Chapter 12

Wu Liang looked depressed.

“You are too overcast, right? It turns out that you have been retaining your strength before, and it broke out in the end, which made me happy for nothing!”

Wang Teng smiled and said, “Who was so confident in the first place?”

“Furthermore, I also wanted to save you some face, so I kept you ahead for so long, and only caught up in the end.”

“Heh~ I believe in your evil, you are a bad old man!” Wu Liang sneered.


Why am I a bad old man? ?

“It’s OK, if you dare to lose or admit it, just say it, and I won’t want you to honor your bet.” Wang Teng said silently.

“Who doesn’t dare to recognize it? Isn’t it just singing “Conquer”? Is there anything that I dare not dare to.” Wu Liang stalked his neck.

“Then you sing! The flowers I waited for are all gone.” Wang Teng squinted at him.

Wu Liang suddenly felt like he had eaten a fly, with a fat face changing.

On the one hand, I can’t put my voice down, I can’t sing, and I don’t want people to say that I can’t afford to lose.

The whole face is condensed into two words-tangled!

But he finally confessed his fate, and his whole body was discouraged, and his voice was inaudible, and he sang: “Just like this you have conquered…”

“Inaudible!” Wang Teng put his ear on his hand, pretending that he couldn’t hear it.

Wu Liang was half dead, took a deep breath, and howled:

“conquered by you like this……”


The people around couldn’t help laughing, this fat man has a bad tone!

But it is really pitiful!

Singing conquer in front of so many people is simply a blemish in life.

This Wang Teng is also black-bellied, so he is so neat.

Wang Teng held back his laugh, waved his hand and said, “Okay, don’t sing, your voice will scare the kids!”

“…” Wu Liang: “Don’t, I have to sing ten more!”

“…” Now it was Wang Teng’s turn to be speechless.

This fat guy is a bit cheap!

“It’s just conquered by you…” Seeing Wang Teng’s look depressed, Wu Liang became even more energetic.


Wang Teng ran away quickly, Nima, this voice is too poisonous!

Although this fat guy is a bit funny, he is really a bit cheap.

It’s not enough to say it again, and then play slowly after it’s fun.

Seeing that he was about the same age as himself, he was already an intermediate warrior now, indicating that his talent should be pretty good.

In the future, it is impossible to say that he can become a warrior.

A fat sheep with such potential can be used as a long-term object for looting wool!

The onlookers were also scared away. They talked for a while in the distance. They were amazed at this, but they also aroused the desire to win, and they devoted themselves to the harder training.

Many attribute bubbles have been dropped in the training ground on the second floor.

Wang Teng walked over, picked them up one by one, and greeted them.



【Basic Boxing Technique*3】


【Basic Knife Technique*6】

Another round of attributes skyrocketed, and he stopped in front of a student who was practicing boxing and stopped to observe for a moment.

Wait until the opponent finishes training, stop and rest.

Wang Teng stepped forward and said, “Senior brother, how about we come to join hands?”

The other party looked older than Wang Teng, probably in his early twenties.

Hearing what Wang Teng said, he froze for a moment, and said, “Your name is Wang Teng, right? My name is Zhang Shaoyang.”

“I just finished the test between you and Wu Liang. I am also a little interested in you. Now that you have proposed it, let’s discuss it.”

“Brother Zhang, please!”

The two of them stood still in the empty space and moved away from each other. Wang Teng made a please gesture.

“Then I’m welcome!”

Zhang Shaoyang clenched his fists, stepped on his feet, and rushed towards Wang Teng first.

Bang bang bang…

The two sides immediately fought together, and Wang Teng did not use other combat skills, relying solely on body skills and boxing skills to deal with Zhang Shaoyang.

The two fisted back and forth, very violent and wild.

Even if he gets the move, he hits the body straight from the punch to the flesh.

Zhang Shaoyang was a little surprised, he was a muscular man, he looked like a man of hard steel.

But Wang Teng wore loose sportswear, his body muscles were not obvious, from the outside, he looked like an ordinary teenager.

But I didn’t expect that when I really started, it was so explosive.

Not even a violation of peace at all!

In addition, Wang Teng’s strength also surprised him. Before, he thought that Wang Teng was just good and fast. Now it seems that he has to withdraw this speculation.

Wang Teng’s boxing method is not weaker than his own.

“This guy looks like a genius!” Zhang Shaoyang thought secretly.

The two can be regarded as meeting Liangcai, and they are equally matched.

“Zhang Shaoyang’s basic boxing technique has reached a great success. After so long, Wang Teng hasn’t fallen behind.”

The students in the distance were not optimistic about Wang Teng. Seeing him challenge Zhang Shaoyang, they didn’t pay much attention, thinking it was just a matter of three-two punches.

However, the facts are unexpected, the two have been fighting for a long time, and there is still no winner or loser.

“Isn’t Zhang Shaoyang doing his best?” Someone asked suspiciously.

“Are you stupid? Looking at Zhang Shaoyang’s appearance, do you seem to be out of full force?” the person next to him was speechless.

“Stop fighting, stop fighting!”

After the two sides confronted each other, Zhang Shaoyang waved back and said.

“Why don’t you fight anymore?” Wang Tengyi still did not finish.

“You and I have the same boxing skills. If you continue to fight, you won’t be able to tell the victory or defeat. On the contrary, it consumes too much energy, which will affect the whole day of training today.” Zhang Shaoyang said.

“And you didn’t use the body style you used to compete with Wu Liang, otherwise I would have been defeated a long time ago.”

“Also, just click until you click! There will be a chance to try again in the future.” Wang Teng said.

“Okay, I have learned a lot from discussing with you!” Zhang Shaoyang nodded.

Wang Teng walked aside to rest, regained his strength, and counted the gains from this discussion.

【Basic Boxing Technique*23】


Sure enough, everything was as he had guessed, with the monsters and explosive attributes, the harder you hit, the more you would explode, especially the basic boxing techniques, let them train by themselves and wouldn’t drop so much.

“So this is really the correct way to open cheats!”

Wang Teng wandered around in the training ground, slowly regaining his strength, and picked up all the attributes he had just dropped.

After half an hour, he was almost recovered.

Then he took a sword from the weapon room and came to a sword-practising student: “Brother, I don’t know if I have time to show me my sword skills!”

“Okay!” The other party was also very simply, nodded and agreed.

At this time, there are more and more students in the training ground, but only those who came early are aware of the two previous trials.

“That Wang Teng went to find someone to fight again, this time he was actually learning swordsmanship!”

The new student was puzzled: “What’s the matter? This student is a bit face-to-face, newcomer?”

A student immediately explained it to him.

Here, Wang Teng and the two have moved their hands, their swords fought, and sparks were shot.

Swordsmanship is naturally much more dangerous than trying, but both of them are well-measured and won’t really hurt each other.

At the end of the competition, Wang Teng gained a wave of attributes and rested next to him.

【Basic Sword Technique*26】


An hour later, Wang Teng found a student who was practicing swordsman, clasped his fist and said, “Brother, my big sword is already hungry and thirsty. Let’s compete.”

“Well, my big sword is already out of tolerance!”

The two of them had serious expressions, and sparks burst into their eyes when they faced each other, crackling~

The students around are already numb.

Wu Liang was also one of them. He looked at those who were found by Wang Teng and suddenly felt sympathy.

This Wang Teng is simply a “fighting madman”, he can do all kinds of combat skills, and he can fight well with people…

I’m afraid it’s not an evildoer!

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