Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 425: Mu Xiaoxiaocai-Sex Trading

At this moment, Mu Xiaoxiao was walking on the trail. He still didn't know that Yujin who was similar to a ghost was behind him, or he knew about it but didn't care? No one knew... Yu Jin followed behind him. She was used to following others like this, watching Mu Xiaoxiao's every move.

Mu Xiaoxiao returned to his residence, opened the door and walked in. Although the ability was blocked and the system function could not be used, the system was still very righteous. At least, Mu Xiaoxiao didn't need to worry about his own money anymore and took it from the drawer. After taking out his bank card, Mu Xiaoxiao smiled slightly, then turned and walked out.

The purpose is Xinggong Town, a small town at the foot of Hinjianze Village. Although it is not as big as a big city, it is still a good town. At least it has everything. After Mu Xiaoxiao came here by taxi, Immediately rushed to the bank.

The bank card presented by this system has as much as 100 million yen. Fortunately, Mu Xiaoxiao, who has gradually lost his conception of money, might have passed out of excitement if he changed to another person, right?

When he came out of the bank, Mu Xiaoxiao carried a big box in his hand, printed out a few more documents, and drove directly back to Hinamizawa Village, and then walked straight towards Hojo's house. It's about time now. At noon, Hojo Satoru and Hojo Sadoko will not go home. If so, Hojo's family will only have Hojo Tepei and Hojo Tame.

Mu Xiaoxiao showed a smile and quickened his pace. After a while, he could see the residence of the Hojo's family.

"Bang bang bang—" He knocked on the door of Hojo's house.

"Who?" A slightly impatient voice sounded. Immediately after the door was opened, a yellow-haired uncle poked out his head and immediately found Mu Xiaoxiao standing in front of the door. He looked at him with a slightly unkind look, "Who are you?"

"You should be Hojo Tieping, the uncle of Hojo Shaduzi?" Mu Xiaoxiao felt a little upset when she saw that the other party was a yellow hair, but still pretended to smile and said, "My name is Mu Xiaoxiao, and I belong to Hojo Shaduzi. classmate......"

"Huh? Classmate? What can you do with me?" Hojo Tieping glanced at Mu Xiaoxiao, and said lividly, "If you don't have one, get out. Shaduzi has already gone to school. If you are looking for her, I won't be here!"

"No, no, I'm not looking for her, I'm looking for you, Mr. Hojo Tepei..." Mu Xiaoxiao smiled, "I don't know if you can let me in? I'm going to negotiate a deal with you. , A transaction that will make you quite happy..."

"Deal?" Originally thought Mu Xiaoxiao was just joking. A kid said that he shouldn’t make him laugh at a deal, but seeing that Mu Xiaoxiao’s expression didn’t seem to be a joke, Hojo Teppei was half-believing and stepped aside. "Make it clear in advance, if you’re playing. My words will make you look good! Brat!"

"Don't worry, it will definitely satisfy you," Mu Xiaoxiao said lightly, and then walked in.

"Who is it? Isn't it your friend?" Another voice sounded, and Mu Xiaoxiao looked at it intently. I found a woman with a slightly mean appearance sitting in front of the TV and said cursingly.

"No! It's a stinky kid," Hojo Tieping led Mu Xiaoxiao into the room. Then he sat down on the floor, took a sip of the wine on the table, and looked at him with slanted eyes, "Then let's talk about anything, what do you mean by trading?"

"Deal?" Hojo Yuzhi also came over.

"No problem, but before the transaction. I want to ask," Mu Xiaoxiao sat opposite them. I looked around, "Hojo Satoru and Hojo Satsuko shouldn't be here, right?"

"Of course, didn't I say that they have gone to school?" Hojo Teppei called.

"That's good," Mu Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief, and then sat and looked at them, "I plan to negotiate a deal with you."

"What deal?" Hojo Teppei raised his eyebrows.

"A very simple transaction is something that you can do easily," said Mu Xiaoxiao with a slight smile, "I just hope that the two of you can give me Hojo Shaduko."

"Huh?" Hojo Tieping and Hojo Yuzhi widened their eyes, looking at Mu Xiaoxiao, they both thought they had misheard, "Sha Duzi?"

"Yes, Hojo Saduko is a cumbersome to you, right? It's useless, so if I want to give it to me, it's easy, right?"

"..." After a long silence, Hojo Tieping looked at Mu Xiaoxiao and said, "Are you kidding me? This kind of thing is not funny at all, even if Shaduzi really did something bad, That's my niece, so naturally it can't be given to you?! Smelly kid! That's the end of the joke."

"No, no, no, this is not a joke. Didn't you hear it? What I said is a deal. As a deal, naturally I have to use money to buy it." Mu Xiaoxiao's mouth couldn't help but rise, "and she is not I did something bad that made me want revenge, so..."

"Deal? Buy with money?" Hojo Teppei sneered, "How much do you have? Can you buy it for one person?"


As soon as the voice fell, Mu Xiaoxiao put a box on the table and opened it, "I don't know if these are enough..."


Hojo Teppei and Hojo Tamae took a breath. The boxes were filled with ten thousand yuan bills. The whole box was filled. Hojo Teppei and Hojo Teppei, who saw so many yen, trembled, their eyes were full of greed. .

"It's ten million yen in total," Mu Xiaoxiao smiled, looking at their horrified and speechless expressions, "I wonder if I can buy Beijo Shaduzi?"

"So much money... Yes, yes! Absolutely!" Hojo Yuzhi nodded repeatedly, shaking the arm of Tepei Hojo next to him, "Hey! What are you thinking about?! So much money, that little beast Even if you can't make it back in your life, what are you still hesitating? Don't hurry up and agree!"

Mu Xiaoxiao sat there smiling without saying a word, quietly waiting for their decision.

"It's true... so much money can't be compared to ten Shaduzi, but...why should I agree to your deal? Shaduko is my niece after all," Hojo Tepei pressed. On the box, she stared at Mu Xiaoxiao with a wicked smile, "It's also a good errand. I'm not used to it without her, so you can get out of here!"

"As for the money, I'm sorry, but I will take it!"

"...Hey, you guys...I really don’t know what to say," Mu Xiaoxiao sighed, her eyes drenched, stood up, leaned out her hand and caught it suddenly. Hojo Teppei's wrist, and then slightly force, "I hope you don't make me angry, otherwise...I can't guarantee that you won't be beaten to a half body, and there may be nowhere to spend if you have money.. ...."

" hurts, let it go," Hojo Teppei screamed. He couldn't figure out why a stinky kid is so strong that he can't get rid of it? "I was wrong, I was wrong, big brother, let go, I won't dare anymore..."

"Huh," Mu Xiaoxiao let go of him and sat back on the ground again, "Then what's your decision?"

"Yes, of course we agreed," Teppei Hojo nodded and suddenly asked in a low voice, "It's just...I want to ask a little brother, why do you want to? I want Shaduzi..."

"I have no reason to tell you about this issue outside of the transaction, but I am in a good mood now, it doesn’t matter if I tell you," Mu Xiaoxiao smiled slightly, "It’s very simple. , Very interested..."



It turned out to be a lo*ic*n pervert, Hojo and his wife thought together in their hearts, but did not dare to say it.

"So that's it," Mu Xiaoxiao put away the box of yen, stood up, took out a document, and handed it over, "This is your transaction contract. It will still be here three days later, with one hand. If you pay the money and deliver the goods, I guess you have no opinion?" After that, Mu Xiaoxiao carried the box and walked out with the eyes of the Hojo couple in dismay. (To be continued)




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