Chapter 1360 Chaotic Star Sea! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

The ancient warship left the Void Turbulence Zone and entered another starry sky.

Wang Teng and others have completely separated from the territory of the Glazed Light where the Dagan Empire is located, and entered other territories.

But in fact, there is not much difference, because there is just a starry sky in front of you, cold and lonely, with countless stars floating around.

But for Wang Teng, entering the Void Turbulence Zone was a very novel experience.

He even got a huge benefit, as well as a promise from Sikong Second.

Thinking of Sikong’s depressed expression when he left, Wang Teng wanted to laugh very much.

After leaving the void turbulence zone, the warship entered the dark universe again and began to sail at extreme speed.

The battleship training room.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Wang Teng was studying the Lei Ling who had just conquered!

Billowing also emerged, and he looked at Lei Ling with the same curiosity. It had just figured it out, but because of Sikong’s second presence, he waited until now.

“This Lei Ling has just been born, and its current strength is just equivalent to a constant star.” Yuan Gungun said.

“Be stronger, I’m afraid I won’t be able to catch it.” Wang Teng shook his head and said: “And it is impossible to catch a hand with just a trace of thunder from heaven and earth.”

“Hahaha, that’s right, you are really out of luck. A trace of thunder from heaven and earth for a Lei Ling is really a big profit.” Yuangungun laughed.

“But in the future, we will use more thunder from heaven and earth to feed it. This little thing is a big thunder-eater.” Wang Teng was full of emotion.

A ray of thunder from heaven and earth came out of his hand again, but just as soon as it appeared, it was swallowed by the lightning, the speed is incredible.

This is already the ninth silk thunder from heaven and earth he has fed to Lei Ling!

Lei Ling was eating happily, but Wang Teng was a bit bitter.

After finally accumulating a little bit of thunder from heaven and earth, he was eaten a lot by Lei Ling immediately. If this continues, it will not take long for his thunder from heaven and earth to be enough.

“Guji!” Lei Ling was very happy, making a cheerful voice.

The master in front of him didn’t lie to it!

Following him, there are really a lot of delicious foods.

“You foodie!” Wang Teng snapped it with his fingers.

Leiling suddenly shook back and forth like jelly.

“Guji~” Lei Ling made an aggrieved voice. It was not afraid of Wang Teng, and immediately leaned against his hand, appearing to be particularly affectionate.

“Hey, I’ll be acting like a baby again.” Wang Teng couldn’t laugh or cry.

“Lei Ling’s intelligence is indeed very high.” Yuan Kuan said in surprise.

“How does it compare to you?” Wang Teng asked.

“Fuck off, I won’t play coquettishly.” Chuan Gu’s face turned black.

“…” Wang Teng was stunned for a moment and couldn’t help laughing: “Hahaha, who wants you to act like a baby? I haven’t even seen you act like a baby. I asked Lingzhi.”

“Killing.” Yuan Kungun knew that he had a big oolong, and his face turned dark, but still said: “Growing up for a while, it should be comparable to me in terms of intelligence, but it is definitely not as good as me. I am smart. Life can do a lot of things it can’t.”

“Guji!” Lei Ling made a cry in dissatisfaction as if he had understood the words of Chuankuang.

“Haha, it doesn’t convince you.” Wang Teng joked.

“Hey, this little thing.” Yuankuan rolled his eyes: “This is just here, so I’m not convinced by my boss, and I’ll have it in the future.”

“You are the boss, you may not be able to beat it.” Wang Teng said.

“Just kidding, I have a strength equivalent to the cosmic level anyway, OK?” Yuan Gungun stared.

“Then you fight it, whoever wins is the boss.” Wang Teng smiled.

“Grumbling!” Leiling suddenly floated up, and lightning flashed all over his body, as if who was afraid of whom.

“Hey, I won’t fight it and lose my share.” His mouth was squashed, his eyes rolled, showing a look of disdain, and then said lightly: “Even if I win, you will say that I bully Xiao Xiao thing.”

Wang Teng knew that it was a little guilty. Its chubby ability was not in strength, but in other areas, but he did not dismantle it. He waved his hand and said, “Okay, it’s all your own, so don’t fight.”

After that, he comforted Lei Ling.

“You are Lei Ling, you will definitely be useful to you in the future, not to lose to anyone.”

“Guji!” Lei Ling happily nudged Wang Teng’s hand, and conveyed to him an idea…I will try to become stronger!

“Good!” Wang Teng touched Lei Ling and collected it into the space debris.

“It’s unreasonable, there are new people and forget the old people.” Yuan Gungun sighed.

“You can get it.” Wang Teng rolled his eyes and said, “Or do you want to touch your head too?”

“Thanks, I don’t need it.” Yuan Tuan Gun suddenly felt a chill in his heart, and quickly moved away from Wang Teng, for fear that he would really stretch out his sinful hand.

Based on its understanding of Wang Teng, it is not impossible that this is possible.

“Well, no joke, let’s get back to business, I have a question for you.” Wang Teng said.

“What’s the problem?” Seeing him getting serious, Yuan Gunun breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He was really afraid that Wang Teng would suddenly go mad and wanted to have a master and servant relationship with him.

“I haven’t known how you want to improve your strength all the time?” Wang Teng pondered for a while and asked directly.

“What is the problem for me? It is not so easy to improve my strength. I need things like life spar, soul spar and so on.” Round Roller Road.

“Soul spar!” Wang Teng said in surprise, “Then we met the soul spar of the Ant-Man clan matrix last time, why didn’t you tell it?”

“Is that little soul spar enough? To make my life form evolve, I need a lot of life spar and soul spar.” Yuanguin shook his head.

“The requirements are so high.” Wang Teng frowned.

“What do you think.” Yuan Tuankuan said helplessly: “I have no hope for my own strength. This is also good. At least I can exist for a long, long time. As long as I occasionally supplement the origin of life and soul, I can completely and The world master is immortal as well.”

“It’s so amazing.” Wang Teng said in surprise.

“This is the intelligent life.” Yuan Kuan said with a triumphant smile.

“You are good at head office, right?” Wang Teng shook his head amusedly, and said: “It seems that I can only wait for the opportunity to speak later.”

“You can do it if you want to, don’t force it.” Yuan Gungun glanced at him and disappeared in place.

In fact, it knows that Wang Teng intends to help him, and is a little touched in his heart, but it is not good at expressing it, and can only be a birdie.

Wang Teng smiled and shook his head, no longer thinking about it, and practiced cross-legged.

If he starts to develop the magical powers of “Swallowing the Sky and the Earth”, it is best to be able to comprehend the realm.

When flying in the void, it is always very boring.

Time passed slowly.

Three days later, the warship shook, and Sikong’s second voice rang in Wang Teng’s ears.

Wang Teng slowly opened his eyes, and a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes. After three days of comprehension, he did not realize the real “swallowing” realm.

This realm is extremely advanced and profound, even if he masters the “Black Devour Realm”, he cannot separate the “Swallow” realm.

In his view, the “Black Devouring Realm” is just a “pseudo swallowing” realm, not a real swallowing realm.

However, three days’ time is not without feeling, at least Wang Teng’s mastery of the magical powers of “swallowing the sky and devouring the earth” has become a lot deeper.

He found that this “swallowing sky and earth” magical powers were really awesome, almost nothing to swallow, including not only substantive things, but also some imaginary things, such as force, mental power, and even… feelings!

At this moment, he knew how BUG the Void Swallowing Beast was!

The mud horse’s emotions can be swallowed, isn’t this invincible!

Some insights about the supernatural powers of “swallowing the sky and the earth” flashed in Wang Teng’s heart, and got up and walked out of the training room.

“Are you there?” A slightly excited voice sounded in his mind.

Wang Teng didn’t answer. He walked out of the training room and came to the deck of the warship. He saw Sikong Second standing on the edge of the ship’s gunwale.

“Tutor!” Wang Teng called.

“We’re almost there.” Sikong looked at the second and smiled.

“It’s almost here!” Wang Teng’s heart moved, and he walked quickly to the second side of Sikong and looked forward.

An extremely shocking scene appeared in his vision.

“This is……”

“This is Luan Xinghai!” Sikong said secondly.

“Chaotic Star Sea!!!” Wang Teng opened his mouth, feeling a little dry in his throat.

What appeared in front of him at this moment was a vast area like the ocean, with no end in sight.

Countless stars dotted it, surrounded by liquid energy like sea water, majestic and mysterious.

Sikong No.2 just looked at Wang Teng with a smile, as if he thought his expression was very interesting.

“The situation here seems to be somewhat similar to the Void Turbulence Zone!” After a long while, Wang Teng calmed down slightly and said in surprise.

“Yes, this is actually the birthplace of the Void Turbulence Zone. The Chaotic Sea of ​​Stars is not known how big it is, and the Void Turbulence Zone flows out from here in all directions, traversing the stars.” Sikong said secondly.

“The Seven Star Academy is not there, right?” Wang Teng asked, rolling his throat.

“That’s right.” Sikong smiled secondly.

Wang Teng was shocked, no wonder the Seven Star Academy are so mysterious, they actually exist in such a strange place.

I’m afraid the ordinary warrior here can even go in!

“Teacher, is there no specific scope for this chaotic sea of ​​stars?” Wang Teng asked with a move in his heart.

“There should be a strong person who can cross the chaotic sea of ​​stars, but there is no record, so the average warrior doesn’t know how big it is.” Sikong Second looked at the vast sea of ​​stars in front of him with deep eyes and shook his head.

“Well, another unknown.” Wang Teng was helpless.

“Maybe one day you can cross the chaotic sea of ​​stars.” Sikong Second glanced at him, and said with a little deep meaning.

“Teacher, you value me too much.” Wang Teng was noncommittal.

What even Sikong No. 2 can’t do, it must be the existence of a “true god” above the immortal rank, and it can be done.

Wang Teng would not say such a big talk.

At least for the current Wang Teng, the “True God” is still too far away from him.

“You still don’t understand what the star list means. It has been recorded that many of the heavenly arrogants on it have crossed the chaotic sea of ​​stars.” Sikong said secondly.

“Someone on the star list crossed the chaotic sea of ​​stars.” Wang Teng’s eyes trembled, and his face was incredulous.

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