Chapter 157 I’m Not Your Favorite Baby Anymore

Doudou was tired from crying and fell asleep without knowing it.

Li Xiumei cleaned up a room specially, dressed up like a princess room, looks very warm, very in line with the little girl’s preferences.

She put Doudou on the bed carefully and looked up to see Wang Teng standing at the door.

“Hush!” Li Xiumei raised her index finger to her mouth, motioning for Wang Teng to go out.

The two walked out of the room, she closed the door gently, and then said, “Finally fell asleep, don’t wake up.”

“This little guy is very smart and well-behaved, and maybe he will be able to come out soon.” Wang Teng said.

“Who knows this kind of thing accurately?” Li Xiumei said.

“What are you going to do? It’s not a good idea to leave her at home like this.” Wang Shengguo walked over and said.

“How about we adopt her?” Li Xiumei hesitated and said.

“Adopt her?!” Wang Teng and Wang Shengguo looked at her in surprise.

Unexpectedly, Li Xiumei was moved by this thought.

“Have you really figured it out?” Wang Shengguo frowned.

Adopting a child is not so simple, especially for families like them, there are still many things to consider.

“I thought about it for an afternoon today. I heard her mother say that she is an only child, Doudou’s grandparents have passed away. There are no relatives who can take care of Doudou, let alone Wang Fugui’s relatives. They are all wolf-hearted and insecure people. Handing Doudou to them is tantamount to sending a sheep to the tiger’s mouth, so it is only reliable if we adopt her.” Li Xiumei said.

“Son, what do you think?” Wang Shengguo looked at Wang Teng and said.

“Me? I don’t have any opinion, and multiple sisters are also good.” Wang Teng said indifferently: “Besides Doudou is really pitiful, if it is really like my mother said, her relatives are unreliable, put Doudou It’s really not a good idea to leave it to them.”

“Since you all think it’s okay, then I have nothing to oppose. I still like Doudou, but no matter how well we discuss it, Doudou must agree to it.” Wang Shengguo said.

“You’re right, let’s let her live in our house for a period of time before mentioning this matter.” Li Xiumei said.

“That’s it.” Wang Shengguo nodded: “Okay, go to sleep.”

“I’m going to accompany Doudou here tonight, so I won’t go back to sleep.” Li Xiumei rushed to Wangsheng State Road.

“Haha, Dad, you are out of favor.” Wang Teng quipped.

“Go and go, little bastard.” Wang Shengguo rolled his eyes irritably, and reached out to knock Wang Teng on the head.

Wang Teng flashed and ran away immediately…

No words for a night.

In the early morning of the next day, Wang Teng got up early and exercised in the yard.

Facing the morning glow, hesitating the force.

During this month’s trip to another world, he has gradually developed the habit of grasping every minute and every second to practice.

Now that he is back, although he doesn’t have the sense of urgency between life and death, he still can’t let go of the training he should have.

After practicing a set of’burning the sky sword technique’, Wang Teng slowly stood still, the force of the fire element converged and returned to the source core, he exhaled a breath of heat.

“The Burning Heaven Sword Technique belongs to the top-tier combat technique of the earth level. It is more difficult to comprehend the sword power than the Fire Lin sword technique. It seems that it will take a lot of time to practice.” Wang Teng thought to himself.

He put away the sword and was about to practice the sword technique.

When he turned his head, the corner of his eyes suddenly saw a quiet little man sitting in front of the threshold of the villa’s door, dragging his cheeks, a pair of black and smart eyes staring at him in a daze.

“Doudou, why do you get up so early?” Wang Teng was taken aback for a moment, then stepped forward, squatting in front of her and asked.

“Early to bed and early to rise are good children.” Doudou said tenderly.

“Uh…you are right, Doudou is a good boy.” Wang Teng rolled his eyes and quickly praised.

“Well, Doudou is a good boy.” Doudou nodded in agreement.

“It’s not a little bit, it’s kind of narcissistic.” Wang Teng smiled secretly in his heart.

“Brother Wang Teng, were you practicing martial arts just now?” Doudou asked while making exaggerated gestures.

“Yes, brother is practicing martial arts, do you like watching it?” Wang Teng said.

“I like it, brother is amazing.” Doudou said seriously.

“Then elder brother will practice a different one for you to see?” Wang Teng smiled.

“Good duck!” Doudou nodded, staring at Wang Teng unblinkingly and walked to the open space in front of him, holding a war knife in his hand to practice there.

The dazzling sword light danced so tightly that Wang Teng slowed down his movements deliberately, stressing good looks, not as fierce and simple as in battle, and decisive.

A set of unrivaled “Shaking the Mountain Sword Technique” was abruptly practiced by Wang Teng into a performance technique, which was used to entertain children.

If this was seen by other warriors, what would it be like?

“Does it look good? Doudou.” Wang Teng paused and asked.

“Good-looking, brother Wang Teng is so good, if Doudou is also as good as brother Wang Teng.” Doudou suddenly lost.


Wang Teng almost didn’t start in a cold sweat. If this little aunt’s grandma started to cry, he could not stop it.

“Doudou, how about I teach you martial arts?” Wang Teng said quickly with a clever move.

“After practicing martial arts, can you be as good as Brother Wang Teng?” Doudou’s eyes lit up suddenly.

“Of course, after practicing martial arts, you may be better than Wang Teng’s brother in the future.” Wang Teng affirmed with a certain fact.

“Then Doudou will learn to practice martial arts from Brother Wang Teng.” Doudou stood up and ran to Wang Teng with short legs: “Brother Wang Teng, you teach me quickly.”

“Slow down, don’t fall.”

When Li Xiumei came out and asked the two to have breakfast, she saw Wang Teng teaching Doudou to squeeze a horse. Although she was young, she also learned a lot. His seriousness made the adults see it. Ashamed.

“Oh, don’t practice, don’t practice, Doudou is still so young, how can she practice martial arts, look at this sweating, don’t be tired.” Li Xiumei stepped forward with distress and pulled Doudou. Into her arms, wiped the sweat from her forehead.

“Mom, it’s okay, I have a sense of measure and practice properly, which will be good for her in the future.” Wang Teng said.

“I don’t understand this thing, you have to pay attention.” Li Xiumei warned uneasy.

“Yes, I must pay special attention, not to tire your little baby.” Wang Teng suddenly felt that his family status had dropped several levels in an instant.

Mom, I’m not your favorite cub anymore!

He felt this sad feeling on his own.

“Doudou, have you practiced here today, okay? Let’s go to have breakfast.” Li Xiumei said.

“Okay.” Doudou looked at Wang Teng and nodded before responding to Li Xiumei.

Li Xiumei saw this scene, but she was sour.

I turned towards you, but you turned towards him.

Hahaha…Wang Teng smiled in his heart.

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