Chapter 26 Spear Technique

As soon as Zhou Baiyun finished speaking, someone greeted him and walked towards the hunting ground with great interest.

Wang Teng’s heart moved, and he called out the attribute panel.

【Savvy】: 82

[Physique]: 167

[Power]: 2888

[Speed]: 1033

[Combat Skills]: Basic Boxing (in the subtle), Basic Body (in the subtle), Basic Sword (in the subtle), Basic Sword (in the subtle), Spear (Xiaocheng)

These days, not only the various attributes have been improved, but there is also an additional spear technique in the column of Lien’s combat skills.

And it has reached the Xiaocheng level.

At this time, Wang Teng had a lot of gun knowledge in his mind, and he felt that his accurate head had become super accurate, and his eyes were a little sharp.

The spearmanship attribute comes from the five gangsters killed in the previous two days.

Those gangsters were all martial artists, and they only learned superficial fist techniques and body techniques, and provided him with very limited attributes, but they used spears and dropped a lot of spear skills.

The five people added up directly pushed Wang Teng’s spear skills to a small level.

The attributes of murder and explosion are undoubtedly the most!

It’s scary to think about it!

In addition to attributes, Wang Teng had another harvest that day-Rune Gun!

The five gangsters each had a rune gun in their hands, but the leading gangster actually had one hidden in his body. After those hostages ran out of the building, he followed the principle of not wasting… and touched the body!

[Wang Teng: Can I say that this is a good habit of playing games? o(╯□╰)o】

Fortunately, the surveillance was broken by several professional bandits, which created the most convenient conditions for Wang Teng.

So now Wang Teng actually has a murder weapon hidden in his body!

After obtaining the spear technique attribute, Wang Teng had no chance to experiment. At this moment, he heard that spears could be used in the hunting ground, and his heart suddenly felt excited.

“Brother Wang Teng, shall we go to play?” Xu Jie said with bright eyes.

Yu Hao and Sun Gaoyan are equally eager to try.

Wang Teng smiled in his heart.

Everyone seems to want to go together.

“Xiao Wei, are you going?” Wang Teng asked Bai Wei next to him.

“I won’t go anymore, you play with your real guns, I will play with my small water gun!” Bai Wei raised the water gun that he didn’t know where he got from, and said.

“Uh… you just be happy.” Wang Teng’s eyes flicked, and said to the three of Xu Jie: “Then let’s go.”

Bai Wei joined the water gun team of several girls.

The four Wang Teng came to the entrance of the hunting ground, completed the registration at the staff, took the gun, and walked into the hunting ground.

The gun, although it is a rune gun.

But the power is incomparable with those used by the gangsters.

The same is a rune gun, with strong or weak power, the strong can kill the martial artist, and the weak can only be used to hunt down the lowest mutant beasts.

According to the power level, the rune gun can be divided into one to nine stars.

These shotguns are not even 1 star at the moment.

But Xu Jie and the others touched the guns, but they felt like touching some peerless baby.

A group of people walked among the hunting grounds.

The entire hunting ground is surrounded by barbed wire. Rune power is added to the iron wire, and its defense power is much higher than that of ordinary iron wire.

The light in the hunting ground was a bit dim, the trees rose from the ground, and the dense canopy blocked the sky.

On the ground are rotting branches and leaves that have been piled up all year round, and they are constantly crunching.

“Does this hunting ground usually have special personnel to clean it?” Xu Jie complained.

“Why cleaning up? It’s totally unnecessary. Many people come to this atmosphere. Too many artificial traces are not beautiful.” Sun Gaoyan said.

“Hmm…” Xu Jie thought for a while, nodded and said, “It makes sense!”

Yu Hao rolled his eyes and had to say that Xu Jie was really a bit idiot and forced.


Several people were talking nonsense, and a gunshot suddenly rang in their ears, scaring them almost to jump on the spot.

“I’m going, Brother Wang Teng, why are you shooting?” Xu Jie patted his chest.

Wang Teng lifted his chin, and the three of Xu Jie looked in the direction.

A big gray rabbit!

Lying horizontally in the grass, he is dead.

“A good start!” Xu Jie burst into laughter suddenly.

Yu Hao and Sun Gaoyan looked at Wang Teng in surprise. They didn’t even notice when the rabbit appeared.

And this quasi-head is really nothing to say, one hit kills!

Xu Jie picked up the rabbit.

A few people continued to walk into the depths of the hunting ground, where is the paradise of wild animals.

An hour passed in a blink of an eye.

Xu Jie and the others are carrying prey in their hands, and they seem to have gained a lot.

“There is movement ahead.”

As soon as Wang Teng spoke, the three of them stopped and immediately raised their guns.

Listening attentively, there was indeed a slight noise coming from not far in front. They had been familiar with Wang Teng’s keenness for a long time, and it was a matter of course at this time.

They each found a tree to hide.

“Quickly chase, don’t let it run away!” someone yelled in front.

Xu Jie glanced at each other, and it seemed that they had met someone who was hunting together.

They are about to give up.

The bushes in front of them shook for a while, causing them to stop their movements, and then they saw an agile black shadow suddenly rushing out.

The person who had just shouted also chased over.

“It’s them!”

When Xu Jie saw it, it was Zhou Baiyun and Li Rongcheng.

Li Rongcheng was anxious to behave in front of Zhou Baijun, raising his gun and shooting as he ran.

Bang bang bang!

All three shots fell through, and the dark shadow rushed from left to right, incredibly flexible.

“Li Rongcheng, don’t shoot indiscriminately if you can’t hit the shot. The second is wasting bullets. What should I do if we hit us?” Xu Jie yelled as if mockingly.

“Damn, why are you guys here too!” Li Rongcheng cursed very badly.

“Hey, this hunting ground is not opened by your house. If you can come, we can’t come.” Xu Jie said.


“Hurry up and stop it, it’s going to run!”

Before Li Rongcheng spoke, Zhou Baiyun suddenly shouted.

“I’m going, Brother Wang Teng, it’s a white fox, going to you.” Xu Jie took a look and cried strangely.

Wang Teng didn’t want to make a move. This fox was the prey of Zhou Baijun and several people.

But Li Rongcheng fired a few more shots, and they couldn’t hit them at all.

“Whoever hits this fox, I promise him one condition!” Seeing the white fox about to run, Zhou Baiyun shouted.

Wang Teng looked at the fox running towards him, feeling speechless.

There is a way to heaven, don’t you go!

This is not enough if you don’t make a move.


One shot!

He aimed at the fox’s evasion trajectory in advance, and hit its abdomen with a shot.

With a scream, the white fox fell from the trunk and hit the ground with a bang.

“Haha, hit it!”

Xu Jie was even more happy than Wang Teng when he saw the hit. He walked out from behind the tree and laughed at Li Rongcheng, his face turned blue.

“Shit!” Li Rongcheng cursed.

Yu Hao, Sun Gaoyan walked over, looked around the fox, tusk in his mouth.

“The fur of this fox is so beautiful!”

Zhou Baiyun came over, knelt down and stroked the fox’s fur, and said happily: “Very well, this fur is just right to make a collar.”

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