Alien Snack Bar

Chapter 63: Amazing

The swordsman has been saying that Qin Fei has been listening, not to persuade anything, even if some places are unclear, and did not ask, just as an audience.

The swordsman vented, the state was much better, paid the money, and said thank you, it disappeared in the night.

Since Qin Fei has been running a snack bar, he has heard stories of many people, bizarre, spiritual, moving, and sultry...

The story of Tsing Yi Swordsman is the most common, but it is the most distressing.

Because everyone has lost the most beautiful scenery.

Qin Fei looked at the stone on his wrist and sighed.


The booth was cleaned up and Qin Fei returned to the snack bar to rest. The system slammed: "Congratulations to the host to complete the task, reward the lucky draw once, is it used?"

The amount, the system does not say that they have forgotten, they want to become the head of the food conference, otherwise it is small.

Now that the system is completed, the system will give a conscience a chance to draw.

"Use." Qin Fei issued an order.

“Congratulations to the host for the bridge rice noodle making process!” The system slammed.

After hearing the bridge rice noodle, Qin Fei’s original low mood seemed to have received some comfort.

Crossing the bridge rice noodle, Qin Fei once ate an authentic time in the province of Jiangxi Province, the delicious soup, smooth taste, unique way of eating, still fresh in memory.

Rice noodles are the name of the province, and the province is called rice noodles. It is different from noodles made with wheat flour. The rice noodles are made with rice flour, and the taste and taste are also very different.

In various parts of China, hundreds of rice noodles have been born, but it is said that the most rice noodles are eaten.

The province not only treats rice noodles as breakfast, but also serves as a noon and evening meal. In one sentence, I want to eat when I want to eat.

And crossing the bridge rice noodle, it is the collection of the rice noodle.

People who may not have contacted will misunderstand the meaning of the two words of the bridge. They think that the rice noodle is long and can pull over a bridge.

In fact, it is not the case, which contains a legend.

One of the most widely circulated versions is that during the Qing Dynasty, a scholar had moved to a lakeside pavilion in order to concentrate on reading. There was only one small bridge and the outer communication.

His wife was worried about the body of the scholar and learned the recipe for the meal.

One day, the child was inferior, and the raw meat and rice noodles were mistakenly poured into the chicken soup. The wife picked it up, but saw that the meat and rice noodles were cooked, and the taste of the food was delicious.

They were sent to eat with the scholars, and the scholars finished their praises. In order to thank his wife for his hard work, he was named as the bridge rice noodle.

This version of the story is the most widely spread, because it contains the beautiful elements of love, a bridge that connects the feelings of love between husband and wife.

There is also a niche version, which may not be so beautiful. It is said that the provincial people have loved the rice noodle snack since ancient times, but the former people worked in the mountains and had no time to go home to make rice noodles.

If you cook rice noodles in the morning, go to the mountain and wait until noon.

But it is hard to live up to the industrious and clever people, so the rice noodle and the high soup are groundbreaking, and the soup is brought up the mountain with insulation.

Wait until the meal, then pour the rice noodles into the broth, and make a delicious rice noodle.

In fact, you don't have to worry about which version of the story is the most realistic. Anyway, the bridge rice noodles are delicious.

Qin Fei has absorbed the skills of the system to infuse, swallowing and swallowing water. If you don't make a bridge over the rice noodle, you can't sleep.

Do a bridge rice noodle, said simple and simple, said complex and complex, the overall is divided into three parts, soup, rice noodles, platter, the three are indispensable.

First simmer the soup, wash the ribs, fresh chicken, fresh duck, simmer in the water, then add ginger, bacon, salt and other accessories, start the soup.

This process takes about an hour, and Qin Fei took the time to make the rice noodles.

The rice noodles are divided into physalis rice noodles and dry rice noodles. Because the former is more complicated, Qin Fei is ready to make dry rice noodles.

First, grind the rice into powder, then mix the rice noodles with water. It should not be too dry or too thin. Otherwise, it will not be able to form a line, or it may affect the taste. This requires experience to decide.

Next, pressing the rice noodle, in principle, requires a set of professional tools, but Qin Fei borrowed the practice of hot and sour powder in order to save trouble, put the rice dough into the small hole colander and squeeze it hard.

Under the dual action of gravity and pressure, the rice noodles are lined up, slowly falling down, and a pot of boiling water is burned underneath. The rice noodles are boiled and quickly removed to the side of the cold water to form.

The white and tender rice noodles were made.

If you are doing more, the rice noodles can be taken to dry and preserved. In the future, the water will be soaked in the same taste.

Now the soup, the rice noodles are there, only the final platter.

The platter is not too particular, and it can be decided according to personal preference. Qin Fei now has grass carp and pork, and cuts it into thin slices.

The meat must be thin, not the merchant, it is thick and uncooked.

I also cut some of the silk, cucumber and bean skin, and now I can "cross the bridge."

It will be thick and white, and the meat will overflow into a large pot. The surface of the soup has a layer of oil. It does not seem to be mad. In fact, the temperature is very high.

Next, pour the raw meat into the soup bowl. After the meat is almost cooked, pour in the silk and rice noodles.

Let it sit for a while, sprinkle with chopped green onion, diced chopped vegetables, and cross the bridge rice noodle.

Eat the bridge line, in addition to chopsticks, usually with a spoon to drink soup, Qin Fei smashed a spoon, blowing and blowing, sent to the entrance.

The soup combines the meaty flavor of chicken and duck ribs, rich and heavy, and delicious.

If the taste buds are sensitive, you can appreciate the unique taste brought by the raw meat pieces added later, but it is the ultimate freshness of a food.

The rice noodles are difficult to clip, the chopsticks have to use the clever force, the strength is too small to clip, the heavy and easy to break.

Pick up the rice noodles, blow the hot air, and you can breathe in and breathe in the mouth.

In terms of taste, the rice noodles are really very elastic. Compared with the hot and sour powder, it is more tender, and almost the mouth can be broken.

In terms of taste, the rice noodle has the aroma of rice, and now it absorbs the taste of the soup. It is like a little goblin that slides in the taste buds.

A soup, a rice noodle, and occasionally found a piece of meat, a bowl of bridge rice noodles ~ ~ even soup strips, was eaten by Qin Fei.

The satisfaction brought by the food made up for all the emptiness. Qin Fei supported the wall and went up to the second floor attic, and fell to sleep.

In the blink of an eye, the next day, Qin Fei was awakened by the prince. He came to send the thank-you, and finally talked with Yuan’s iron ore business.

Qin Fei pretend to pretend a lot, received Xie Li, thought about it, gave the Prince Duan Duan a bridge rice noodle.

The prince is looking at the big bowl of the basin. Is it possible for me to wash my hands?

Put your hand in...

That is really a roar of killing pigs.

Qin Fei was speechless and showed him how to eat rice noodles. The prince was swollen with two pig's trotters.

"For the cognac, do you know that there was a murder in our county? The Chen member of Chenjiazhuang was smashed into a meat sauce last night, full of blood..."

The prince section is not disgusting, while eating meat slices, while depicting the scene of murder.

Qin Fei frowned: "What about the murderer?"

"At the time of catching up, I have committed suicide." The prince continued, "I heard that Chen had killed a girl a few years ago to take revenge."

Qin Fei inexplicably associates with the swordsman last night. Is it him?

Can not help but sigh.


On a road that is faint and dark, and can't see the head, the head is moving.

Everyone was frustrated and walked quietly. Only a white woman with a smile on her face.

I don't know where to bring a dog, biting a white woman, the woman was scared to avoid.

At this time, a Tsing Yi man stepped forward and turned the dog to the ground.

"No one can bully you from now on."

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