Alien Snack Bar

Chapter 130: Goose plucking

Said that this county, the land is barren, the people are to tighten their belts to live, the disaster, the county grandfather can not eat, the leader took the people to the south to take refuge.

Rongjia is a prominent family in Houpu County. The ancestors used to be a big official in the DPRK and accumulated a lot of wealth. It has been rich to the generation of Rong.

When the county magistrate took the people to flee, he also persuaded Rong Rong to go south together, but Rong was very stubborn, saying that even if he died, he would die with his ancestors.

Those who are preparing to flee feel that the old man is stupid, shaking his head and sighing, leaving the green hills without burning wood.

Today, Rongjia is close to a hundred people up and down, and is still in Houpu County.

So how are they doing?

Not only did not shrink and diet, but everyone was fat, and even the dogs raised at home were fat and strong, and they were incompatible with this bleak environment.

The reason why Rongjia can live like this is that Rong Rong has the means to make money.

For example, in the early morning, Rong Rong ordered people to cook porridge, steamed the steamed bun, and placed it at the gate of the city.

Of course, he is not a charity. If you want to eat, you have to buy it with money. If you don't have money, you can change it with valuable items.

In places like Houpu County, the refugees’ long-term use of dry food has long been exhausted, but it is not excluded that there are still some ancestral objects that are most reluctant to use.

Either die, or use the ancestral objects to change the life of eating, many people have not been able to hold back, so Rong Rong earned a lot of money.

"I beg you to do well, my child has not eaten for two days!" A woman with a child rushed to the porridge shed and gave Rong Rong a squat.

The descendants of the Rong family will drive them away. Rong Rong is shouting and slowing, and the people are reprimanded: "How can you teach you so on weekdays, how can you be so rude?"

The next person explained: "Master, she has come to make a few troubles, no money."

"If you don't have money, you have to shut it out?" Rong Rong was heartbroken.

People look at each other: "What is the meaning of the master, is it free to porridge?"

"Pig, you guys!" Rong’s lord hated the iron and did not become a steel. "She said that there is no money without money. I dragged it down and searched. These people don't see the coffin without tears."

The people suddenly realized that they immediately called a mother to drag the crying woman down to search.

"Remember, the jacket and insole of the clothes, don't fall!" Rong Rong said.

This scene, let a few refugees who are ready to discuss porridge glimpse, silently turned and left.

If you want to ask for a bowl of porridge from such a person, it is better to ask God to show your spirit.

The refugees quickly dispersed. There was a young man who did not leave. His name was Tang Li. Because his father’s legs and feet were inconvenient, and the official road was occupied by the bandits, he took his father’s hard walk and walked thousands of miles of mountain roads. Houpu County.

His father was fainted because of his weakness and lack of adequate food. Tang Li had to get something to eat.

He took a piece of quaint jade from the inner mezzanine, which was uploaded by Tang Jiazu. Although he was reluctant, he could only exchange rations in order to keep his father alive.

"Right lord is it? I want to use this jade to change some food!" Tang Li gritted his teeth and said.

Rong Rong was originally listless. The more the victims in the future, the less oil and water they could fish. But when he saw this bright green jade, he immediately came to the spirit and grabbed it. He carefully looked through the sun: "Good jade, Good jade!"

Tang Li sighed and said: "I want to change twenty scones and fifty-two silver!"

If Tang Li can go to several southern states, this fast ancestor can sell at least one hundred and two silver, but in this place of famine, it will naturally be greatly discounted, so Tang Li is not greedy.

Master Rong heard this and smiled and shook his head, extending two fingers.

"Twenty-two?" Tang Li knows that this lord is a master who eats people and does not vomit bones. After all, he bites his teeth. "Okay, twenty-two is twenty-two!"

"Hey!" Rong Rong shook his head again. "You misunderstood. I am talking about two scones."

Tang Li’s anger is unstoppable: “I don’t sell it!”

I wanted to get back to Yupei. Unexpectedly, Rong’s lord took Yu Pei into his arms, and several of the fortune’s thugs came in and they were very powerful.

"You... you are robbery!" Tang Li scolded.

"Look at you as a person who has read a book, how can you be innocent by mouth, this is a deal." Rong master grabbed two scones and threw them in front of Tang Li. "Get the cake, let it go!" ”

Tang Li couldn't help it anymore. He rushed to bite the singer, but he was hard to beat his hands and was quickly beaten to the ground.

"I still want to grab something and give me a fight." Rong’s dissatisfaction was dissatisfied, and then he picked up two scones on the ground with a smile, patted the dust and put it back in the basket.

“Through passing by, don’t miss out on freshly baked scones and porridge!”


Tang Li slammed, and the weak body became weaker and faltering.

Lost Zu Yu, the food has not changed, he is sorrowful and angry, can not wait to die.

I thought about picking up my father later, looking for a clean place outside the city, so I went.

At this time, Tang Li suddenly heard a sigh: "The Guanyin soil is free to change the mare sugar, the number is limited, first come first served!"

Looking at the sound, a young boss guarded a piece of black stone, and the right hand carrying a huge kitchen knife looked quite scary.

This person is Qin Fei. He has been drinking for half an hour since the morning, but no one has come to the door. Even if the victims pass by, they are turned a deaf ear.

If Qin Fei stopped him, the sick people who were sick were like chicken blood, and they ran away, and they couldn’t get it.

Qin Fei wondered, are these people not hungry? Why do you want to run?

As everyone knows, these people have already seen the means of Rong’s master at the gate, and they have long been afraid.

This year, there are too many routines, saying that Guanyin soil is for that sugar. If you can't do it, you can put it in. See Qin Fei's kitchen knife and panic.

Can not afford, can not afford, refugees are generally this kind of psychology, lest they avoid it.

Tang Li stood for a moment and walked over without expression. He took a bag from his waist and took it on Qin Fei’s case.

In the bag is the Guanyin soil that was excavated before. Tang Li has already eaten a lot, and can't eat any more. Otherwise, it will kill used to go to the glory of the old man, and he took a stomach fire. I want to go to Qin Fei, who looks like a liar. If I don’t win, I will be slaughtered by the other side, but I will save myself to find a grave.

Qin Fei didn't know what this person was thinking. He only thought that he had finally opened. He took the weight of Guanyin soil and cut a piece of granules of equal weight. He wrapped it in kraft paper and handed it to Tang Li: "Thank you for your patronage."

Tang Li took Maren sugar in his hand and was at a loss. He thought it would be a scam. Didn't he think that things would be so smooth?

This disrupted the rhythm of Tang Li and looked awkward: "You... are you sure?"

When Qin Fei smashed it, he took Marlen Sugar back.

Although he was taken away, Tang Li was relieved. This is right. The liar should have a liar.

Unexpectedly, Qin Fei licked the glutinous sugar, and cut a small packet into it. He said to himself: "Well, the weight is just a little worse, now it is enough."

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