Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 521: monster hunter

But that's all for the future. At present, within this dimensional subspace, Mu Xiaoxiao has just established a base, standing in front of an ordinary house, looking at the huge egg in front of him at this moment, Mu Little opened his mouth and looked at the system interface. This is not an egg, but a gadget called "Dragon Crystal", and its function is to summon various dragons!

Well, Mu Xiaoxiao feels that it is better to call hatching instead of summoning. Also, in this case, what kind of dragon crystal, isn't it just an egg? !

"What...what is this?" Sonya couldn't react. Seeing this suddenly appeared house and a huge egg, she seemed to be shocked. Similarly, the ice next to her was also shocked. Frightened, her expression looked dull, only Xi Qiong had no expression on her face, there was no way, but she had seen it in the Elf Base a long time ago.

This kind of little scene can't compare to the scene where the tree of life appeared in the beginning.

"What is this? I always feel that there is a strong energy radiating from it. You made this?" Han Bing looked at Mu Xiaoxiao and asked.

"Isn't it me or you?" Mu Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes, and couldn't wait to walk to the dragon egg...No, it was beside Long Jing. He stretched out his hand and suddenly a virtual interface appeared in front of him. , "The flying dragon species... the ancient dragon species... the bird dragon species... the sea dragon species... how do you feel familiar..."

Mu Xiaoxiao murmured, clicked on the interface of the ancient dragon species, his eyes widened, "Huang Black Dragon...Fengshan Dragon...Land Dragon...Kirin... .Yan Wanglong...Yan Feilong. Damn! Nana? Isn't this the Monster Hunter?!" Mu Xiaoxiao covered her face. "Ya's system. What Dragon Soul Dragon Crystal, it turns out to be a reference to Monster Hunter."

I opened the Flying Dragon Seed again, and it was exactly the same as Mu Xiaoxiao guessed, "Male and female fire dragon, ice tooth dragon, horned dragon, booming dragon, Xunlong...It really is a monster hunter," Mu Xiaoxiao sighed. Unexpectedly, it is actually summoning the dragon seed in Monster Hunter. But the monsters in it are all handsome. This is not bad..."

When she said that, Mu Xiaoxiao was suddenly startled. Thinking of something, he slapped his palms, "Damn! Isn't that lucky?" The range of monsters in Monster Hunter is too wide. They all live in specific areas, such as Yan Fei Long Nana. Living in volcanoes and desert areas, the ice tooth dragon lives mostly in glaciers. Forests, jungles, caves, mountains, snowfields, etc. all have their own dragon species.

That's why I said that I was lucky. This subspace happens to be a small world that contains almost all regions. Although the area is a bit smaller, the living space required by a few dragons will not be too large. There is no problem, if it is outside, it will be a lot of trouble.

Seeing Mu Xiaoxiao's surprise, she muttered that she didn't know what she was talking about. Sonia and Han Bing looked at each other and saw the doubt in each other's eyes. Han Bing even reached out and learned from Mu Xiaoxiao. Putting his hand on the huge egg, it was a pity that he didn't see anything, leaving a question mark full of his head.

"A lot of good dragons...but," Mu Xiaoxiao looked at her parcel, "there are not many magic crystals. I used to put more than half of the magic crystals in the Guard Mansion and Sky City. , There are really not many magic crystals left now... hey," Mu Xiaoxiao sighed quietly, "It would be great if I got the magic crystals outside before."

There are so many magic crystals of the seventh, eighth, and ninth orders outside. That is a lot of fortune. Now that Xia Luo says that the outside and have collapsed, Mu Xiaoxiao has no hope... Although there is no way, Mu Xiaoxiao can still see, but thinking about it, it is still a pity...

"Well, there will always be magic crystals, anyway, it's almost enough now," Mu Xiaonovi didn't rush to summon, but opened the faction interface, "Well...the reputation still hasn't risen much... ...."

"Don't worry, Xiaoxiao, you can succeed right away," the unicorn sprang out from the shadow, and Xia Luo's voice sounded, "They have already started to act..."

"Did you act? Although I don't know how to act, it feels very interesting," Mu Xiaoxiao complained. "Actually, I really want to get involved. It seems that we are named as the City of the Sky. It's all exciting..."

"...This was done to make you leave this place, but did you think you were playing?" Xia Luo felt helpless.

"Well, let's not talk about this, let's buy the teleportation array first," Mu Xiaoxiao shook her head and opened the store interface. The price of the teleportation array is 300 crystals, the cheapest, but Mu Xiaoxiao's diamonds are not enough. Fortunately, Qishi and the others estimated that they had gone to Dragon Quest once, and the diamonds had grown to 450.

"Say there are not many diamonds left, you have to go to the dungeon again... But if you think about it, no matter how many times you go, you will still spend it clean. No way, the crystal energy points are okay, the diamonds It costs too much, if you want to spend it on your own base..."

Mu Xiaoxiao didn’t dare to look at the faction buildings on the last few pages of the mall. Both the faction buildings and the faction buff needed diamonds... After purchasing a teleportation array and putting it in the package, Mu Xiaoxiao took it Looking at the big egg... on the dragon crystal, gearing up, it's time to summon our mighty and domineering monster dragon!

In Monster Hunter, there are a total of several types: Flying Dragon, Ancient Dragon, Sea Dragon, Beast Dragon, Bird Dragon, Ichthyosaur, Tooth Beast, and Tooth Dragon. Among these types, the Ancient Dragon is at the top. Yes, the dragon scripts in the ancient dragon species all belong to the oss level. Whatever the shining black dragon, the mountain dragon, the arranging dragon, the refining black dragon, etc., any one of them is at the level of destroying the world.

Flying dragons, sea dragons, and beast dragons are weaker, but there are also some levels in them, such as the collapsed dragon and the Tyrannosaurus of the flying dragon, which are all final.

The bird dragon species, the ichthyosaur species and the tooth beast species are even weaker. Mu Xiaoxiao directly ignored this species, and finally the tooth dragon species. Because there is only one monster, it is not easy to evaluate. For the tooth beast species Thunder wolf dragon As well as the subspecies of Hellwolf Dragon, Mu Xiaoxiao has long been fond of him. Not only is he handsome, but he is also very powerful. Of course, he can't compare with the ancient dragon.

Name: [Thunder Wolf Dragon]


——[Thunder under the Moon]

——【Wushuang Hunter】

Race: Tooth Dragon

Survival range: mountains


——【Normal State】

——【Super Charged State】

Strength: Seventh-tier pinnacle

"Summoning Thunder Wolf Dragon requires Dragon Soul... 10,000..." Mu Xiaoxiao stroked his chin, "Dragon Soul should be the name of the resource of this sub-base. The current resource is zero. Then..." Mu Xiao threw a piece of the seventh-order magic crystal into Long Jing. When he saw the resource'Didi' rising by a thousand, his face became angry.

"System, your uncle! Only ten pieces of seventh-order magic crystals can summon a seventh-order Thunder Wolf Dragon? Dead pit cargo!"

"...Host, the system is already fair," the system's intelligent voice sounded helplessly, "The summoned monsters have growth attributes and can be upgraded by continuously hunting down enemies."

"Oh? Really?" Mu Xiaoxiao's face changed, and the face that was still angry a second ago regained his smile instantly, "Since then I will forgive you, the system! I will do it like this in the future, give me more. Some We can be regarded as dependent on each other and can't be more intimate, so don't cheat me, my future is on you."


Seeing Mu Xiaoxiao’s face-changing kung fu, not only was the system speechless, but even Han Bing and Sonia next to them looked surprised, turned to look at Xi Qiong, Xi Qiong shrugged, “Don’t hesitate to care, Xiao Xiao always does this, I’m used to it. Just fine..."



"Summon, then, Thunder Wolf Dragon!" Mu Xiaoxiao happily dropped dozens of magic crystals, yelled, the big white egg released a faint light, and at the same time, a blue magic circle appeared. Beside, Hanbing and Sonya stepped back in fright.


A huge roar came from the magic circle. (To be continued...)



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