Chapter 163 Going out of the East China Sea is the time of death! (Please subscribe!)

Hearing the bloody past of Mr. Wang, Wang Teng’s heart was called a wonderful one.

“Boy, what do you look like?”

Seeing Wang Teng’s weird eyes, the old man Wang suddenly became a little angry and glared at him.

“Hey, nothing is nothing.” Wang Teng said with a smile: “Grandpa, your glorious deeds, I really admire you!”

“Hmph, your grandfather was also a good man when I was young.” Grandpa Wang said proudly, twisting his beard.

“No wonder I can fascinate my milk.” Wang Teng added.

“That is, I think back then…”

When Wang Teng saw him, he began to think about that year again, and hurriedly said, “Uh…Grandpa, someone has come to have a toast. Let me say hello.”

After speaking, he ran away without waiting for him to respond.

Today, Wang Teng is a well-deserved protagonist, especially after seeing him show his strength, everyone is even more complimented.

At this moment, the people who came to toast were endless, and all kinds of flattering words made him almost numb.

The same was true on Wang Shengguo’s side. After a while, he was filled with dizziness. If Wang Shenghong and others had not shared part of it, I would have been drunk long ago.

The wedding banquet ended.

The guests walked out of the Crown Hotel, still discussing Wang Teng.

Xu Jianbo looked back and exclaimed: “The Wang family is about to develop!”

All this comes from Wang Teng.

Let’s look at my son and daughter again. Although my daughter has also been admitted to the martial arts major, now she has also become a martial artist.

But they didn’t have the strength and tolerance of Wang Teng.

When Zhu Wu took the shot just now, his own daughter was obviously shocked.

Not to mention, like Wang Teng, the other party could not fight back.

“Xiaohui, I don’t know the way of martial arts very well, but I know the risks are high. If you can’t adapt, you should take the civil service route in the future.” Xu Jianbo said to his daughter beside him.

Xu Hui bit her lip, fell silent for a while, nodded and said, “I will consider it!”

Xu Jianbo stopped talking, turned his head to look at Xu Jie, and asked, “Xiaojie, are you sure you want to take the martial arts road? This road may be very dangerous. You have seen what happened just now. You will die at every turn.”

Xu Jie nodded heavily: “Dad, I want to go this way!”

“Well, since I want to leave, I will let go and I will fully support you.” Xu Jianbo said with satisfaction.

“I will work hard!” Xu Jie said.

“The relationship between you and Wang Teng was originally close. This relationship should be maintained well and not alienated.” Xu Jianbo said: “Xiaojie, since you want to practice martial arts, you can ask Wang Teng for more advice. It is good for you.”

After sending off the guests, Wang Teng and Mr. Wang and others came to a room.

After Zhu Wu was seriously injured by Wang Teng, he was detained here, his hands and feet locked with chains, and his spirits were sluggish and very weak.

Wang Teng looked down at him with a cold expression.

“What do you want?” Zhu Wu asked in horror because of his heart beating.

“Answer my question, I can let you go.” Wang Teng said.

“Will you really let me go?” Zhu Wu asked in disbelief.

“You don’t have any extra choices. Don’t tell me, I will kill you now.” Wang Teng’s eyes flashed with a glimmer of coldness, and said indifferently.

“Okay, you ask!” Zhu Wu gritted his teeth and chose to compromise.

Wang Teng nodded his head when he saw that he was quite interesting, and asked, “What is Ren Jianping’s background?”

“He was just an ordinary person, but his grandson Ren Qingcang is a martial arts genius!” Zhu Wu couldn’t help but glance at Wang Teng.

“Go on!” Wang Teng said.

“Ren Qingcang is very talented. He was valued by the Thunder Martial Arts Hall. He signed an SS-level contract. Later, he was accepted as a personal disciple. In just a few years, he was already a SS-level contract. 6-star warrior, and the Ren family also benefited from this. Over the years, a large family has gradually formed.” Zhu Wu said slowly.

“A personal disciple of the master of Lei Ting Wu Guan!”

“Six-star warrior class warrior!!”

Wang Shenghong and others were shocked.

Neither of these two identities can be provoked by their Wang family.

Wang’s family has such a big enemy.

They still thought that Wang Teng was just a 1-star warrior, which was completely incomparable with that of Ren Qingcang.

Suddenly everyone felt that Yali Mountain was big!

“It’s no wonder that Ren Jianping said that his family had a unicorn. It turned out to refer to Ren Qingcang!” The old man Wang said calmly and indifferently.

“Dad, that Ren Qingcang is so strong, he is still a direct disciple of the master of Thunder Martial Arts Hall, how can our Wang family resist it?” the eldest mother Zhao Huili said pale.

“What are you going to panic!” Grandpa Wang scolded and said, “No matter how powerful he is, it is impossible to come to the East China Sea to destroy our Wang family directly.”

“Women’s opinion, don’t understand anything, don’t talk nonsense!” Wang Shenghong glared at her.

“Xiao Teng, are you sure?” Elder Wang asked Wang Teng.

When everyone heard this, they couldn’t help but look at Wang Teng. Now the Wang family has only one warrior. If anyone can resist Ren Qingcang, then only Wang Teng is.

Although it seems that there is a huge disparity in strength now, there is still a chance anyway.

“That Ren Qingcang signed an SS-level contract, and I signed… an SSS-level contract!” Wang Teng didn’t say much, but just said the conditions that Pole Star Martial Arts Hall offered him.

“SSS-level contract!”

Zhu Wu’s eyes widened suddenly.

“You actually signed an SSS-level contract!” He looked at Wang Teng in disbelief.

Wang Shenghong and others do not know the difference between the SSS-level contract and the SS-level contract, but the addition of an S is obviously more powerful.

And looking at Zhu Wu’s appearance, this SSS-level contract seems to be extraordinary.

Everyone immediately felt that there was a turning point.

“Give me time, I will not be weaker than that Ren Qingcang!” Wang Teng said.

There are some things that Wang Teng did not say.

Are 6-star warriors very strong?

It only took him less than two months to go from 1 star to 3 star warrior rank, so… will 6 stars be far away?

How can you lose if you are dignified!

“Great, I know Xiao Teng is definitely not weaker than Ren Qingcang!” Zhao Huili said happily.

Everyone couldn’t help rolling their eyes, and just now they didn’t know who was so scared that their faces turned pale.

This fish-lip girl!

Wang Shenghong wanted to cover his face very much, feeling that his face was lost.

“It’s fine if you have confidence, but before your strength is reached, you should take care of yourself, and don’t go head-to-head with Ren Qingcang.” Grandpa Wang said.


“What do you plan to do with this Zhu Wu?” Father Wang asked.

“You said that as long as I answered your question, you would let me go.” Zhu Wu’s expression changed and immediately shouted.

“Don’t worry, I will do what I say, and I will let you go now!”

As Wang Teng said, he ordered someone to open the chain on Zhu Wu’s body and let him go.

Looking at the back of Zhu Wu’s departure, Mr. Wang couldn’t help frowning and said, “Chopping the grass without removing the roots will cause endless troubles.”

“Don’t worry, Grandpa, the moment he walks out of the East China Sea, it is his death date!” Wang Teng said with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.

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