong Method]: Chi Yan Jue (Introduction 1100), Xuan Bing Jue (Introduction 1100)

[Combat Skills]: Basic combat skills (fist, sword, knife, body in the slightest), spear (Xiaocheng), fire lin sword (beginner 10100), magic ice fist (beginner 8100)

[Knowledge]: Basic subjects (full marks)

[Comprehensive combat power]: 182

[Blank attribute]: 60

The fire force suddenly soared to 41 points, and Wang Teng could feel that the fire force in the [Pronuclear] body had begun to take shape.

The pronucleus is the node at the tail of the spine, where the force is stored, hence the name!

At the same time, because of the increase in speed and fire force, Wang Teng’s comprehensive combat power increased to 182 points.

This represents an increase in strength!

Wang Teng has checked that mankind also has a set of methods for evaluating combat power.

The combat power of the one-star warrior level is probably between 100-300.

The combat ranks are from one star to nine stars, each of which is divided into four stages: elementary, intermediate, high, and top.

The power of 100 to 180 points is the elementary level, 180 to 230 is the intermediate level, 230 to 280 is the high level, and 280 to 300 is the top level.

If the system’s combat power rating is equal to that of humans, then the combat power of 182 points is already a one-star mid-level combat force.

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