Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 688: Illya

"Huh?" Illiya was stunned, "how do you know?"

"I heard it from someone else," Mu Xiaoxiao smiled slightly, "Actually, I and Alice Phil have something to do with each other," Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly remembered that she didn't seem to know Alice Phil, to be precise. Alice Phil doesn’t know herself, after all, she used Saber’s body at the beginning

"Mom?" Illya was stunned when she heard this, thinking of the two little girls her mother had brought back after her return, her brows condensed, and a depressed look appeared on her face, "Hey! Could it be you? Same as them?"

"They? You mean amber and emerald?" Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up, "They really are at Einzbern's house. It just so happens, Ilia, you take us there."

"do not want!"

She was interrupted by Little Lolita before she finished speaking. She stared at Mu Xiaoxiao with big eyes. Although she looked angry, she matched her cute face and cute look, not only did she not The feeling of horror, on the contrary, feels even more adorable.

"Ahem," he gave a dry cough, and Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the little Lolita who was pouting in front of her with a serious face, "Did you sneak out? I don't believe that the people of Einzbern will let it go. Come out," Ilia is a very important person to them, but since Alice Phil is back, then the container of the fifth holy grail war

Well, these are the future things, let's talk about it later, Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head, "And you almost died here, if it wasn't for me to save you, so"

"I don't listen, I don't listen!" Little Lolita joked and shouted, "I just want to find Kirishi! I don't want to go back! After I go back, the family won't let me out! I don't want me. !"

""It's really self-willed, Mu Xiaoxiao is speechless, but cut heir? He was stunned. "You ran out to find Eomiya Kiritugu?"

"Yes, huh? Do you know Qi Si?" Illiya suddenly reacted, blinking her big eyes and looked at Mu Xiaoxiao in surprise, "Since you know, then take me to Qi Si's place!"

"Obviously I want you to take me to Einzbern's house, why is it the other way around now?" Mu Xiaoxiao was speechless, "Did you not see him at home?"

"What do you mean?" Ilia did not understand.

"As far as I know. Kirishu Weimiya has gone back, uh" it should be blocked by Einzbern's barrier. After all, he betrayed Einzbern’s house in the Fourth Holy Grail War. Mu Xiaoxiao remembered this incident, “Although there are some hidden secrets, but if you walk around like this, you will only die here. There is no way to find the guard. Gong Qisi."

"So you come and help me! Help me find Qi He! Don't you know Qi He? You can definitely find it, right?" Illya stretched out her finger and pointed at Mu Xiaoxiao and said.

"Why do I want to do this kind of thing, and don't forget that I saved you, little guy, you should be the only one who should repay me, right?" Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Ilya who looked like a matter of course. , I'm about to vomit blood. "And now we are in a hurry to pick up Kohaku. Your mother is really true, and she abducts other people's sisters casually."

"No! I don't want to go back!" Yi Liya said concisely and refused directly, leaving Mu Xiaoxiao helpless.

"Why don't you want to? I said, Keiji Eimiya has already gone to Einzbern to find you. Actually, you can see him as long as you go back. Don't you want to find Keiji Einz?" Mu Xiaoxiao Follow the temptation. I hope that Lori can be moved by herself. Of course, this is also the truth. Keiji Uimiya had gone to Einzbern's house.

"You are a lie," Illia looked at Mu Xiaoxiao suspiciously, "you must be with that guy called Humber? And how could Keishi be at home? I didn't even see it. he!"

"It's just that he was stopped," "This is the truth. Believe it or not," Mu Xiaoxiao sighed, "And if you are alone outside, you may have to be accidentally, forgotten. If it wasn't me, You might have been frozen to death here."

"Hmph, how could I be frozen to death." Illiya rolled her head, "Know I sigh" before she finished speaking, another cold wave hit her body directly, causing her body to tremble sharply, little The body shrank into a ball involuntarily.

"Are you sure you are not cold?" Mu Xiaoxiao looked straight at Ilia with a weird look.

"I" Ilia wanted to have a hard mouth. She opened her mouth and found that her tongue was a little knotted, and it seemed that she was about to freeze. In the end, she turned her head with a bitter face, and she was embarrassed to say something to ease her. He stubbornly can only make his face flushed, and can't say a word.

"It's really hard." Seeing the look on her face, Mu Xiaoxiao immediately understood that this little loli was just losing her temper. She let out a laugh, stretched out her hand and looked in the system space for a while, then took out a cloak and lost it. After the past, "put it on, hard mouth is just a living suffering, the feeling of cold is not a lot of pain, right?"

"Illiya was wearing a leather jacket, but she still couldn't resist the blizzard. She hesitated for a while and carefully glanced at Mu Xiaoxiao, and Shizuya Sakiya, who hadn't said anything, before taking over the cloak. , Slowly draped on the body.



"Illiya's face turned red with a'swish'. The voice just came from her body. Mu Xiaoxiao blinked and saw his weird gaze look towards him. Illya couldn't bear it. Lived, "What are you looking at"

"No, it's nothing," Mu Xiaoxiao curled her mouth, "Hey, I'm a bit hungry after walking for so long, just so I was shocked by coming to eat something."

""Looking at the piece of bread that suddenly appeared in Mu Xiaoxiao's hand, Yi Liya swallowed secretly, glanced at the bread in Mu Xiaoxiao's hand, and then quickly pretended not to care, turned her head and looked arrogant. .

"Illiya sauce? Would you like to eat some?" Mu Xiaoxiao raised the bread in her hand and squinted her eyes. "It tastes very good."

"Huh, who is rare of such a thing?" Illiya was embarrassed to compromise, and she said stiffly, but her eyes were a little erratic. It seemed that she was upright in her mouth. Mu Xiaoxiao saw it at a glance, but at this time, Sakuya next to him leaned in.

"Master," she stared straight at the bread in Mu Xiaoxiao's hand, "this thing is junk food? Does Master like this very much?"


"It's bad for your health to eat this often, and we don't know how to cook, so don't eat this kind of food," Sakiya said as she turned around, the bread was caught in her hands.

"Wait, wait, Sakuya," Mu Xiaoxiao grabbed her wrist, "What kind of junk food, it's just an ordinary piece of bread, and I still have an immortal ancestor, how could it be bad for my health," Mu Little Cannian looked at her, "And in this case, even if you are called the chic and perfect maid maid, you can't make delicious dishes, right?"

""When I heard this, Ikuya Sakiya frowned. Although she wanted to refute, Mu Xiaoxiao didn't make a mistake, but she had no way to do it, so she could only stand still and silently.

"Oh, Sakuya, you can understand it. Of course, it's not that you didn't do your job or something. There is nothing you can do. Now you can only use this to satisfy your hunger." Mu Xiaoxiao patted her on the shoulder and saw her There was no objection, and the bread went back and handed it to Yi Liya, "Hey, Yi Liya sauce."

"Hmph since you said so," Little Lori said proudly, "Then I will accept your kindness!"

"Illya Are you really unwilling to go back?" Mu Xiaoxiao asked again, looking at Illya who had taken the bread.

"Hmm! Never go back!"

"That's no way," Mu Xiaoxiao sighed deeply, stood up, waved, a lot of snacks appeared in front of the three of them. Sakiya turned his head and glanced at Mu after seeing this scene. Xiao Xiao, feeling more depressed, and at the same time made up his mind. As the chief maid of the young master, if you can't do the most basic things about cooking, you really don't have the right to think of a way.

On the other side, Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the somewhat dumbfounded Illya, and smiled, "Illya, just stay here, don't go out, these foods will be enough for you to eat for a while, if you don't want to go, then forget it. Before we came, we asked the way. We can go to Einzbern’s house by ourselves. Don’t run around this time, or you will freeze to death outside, but you won’t come back to save you.”

After speaking, Mu Xiaoxiao waved to this Sakuya, and the two walked out of the cave.

"Wait, wait!" (To be continued.)


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