Alienated Martial Arts

Chapter 65 Fierce Battle

three directions.

Three blood coagulation level warriors.

Forming a three-sided attack.

Boom! ! !

Wei Tao glanced at the wide road ahead, but his legs suddenly stopped, and in an instant he turned from extreme movement to extreme stillness.

His heart beat violently, and a fishy-sweet taste surged into his throat.


The energy and blood that had been condensed and compressed to almost 100% suddenly burst out, and his arms instantly expanded.

The arm guard he was wearing made a rattling sound, and even his skin had bloody cracks.


In the narrow alley where only two people could walk side by side at most, Wei Tao raised both fists. He neither attacked the man in white who flew forward nor aimed at the enemies that were outflanking him from the left and right. Instead, he used all his strength to strike fiercely. The ground hammered into the center of the stone walls on either side.


In an instant, centered on where Wei Tao was standing, the stone walls several meters in front and back exploded.

The stacked stones were like building blocks, which were violently blown away by the sudden and huge force, splashing and impacting in all directions.

"not good!"

The eyelids of the two women in white twitched suddenly.

One on the left and one on the right, they had just gotten closer and were about to cooperate with the companions in the middle to take action, but unexpectedly, their feet were suddenly empty, and they did not exert any effort.

Immediately afterwards, large and small rocks took off with a bang, as if a large barrel of gunpowder had been detonated below.

Although the two of them spread their wings like white cranes, their arms are not real wings after all. In this case, they can only lose their balance and fall to the ground.

Bang bang bang bang bang! ! !

In an instant,

I don't know how many rocks were smashed on their bodies, and the breath they were carrying was broken. They were like a river bursting its banks, and they were gushing thousands of miles in the blink of an eye.


At this moment, the man in white, who was coming in a straight line, rushed forward.

He let out a low roar, his eyes fixed on Wei Tao, like a tiger pouncing on prey.

Holding against the flying rocks, both claws came out.

A claw pressed towards Wei Tao's face.

The other hand pointed downwards and dug towards his lower abdomen.

Facing two tiger claws.

Wei Tao's heart exploded and his scalp went numb.

I even smelled the fishy wind coming towards my face.

He had no doubt that as long as he was caught and pressed, five bloody holes would appear on his face in an instant.

The intestines will also be pulled out, and the opponent will take the kite in his hands.

His hands were numb, his energy and blood were sluggish, and it was too late to retract his block.

At this critical moment, Wei Tao leaned back as hard as he could, and kicked one of his legs up from below, using the eagle kick in the cross-mountain kick technique to block the gap between himself and the man in white.

Blood splattered.

The two figures separated as soon as they touched.

Two muffled groans sounded at the same time.

"What a power!"

Wei Tao staggered back, his leggings cracking and falling off.

There were five scratches on the skin, and blood was flowing out.

Kick the opponent's hand with one leg. He felt as if he had been kicked on an iron plate, and his body seemed to be sent flying into the air.

"How dare you, thief!" The man in white had a mixture of shock and anger on his face.

A deep wound opened on his left hand, just shy of severing the entire palm.

He never expected that this guy would be so insidious. Not only was he wearing leggings, but he also had a spike on them.

What made him even more angry was that this man actually had sharp weapons in his shoes.

If he hadn't carefully withdrawn one of his defensive hands, his throat would have been slit.


Wei Tao hit the stone wall hard and endured the severe pain in his leg. He burst out with blood again. With a wave of his hand, several hidden weapons flew out and were thrown towards the woman in white who had just climbed up from the ruins of the wall.

The two women fled in panic, but still underestimated the number of hidden weapons.

One was hit in the arm, the other was brushed across the legs, and was instantly knocked to the ground.


Almost at the same time, the man in white's attack came again. He pushed aside Wei Tao's hasty counterattack and grabbed his chest with one claw.

The two of them groaned again.

The dark armor Wei Tao wore was torn, and there were several more wounds on his body.

The man in white was staring at his bloody right hand with a splitting gaze, and a low growl like the whimpering of a ferocious beast came from deep in his throat.

Wei Tao dragged his tired and injured body, turned around and ran away without saying a word.

The man in white's eyes were red, and he fell to the ground with a thud.

From a distance, it looks like a grand ceremony of bowing to the ground.

But Wei Tao only glanced back, his throat felt inexplicably dry, and he couldn't help but speed up a little.

Not far behind, the man in white was on all fours, using both hands and feet at the same time, chasing after him like a beast preying on prey.

The two of them ran away and chased each other, walking through the depths of complicated dark alleys.

Wei Tao's injured leg was bleeding profusely.

His face became paler and his speed gradually slowed down.

The man in white obviously noticed this, but he did not take the opportunity to close the distance between the two parties. Instead, he also slowed down and stayed behind.

He was not in a hurry, but waiting.

Waiting for the prey in front to collapse due to excessive blood loss.

Haste makes waste, and you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

He still understands this simple truth.

It is also the wisdom that a predator must have.

As long as you wait appropriately, you can avoid the prey's dying counterattack and complete the hunt more safely.

It's a very good deal anyway.

Instead of rushing up to fight to the death with the other party when they still have the ability to resist.

Thinking of the brute force of that guy smashing the stone wall, and the insidiousness of the knife hidden in the shoe, the man in white couldn't help but feel a chill down his back.

Time passed little by little.

Wei Tao's speed became slower and slower.

A faint smile appeared on the face of the man in white.

Although I feel a little sleepy for no reason,

But he didn't take it too seriously.

After taking care of the prey in front of you, you can go back and have a good sleep to restore your exhausted energy.

He thought silently, but his eyelids became heavier and heavier.

The body also becomes unruly,

Even the most basic balance is difficult to maintain.


He crashed into a street sign and fell flat into the snowdrift with a gasp.

"The homemade soft powder takes effect too slowly and can no longer be used in the future."

"The hollow spikes embedded in the boots also need to be redesigned. The efficiency of injecting poison after opening the wound is too low."

In the haziness, there were faint footsteps approaching quickly, and the man in white heard someone talking.

He tried to open his eyes, trying to see what that person looked like.

But as a chill spread across his throat, all his perceptions began to fall towards the depths of darkness.

"Very sleepy."

This was his last thought.


A large amount of powder was sprinkled on the wound, which caused burning pain.

But what was more serious than the pain was the stagnation of Qi and blood circulation.

Whether it is the Red Line Boxing or the Mountain Crossing Kick, there are quite a few problems with the flow of Qi and blood in both techniques.

Especially the five blood marks on the legs, which had broken through the superficial skin and damaged the fascia inside.

After Wei Tao tried it for a little while, he felt dizzy and his eyesight turned black.

There was also a fishy and sweet smell that kept rising, and a large mass of blood could not help but flow out from the mouth and nose.

"Red Lantern Club, men in white..."

He slowly stood up and drank the boiled medicinal soup, and a raging anger suddenly arose in his heart.

In addition, what happened tonight also sounded the alarm for him.

When facing warriors at the blood coagulation level,

Even if he wears all the equipment,

In this fierce confrontation, the protective capabilities are also greatly reduced.

He almost ended up in defeat and death.

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