Chapter 333 Return and Final Exam

Earth star.

Wang Teng walked out of the crack in space and stood on the street outside, where the traffic and the atmosphere of a modern city rushed to his face, making him feel like a world away.

“Hoo~ I’m back!” Wang Teng let out a sigh, feeling inexplicably relieved.

Because it was night, he went straight back to school, walked into the dormitory, and fell asleep on the bed after washing up.

Get up the next morning and go to the cafeteria for breakfast.

Don’t say, I haven’t come back for a long time, the breakfast of Earth Star is also very missed!

The most common soy milk with steamed buns and fritters, almost didn’t make him cry. Nima is so delicious!

Although the things from other worlds are also extremely delicious, sometimes they are only comfortable when they eat the things that they are most used to.

Why haven’t you found them so delicious before?

Wang Teng seriously doubted whether the chef in the cafeteria had changed.

“Brother Teng?” Suddenly, a voice sounded from behind.

“Hou Pingliang.” Wang Teng turned his head and saw Hou Pingliang, Song Shuhang and others standing behind him, looking at him with some uncertainty, and immediately smiled: “Everyone, it’s been a long time.”

“I’ll go!” Hou Pingliang yelled when he saw that it was really him, and ran over and said: “It’s really you, I just thought I was wrong. Where have you been recently?”

“Went to another world.” Wang Teng said casually.

Song Shuhang, Lu Shu, and Baili Qingfeng also came over, and when they heard what he said, they were surprised: “You have gone to another world.”

“How are you doing?” Wang Teng asked with a smile.

“We’re just like that. We go to class and practice all day, but we have done a few tasks.” Hou Pingliang said.

“That’s not bad. Has the strength been upgraded to the 2-star warrior level?” Wang Teng asked.

“How easy is it.” Hou Pingliang, Song Shuhang and others couldn’t help laughing bitterly. Why did Wang Teng ask this question, as if it was a matter of course to upgrade from the 1st star warrior level to the 2 star warrior level?

“In our entire age, no one has been promoted to the 2-star warrior level.” Hou Pingliang said.

“Is that so?” Wang Teng nodded and stopped asking.

Then I chatted with Hou Pingliang and others about the recent events in the school. There was nothing major, all of them were trivial things, such as a certain student who was jealous because of a fight, or which senior had challenged the top of the rankings. one hundred……

Wang Teng had just listened to these things without paying too much attention. When a person’s strength reached a certain level, his horizons would naturally relax and broaden.

Hou Pingliang and others also asked a lot about other worlds. Wang Teng chose to talk to them as much as he could. The few people were surprised to hear them. After all, they hadn’t been to the other world. They hadn’t seen it before. In fact, You will find that it is just like that.

“I have finished eating, and I have to go to the dean to take over and talk again when I have time.” Wang Teng got up and said to several people.

Hou Pingliang looked at the back of him leaving, with a little sorrow.

“How do I feel that Brother Teng has become stronger again.” Song Shuhang said, touching his chin.

“I have this feeling too.” Lu Shudao.

“Same feeling.” Baili Qingfeng nodded.

“That’s really getting stronger.” Hou Pingliang finally made the final conclusion, nodding his head with a sigh on his face.

The four of them couldn’t help but glance at each other, and spit out two words in unison—”Abnormal!”

Wang Teng came directly to the office of Peng Yuanshan of the General Hospital and knocked on the door.

“Come in!” The solemn voice of our General Hospital Peng came from the door.

Wang Teng pushed open a gap, got his head in first, and smiled at Peng Yuanshan behind his desk: “The General Hospital, I’m back to report to you.”

“I knew it was your kid, so I won’t get in.” Dean Peng said lightly without raising his head.

Wang Teng didn’t care at all, walked into the office, and listened to Peng Yuanshan again: “Tell me what I have experienced this time.”

“This is a long story…” Wang Teng roughly said it again, naturally speaking as much as he could.

Hearing the invasion of Darkness, Peng Yuanshan finally raised his head and looked serious. It was not until Wang Teng finished speaking, that he said, “Even the principal and the Scarlet Tiger Army Master are alarmed? It seems that the situation is very serious.”

“Yes, many people died.” Wang Teng said.

“I know about this. It seems that your strength has increased a lot.” Peng Yuanshan looked at Wang Teng as if he wanted to see through him, but it didn’t help.

“It’s a little progress.” Wang Teng said hehe.

“Keep it secret with me.” Peng Yuanshan shook his head and said: “I won’t ask any more, see your final exam.”

“No problem.” Wang Teng believed himself.

After coming out of Peng Yuanshan’s office, Wang Teng went to report to Tong Hu, the dean of the War College.

The next few days were normal classes, and Wang Teng resumed his daily routine of picking up attributes at various colleges. Then all the students and teachers were surprised to find that Wang Teng, who had disappeared for a while, had returned.

After the surprise, it was… nothing, everyone went to class and ended as usual.

Only some students who are acquainted with each other will ask a sentence or two.

The whole school has entered an intense review stage, everyone is busy, and some seniors and sisters who are out on assignments have also returned to school, and the school atmosphere has gradually become lively.

Within a few days, the final exams began, and the whole school entered the exam status.

The examination time was two days in total. Wang Teng was a bit special. Peng Yuanshan prepared a separate examination room for him.

Wang Teng looked at the exam room specially prepared for him, and said speechlessly, “Is it necessary?”

“It’s necessary.” The old god of the General Hospital Peng nodded and said: “I will give you one day to finish all the subjects, is it enough?”

“You really can count on me, barely… enough.” Wang Teng said.

“Then take the test. After passing my request, you can continue to play freely next semester.” Peng Yuanshan finished speaking and turned to leave.

“Self, play freely.” The corners of Wang Teng’s mouth twitched. Is this what the General Hospital of Peng said?

Unexpectedly, General Peng Yuan was such a person.

Wang Teng sat down reluctantly, glanced at the test papers already prepared on the desk, and then began to write swiftly.

one day?

I’ll show it to you for a long time.

When Wang Teng walked out of the room, several invigilators looked at each other.

“So fast?”

“Have you finished reading this?”

“Isn’t it impossible to do it, so just do it casually?”

Various questions surfaced in the minds of several invigilators, always feeling very unreliable.

“It doesn’t matter, pack the test papers and give grades to the instructors.” Several invigilators hurriedly packed up the test papers piled up on the desk, and ran to the dean.

The instructors of various subjects quickly evaluated Wang Teng’s papers and handed them to Peng Yuanshan.

Looking at the paper in his hand, Peng Yuanshan raised his eyebrows and shook his hand. After looking at it for a long time, he sighed slightly: “This kid is really abnormal!”

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