Chapter 19 Gunshots

Get out of the gym.

Xu Jie and the three were extremely excited, and they didn’t stop their mouths on the way.

“Strong! It’s too strong!”

“Brother Wang Teng, are all senior warriors so strong?”

“For ordinary people, senior warriors are quite strong.”

Wang Teng lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, exhaled slowly, and said calmly.

“Haha, great, no one will dare to bully us if you cover it in the future.” Xu Jie laughed.

“Brother Wang Teng, do you think I can be as strong as you in the future?” Yu Hao secretly clenched his fists and asked enviously.

“Practice hard, it’s not difficult for a senior warrior,” Wang Teng said.

Bai Wei did not speak from the side, but her eyes always fell on Wang Teng from time to time, and a sweet smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

The four separated at the school gate and went home to look for their mother.

On the way home, Wang Teng kept thinking, why is Li Rongcheng so weak?

This is not a pretense, but he really thinks that Li Rongcheng is too weak!

When he was driving on the road, he suddenly realized it when he saw the cars passing by.


That’s right, it’s speed!


His speed surpassed Li Rongcheng too much, so Li Rongcheng’s attack seemed to him too slow.

So slowly that he only used two moves, he knocked Li Rongcheng to the ground.

The speed attribute on the attribute panel is not very intuitive. Wang Teng has been picking up attribute improvements, but he has never tried how fast it is.

It suddenly broke out today, and Li Rongcheng was unable to fight back!

In the evening, Wang Teng went home and finished his meal, so he went to the Ji Xing martial arts gym to train, picking up attributes and improving himself.

And in the next few days, there was no ups and downs in his life.

Listening to classes during the day, picking up attributes to improve cultural knowledge, and occasionally molesting the cold beauty at the same table and the beauty of life.

Moreover, after a few days, his cultural class has improved rapidly, and now he is confident that he will pass 90 points in the direct examination.

This level is completely enough, and he doesn’t plan to take the liberal arts champion!

Besides, it’s not much better than before.

In the evening, he could not move to the Ji Xing martial arts hall to sign in for training, and pick up attributes to improve martial arts cultivation.

Now his various martial arts attributes have long broken the limits of senior warriors.

【Savvy】: 51

【Physique】: 121


[Speed]: 632

[Combat Skills]: Basic Boxing (in the subtle), Basic Body (in the subtle), Basic Sword (in the subtle), Basic Sword (in the subtle)

[Knowledge]: Basic subjects (full marks)

The limit of a high-level warrior is 100 physique, 1000 kg of power, and a speed of 100 meters for four seconds.

And now his various attributes have exceeded.

Before he tested the speed specially, it has reached the level of 100 meters and 2 seconds, which is much faster than the limit speed of the advanced warrior.

Even if it is only 2 seconds away, many people may not be able to complete the transition within three to five years.

Think about the difficulty of breaking the world record of those 100-meter champions in the previous life.

Coupled with the basic physical skills of the micro level, the opponent who is also a high-level warrior is almost crushing.

I have to mention here that Wang Teng’s various basic combat skills have reached the micro level.

What is the micro?

As the name implies, it is meticulous, and it is one level closer to the foundation of Consummation.

How powerful is the micro-level combat skills?

Simply give a chestnut.

Under the same attack, if it is the basic body method of the Consummation level, you need to avoid a distance of more than half a meter.

And if it is the basic body technique of the micro-level, it can be close to the place of the attack, but it can be unharmed, and the distance between them is not even more than a few centimeters.

The gap between these can only be truly revealed in actual combat.

It can be said that Wang Teng’s current strength is only one step away from the official martial artist.

Once he has cultivated the force, he can become an official martial artist.

On Friday, after class, Wang Teng went home as usual.

Driving on the road, looking at the scenery outside the car window, I was wondering how to get a copy of the Force training exercises?

He is currently known as a quasi-warrior at this stage, and after practicing the original force, he can complete a qualitative change.

However, the Force Technique is not a basic martial arts skill for a martial artist. Anyone can learn such a common practice as gymnastics.

The teaching of The Force Kungfu has been strictly controlled.

Either pass the martial arts exam and enter the university, the degree of freedom is the highest.

Either go to the martial arts hall to apply for a quasi-martialist assessment, and if you pass it, and your identity is not a problem, the martial arts hall will teach you the original power technique.

In this way, he became a martial artist named in the martial arts hall, which was tethered to the same boat as the martial arts hall.

Or become a vassal of some families, gain the trust of the other party, or be taught the Force technique, but it is equivalent to signing a contract of sale.

The martial arts test has to wait after the college entrance examination and enter the university to study. It takes too long to be considered for the time being.

Go to the martial arts hall to apply for a quasi-martial examination?

No, no!

Wang Teng knew his family affairs from his family, how long did he practice martial arts, and then he would become a martial artist! If you are targeted by someone with bad intentions, trouble will continue at that time.

Then…become a vassal of the warrior family?

Come on, he is also a rich second generation at any rate, and he loses more points for licking dogs.


As he was thinking, there was a sudden explosion in front of him.

Thick billowing smoke rose.

The intersection ahead was blocked for unknown reasons, and the car in front of Wang Teng stopped suddenly, seemingly rear-end collision.

Although Wang Teng reacted extremely quickly, he immediately stepped on the brake.

But the distance was too close, and the car rushed forward with inertia and bumped into the ass of the car in front.

Toot toot!

Di di di di!

In an instant, the sound of car horns and the sound of sirens became a whole.

The scene was chaotic at one time.

This section of the road is completely paralyzed.

Wang Teng frowned and had to get out of the car to see what happened.

I have to go home for dinner.

“what’s up?”

“Knock Nima, what’s the matter, the car crashed!”

The car drivers poked their heads out of the car, cursing endlessly.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

There were a few noises, and the scene suddenly fell silent.


Wang Teng was shocked: “I must have heard it right, this is definitely a gunshot!”

Robbery in the street?



Various thoughts flashed through his mind, and he suddenly saw a few people rushing over in front of him.

“This speed is a samurai!”

Wang Teng made a judgment in his heart, and then hurriedly stepped aside. He had no idea what was going on, and it would be better to ignore it.

It’s a pity that he doesn’t want to be nosy, doesn’t mean that things won’t find him.

The few people were about to pass him when one of the men with a scar on his face suddenly shouted.

“and many more!”

“What’s wrong?” his companion asked.

“The police are coming soon. They are too passive to run like this, and they tie hostages to negotiate with them.”

Scarface said, grabbing to Wang Teng.

Wang Teng was about to resist, and Scarface’s other hand held a gun at his head: “Honestly, or else one shot will kill you!”

Ru Mang on the back!

The strong sense of death crisis caused Wang Teng’s scalp to explode, the blood flow rate all over his body increased, his heart was slightly stagnant, and he immediately pulsed frantically.

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