Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 605: Weird

"Oh?" Seeing Wuhe Shidao's vigilant behavior, Tosaki Kuang squinted his eyes three times, a murderous intent gushing out crazily, but only disappeared for a moment, as if he had never appeared before, and the corner of his mouth was drawn. With a smile of unknown meaning, he said, "God, what are you doing looking at me so vigilantly? Am I doing something bad? It's really sad."

Although it was only for a moment, both Mu Xiaoxiao and Wuhe Shidao felt this killing intent, and Mu Xiao was cautious. Is Tokisaki Kuangsan really wanting to kill Wuhe Shidao? But there is no reason. The current world is just an ordinary person, and there is no reason to kill him. What's the matter? He couldn't understand more and more.

"What is your purpose for approaching Xiaoxiao?" Wuhe Shidao learned about Tokizaki Kuangsan's origins from Phantom, and also knew her danger, so when she saw her and Mu Xiaoxiao together, Subconsciously thought whether she had any purpose for Mu Xiaoxiao.

Seeing Wuhe Shidao glaring at him, Tokisaki Kuangsan smiled slightly, "You think too much? How could I do anything to him?" As she licked her own cherry lips, "I'm just because He didn’t have a place to live. After all, you know the situation, don’t you?"

"" Wuhe Shidao squinted his eyes, and looked at Toshizaki Kakuzo suspiciously, "Really?"

"Of course, if there is any purpose, it's only because of you," said Tosaki Kuang with cold eyes, 8 faintly looking at Wuhe Shidao, "I think you can't be clearer?"

"" Wuhe Shidao remained silent. Indeed, Tokazaki Kakuzo's goal was himself. Then there shouldn't be anything to do with Xiaoxiao. although. He was still a little worried. He looked at Tokisaki Kakuzo in front of him, and said with a slight threat, "Well, I understand, but I still want to remind you that I don’t care about me, but I absolutely can’t. Do something to Xiao Xiao. Otherwise I won't spare you!"

"You don't need to say this, but you, do you have someone you like?" Tokisaki Kuangsan glanced at Mu Xiaoxiao calmly.

Do they know each other? Listening to the words of Shiqi Kuangsan and Wuhe Shidao, Mu Xiaoxiao was stunned. How could it feel that they had seen it before, and this conversation felt a little weird? Does Shidao know that Tokizaki Kazou wants to kill himself? Is it too calm? After Mu Xiaoxiao heard Tosaki Kuangsan's last words, she trembled and chilled.

"Xiaoxiao, how did you meet her?" Wuhe Shidao turned his head and looked at Mu Xiaoxiao, with a little dissatisfaction in his eyes. "Don't you know that she is a dangerous guy? You dare to take her home."

"Hey? It was just when I was with Shishino," Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Shidao. "What's wrong with Shidao? Do you know each other?"

"Speaking of acquaintance, it's just seeing one side," Wuhe Shidao shook his head, and whispered in Mu Xiaoxiao's ear, "Xiao Xiao, in short, she is a dangerous guy. You have to be more careful at ordinary times."

"Um, I see," Mu Xiaoxiao nodded, her eyes suddenly became strange, and she looked at the Wuhe Shidao in front of her, "I said Shidao, how do you feel that you are a little weird?"

"Hey? What's weird?" Wuhe Shidao's original fierce aura disappeared and returned to its usual state. He touched the back of his head and smiled embarrassingly, "Ahahahaha, don't care so much, I Your cooking hasn’t been finished yet, so you’ll do it first, and I’ll go back first."

Wuhe Shidao couldn't resist Mu Xiaoxiao's weird eyes. After speaking, he ran back to the kitchen. Looking at his back, Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head, and walked into the living room with Shiono and Tokazaki.

"It's a bit unexpected. I didn't expect your method to be quite powerful," Tokisaki Kuangsan followed her into the living room and looked at Mu Xiaoxiao with a smile, "Never mind the two elves. I never thought that the guy would treat you. "Interesting" while speaking, Shizaki Kuangsan narrowed his eyes and looked up and down Mu Xiaoxiao.

"I am a little curious about you now"

"Really," Mu Xiaoxiao twitched the corner of her mouth stiffly, and suddenly thought of something, and asked, "Would you like to try to seal the power of the elves?" Mu Xiaoxiao looked at her and asked cautiously, "You Seeing that Shishino and Toka here have been sealed with the power of the elves, and they can lead a normal life. It’s not bad to forget the previous things, isn’t it?"

"Oh? The power of the elves that seal me?" Shizaki Kuangsan smiled very kindly, and looked at Mu Xiaoxiao, "What do you think?"

""The hair was horrified by her kind smile, Mu Xiaoxiao's mouth twitched, and she turned her head, "Forget it, just pretend that I haven't said it." At this moment, she was thinking whether or not to force a kiss, but other people's time ability ,just forget it.

"Well," Seeing Mu Xiaoxiao turning his head, Tokisaki Kuangsan curled up his mouth and smiled slightly, "Is it an ordinary life? I can't just give up the things in the past, and I also have things I have to do. "

What must be done? Mu Xiaoxiao thought silently, I know your purpose, but what does this have to do with Shidao? But looking at her, there is no way to persuade her, I can only talk about it later, and at this time, Qin Li and Origami have also returned.

"Oh, little brother," Kotori has returned to his original personality, and the hair accessories on his head have also returned to white. He blinked and looked at Shitono and Tokazaki Kuzou, not particularly surprised. "They are"

"Of course, like Shixiang, he is also a lost elf"

"Elf?" Toiichi origami's expression tightened. She knew Shitono, but what happened to the weird girl next to her?

"It's okay, don't worry," Mu Xiaoxiao pulled over the origami, and whispered to her ear, "Although she said that, she is also a troublesome elf. She has not been sealed by me yet. Zhili, origami, when you are at home, you have to look at her."

"Is that so, I understand." Origami nodded, and Toka and Shitono lacked the power of elves. They would definitely not be Tokazaki's opponents, but Mu Xiaoxiao didn't worry too much, and he didn't. You need to go to school, just stay at home and watch her. By the way, think about whether there is a way to defeat her.

This is a little difficult, because she is obviously sealed with the power of the elves, but she has no interest in herself at all. Could it be the reason for the fantasy killer? Mu Xiaoxiao didn't understand.

At the dinner table, Mu Xiaoxiao kept her head down. The atmosphere was a little weird. Sishi Nao sat beside her and hugged one of her arms tightly. She looked a little scared. There was silence at the dinner table, Wuhe Shidao and Tokisaki Kuangsan both had smiles on their faces, but the smile felt permeating.

"Little brother" Wuheqin also shook his body in fear, and hugged Mu Xiaoxiao's other and said tremblingly, "How do you feel that today's brother is a little weird? of"

"Do you think so too? It seems that after Toki Kazuki came here, it became a little weird," Mu Xiaoxiao said.

"Tokisaki Kuangsan" Wuhe Qinli seems to understand something, but she is still a little scared. As for Toka and Origami next to him, one is a fool who only knows to eat, and the other Origami has a calm face, as if everything has nothing to do with her. Like, but it really has nothing to do with her.

"God," Tosaki Kakuzo finally broke the silence, looked around and laughed, "It is really unusual here, it seems that everyone here is not ordinary."

"Oh? What do you want to say?" Wuhe Shidao sneered, "If you don't want to, you can leave directly, I believe no one will keep you."

"How come, I really like it here" Shizaki Kuang smiled three times, then under Mu Xiaoxiao's dull gaze, he picked up a piece of meat and put it into Mu Xiaoxiao's bowl, "Hey, don't you think? ?Little?"

"" (To be continued.)


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