Alien Snack Bar

Chapter 146: Leave

Xiaozhen, how much is my reputation now? "Qin Fei has come to Tianlong City for seven days. Every meal is full, and I feel that I am almost ready to complete the task."

"Six hundred." Unexpectedly, the system poured a cold water.

"You count a few zeros, afraid that it is not sixty-six thousand?" Qin Fei was very dissatisfied.

"Determining six hundred reputations." The system sounds cold.

Qin Fei frowned, how can I have a reputation of 100,000 reputation: "Xiao Zhen, can you think of a way?"

"After the careful calculation of this system, there is a way to make the snack bar famous!" The system indulged in a moment and responded.

Qin Fei looks like a joy: "Quickly say, let's talk!"

"The host can hang at the gate of the city. Once it is successfully hanged, it will be famous all over the country."

"Is this what people say?" Qin Fei almost smothered.

"I was not a human being."

Qin Fei sharpened the knife Huo Huo: "There is the ability to come out, this uncle is not smashing you today to make a braised hard drive!"

And the system is fighting, the two young and young enter the snack bar: "Boss, can you reserve a table?"

Qin Feiping regained his emotions and returned to work: "How many people? How many tables?"

The two young men summed up: "Nine people."

Zheng Quan provided enough space for the shops. Two small tables were put together and nine people were seated. Qin Fei nodded: "When?"

"At the beginning of today's time, at the latest two moments." Xiao young replied.

Qin Fei asked about the dish again, symbolically received a deposit, and the two boys left.

Time flies in the afternoon, when there is no embarrassment, a group of young people who are booking a table come, there are nine people, listening to the chat seems to be the same brother.

Not martial arts, but an apprentice under the hands of an old carpenter.

Qin Fei gradually ordered the dishes, such as grilled fish, roast duck, hot pot skewers, and beer on the table.

"Oh, I am going to the carriage in Linzhou tomorrow morning. You are coming to pull me to drink, it is not like it." Although a man sitting in the main seat complained, his eyes were red.

The other young man said: "Master, our brothers and sisters, how to drink this wine, or in the future, it will be difficult to get together and drink."

"Yeah, brother, this snack bar has a special kind of wine, it seems to be a beer, especially good, our brothers and sisters are not drunk!"

The master's throat moved, and finally agreed to it: "Well, today I will give up my life with the gentleman."

During the meal, the young people sipped five drinks and the whole field was blown up. Qin Fei’s eardrums hurt, but he didn’t say anything, just smiled. Every boy should have come over like this. When he is older, he can’t find it anymore. Brother who can drink together so much.

After Qin Fei finished their dishes, he went to other guests.

Late at night, the diners came and went, but the table brothers were still there. Everyone was drinking a little, and they were red-faced.

They are not drunk and drunk like other people, but one is more silent than one, maybe this is the parting.

The snack bar was very quiet, and the hot pot was bubbling with bubbles.

After a while, a man sitting across the master's brother took a table and stood up and said: "Guo Ping, you are a ungrateful animal!"

Other teachers and brothers quickly pleaded with persuasion: "Two brothers, you drink too much, what is the trouble, the master will leave tomorrow."

The second brother broke the crowd: "Don't stop me, if you don't say it today, you can't swallow this breath!"

The master calmed his face and looked at the opposite man with a gaze: "Let him say."

The brothers and sisters looked at each other and had to sit down.

The two brothers on the opposite side held the table, and they were condescending: "Guo Ping, I ask you, Master, is it bad for you?"

The master is sitting in danger: "Master is very good to me."

The two brothers smiled coldly: "We brothers and sisters, want to learn the true ability, who can't be soft and hard for a little half a year, but Master has no reservations for you, and you can give it to you. You take it, it really envied us."

Speaking of this, the two brothers drank a drink and hated: "Ask you again, our sisters are not beautiful enough, not gentle enough?"

The master's face was a little white, biting his teeth: "beautiful, gentle."

The second brother laughed: "Every time you go out to work with the master, come back late, the sister will inevitably cook two bowls of dumplings. Every time you are married by the master, the sisters are asking for your love."

"Including this time, your craft has become a master. Master does not have a son. He wants to hand over the signboard to you. You refused to insist on going back to Linzhou's hometown. Master is furious and scared to say that you want to pick your hands. The sister is in front of the master's house. After a day and night, Master was soft and willing to let you go."

"Do you really know the mind of the sister, or do you deliberately stupid?"

The two brothers cried with a smile and a smile, and the other brothers and sisters also cried out: "Master, stay here?"

The master looked at the teacher and brother in front of him, but also did not hold back the tears, the sleeves wiped his cheeks and regained his calmness: "I will tell you a story."

"There is a small mountain village in Linzhou. There is a little boy in the mountain village. It is a day of trouble."

"One day, the little boy didn't know what was going crazy. He took out the wolves and went out for food. He went to the wolf's nest and took a wolf, and took it back to the village to show off."

"Unexpectedly, this annoyed the wolf king, led a dozen or so wild wolves into the village, did not bite others, only chasing the little boy."

"The little boy was so scared that he was sobbing and screaming, how could the two legs run over four At this time, a girl in the village who always confronts him jumped out. She threw the boy to the ground and used her body to protect the boy."

"Then the adults came in and drove the wolves with taro sticks. The girl was very hurt and the boy was hardly hurt."

"The girl was sent to the medical center in the city. The doctor gave her medicine and stopped the blood, but said that the meat on the left leg was smashed and must be sawed."

"No matter how the girl pleads, the adults hold her down and use the saw to make the legs sit down."

"Later, the girl survived, but she only had one leg. She sat in a silly day at the door, and she could no longer climb the tree and ostrich, and caught the fish under the river."

"The boy is out of the way, carrying the girl everywhere. One day, the boy suddenly said, I am jealous of you."

"The girl said coldly, let me die, unless you can make my legs grow back."

When the master said that the second brother could not listen any more, he interrupted him: "What does this have to do with what I just said?"

The master hesitated for a moment, took out a thing from the baggage of the carry-on, and placed it on the table: "Listen to people saying that the dragon carpenter Liu Haoyi is superb, the dolls made are fake and can sing and dance, I am thinking, learn this. Should the door craft make her stand up?"

Everyone looks at it.

It was a beautiful leg.

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