Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 342: Level 5, the new world

The task of the fourth floor was completed, and it was unexpectedly exhausting. It may be the reason why Mu Xiaoxiao was very uncomfortable with this kind of Lifan world. It was impossible to rest for a while, and soon the voice of the system rang. Prompt that the task of the fifth layer is coming. ----

"Hey, anyway, I am exhausted..." With a sigh, Mu Xiaoxiao opened the system interface.

"Dididi, the fourth level mission is completed, will the host continue to challenge?"

"Yes..." Mu Xiaoxiao replied weakly.


Current level: Level 5

Current: Kasuga Wild Dome

Dididi... now enters the 30-second countdown, and the challenge begins after the countdown ends...dididi, the second level of Dragon Quest is in mission mode, and the mission is released...

Mission requirements: abduct high school students and take Kasuga No Dome out of this mission world

Task time limit: 3 days

Task reward: enter the sixth layer



A train was galloping on the track, and the mountains and rice fields on both sides were retreating quickly. In the carriage of this train, there were no passengers except a silver-haired teenager and a silver-haired girl sitting on the side seats.

The carriage was quiet. The girl with long silver hair kept looking at the green rice field outside the window, holding a black rabbit doll in her arms. Although there was no expression on her face, her hand was a little trembling. It's just that the silver-haired boy didn't notice this subtle detail.

"Qung. Are you hungry?" The idle boy suddenly said. At the same time, he took out a bag and handed it up, "There is still some left..."

"..." The silver-haired girl glanced at the bag and shook her head.

"It's really surprising, would you actually not want it? Don't you like snacks the most?" Seeing the silver-haired girl like this, the boy smiled without paying attention, and took back the snacks in his hand. "Is it because you are too nervous How can I say that I haven't returned for many years."

"...Do you have to go back?" the girl said.

"Hey? How do you say that they are all the homes where parents lived. Didn't we also go there when we were young?" The boy looked at her in surprise, "Although Qiong didn't seem to like it when he was young... .I really don’t understand, why do I like to stay in Tokyo so much..."

"..." The silver-haired girl was silent, without saying anything, her hands holding the doll in her arms tightened, her eyes suddenly became out of focus, she stayed for a while, and then spit out two words gently. "fraud......"

"Ah? Did you say something?" The young man was taken aback.

"..." The silver-haired girl stopped talking, turned her head and looked out the window again.

"..." Although I don't know what's going on. But the boy knew that his sister must be in a bad mood, and would not say anything every time she was in a bad mood. Of course, there are not many things that I usually say. Thinking about it, the boy suddenly brightened his eyes, "By the way, I can see your favorite sister Yibubu this time when I go back!"

"In the past, you obviously didn't play with people very much, but you like to go to the Iraqi deputy department. Last time you asked about it in Tokyo, didn't you hear that she also came back? You should be able to see her when you go back this time."

"Of course I know about this." The girl rolled her eyes. If it weren't for the news, she wouldn't want to go back here. Thinking about it, a small figure suddenly appeared in the girl's heart...


"Damn! Where is this place?" Although he knew that he had come to the world of Yuanzhikong, what Mu Xiaoxiao saw now was only a large area of ​​woods. Does it count as a welfare? The world in front of Lifan was still heavy and depressed, and now it was a relaxed everyday world. Smelling the fresh air in the woods, Mu Xiaoxiao felt as if he was healed.

"This is the small town of Oumuran?" Mu Xiaoxiao looked around, "But why did you throw yourself into this woods?" Muttered, Mu Xiaoxiao started looking for a way out. After a while, she found out. A trail, it seems that people often walk along, thinking about it this way, Mu Xiaoxiao's speed began to accelerate, and after a while, he saw...

"The shrine?" Looking at the long stone steps and the shrine above, Mu Xiaoxiao stroked his chin, "This should be that...what is it called?" Mu Xiaoxiao forgot. But anyway, she was a maiden who knew Ifubu Bahiro. Thinking about it, Mu Xiaoxiao walked up straight.

"Hey? Excuse me..." A Lifa maiden who was cleaning in the clearing saw Mu Xiaoxiao who was walking up and looking around, and looked at him suspiciously and asked, "Is it here to visit the shrine?"

"Uh, I'm here to ask someone," Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up when she saw her, "Ahem, it's called Ifubu Bahiro..."

"Hey? Do you know Sister Baxun?" The girl was very surprised when she heard Mu Xiaoxiao's words.

"Yes, we knew each other before..." An awkward expression appeared on Mu Xiaoxiao's face, "Because it's the first time I'm here..."

"I see," the maiden nodded enthusiastically, "I know Sister Yahiro, too, let's take you there now, oh yes, my name is Tiannv Muying, please give me some advice."

"Mu Xiaoxiao..."

"Hey? Is it a foreigner?" No wonder she was so surprised to see foreigners in this ordinary town.

"Well..." Mu Xiaoxiao was used to being seen as a monkey.

The two people walked down from the shrine, the goddess Muei was really lively, and she kept chatting with strangers she met for the first time along the way, but it was probably because I heard that Mu Xiaoxiao also knew Ifube Yahiro. , So you can let go, right?

"It's here," they came to a shop, "this is the shop of the grandmother that Yahiro sister inherited."

"Here," Mu Xiaoxiao looked at a dim sum shop, "wasn't she in Tokyo before? Why did she come back suddenly?"

"This..." The Tianmu female shook her head, "Sister Baxun didn't tell me about this, huh? The door is actually closed. Isn't Master Baxun not at home? Let's go in first. ..." As she said, the goddess Muying took out a key to open the door and walked in, looking at the empty room, "Sure enough, Sister Yahiro must have gone to the party again."

"Friendship?" Mu Xiaoxiao was taken aback.

"Well, I don’t know the details, but every once in a while Sister Yahiro will go out with Nogizaka Chuka, every time she comes back drunk, Mu Jun, let’s go in and wait. It may be very late today. Coming back..."

Mu Xiaoxiao hesitated, and wanted to ask where Kasuga Yeqiang lives, but let’s forget it. He doesn’t know Kasuga Yuu, so it’s better to stay at the home of Ifobe Yahiro. Well, that’s it, Xiao Xun, it's been eight years for you, and dozens of days for us, and I'm here to toss you again.

"Sorry, I thought there were still things to be done in the shrine, so..." The goddess Muying folded her hands and showed an apologetic expression on her face, "Mu Jun, wait here alone, I'm very sorry."

"If you have anything to go, I can do it alone," Mu Xiaoxiao walked into the room, looked at the messy room, and smiled, " I'm a little looking forward to seeing her. Surprised expression..."


"It's already here, Qiong," Kasuga No Qiu and Kasuga No Yu were walking on the road. "It's almost night, Qiong. I just want to go to the supermarket to buy some ingredients. Do you want to come with me?" Turning his head to look at Kasugaye Dome walking behind and playing with his mobile phone.

"Don't go."

"..." Kasuga Yuu was speechless.

"I'm going to see Sister Yahiro," Kasugaye Qiu said lightly, "Go by yourself."

"Well then, do you know where is the home of Vice-Yi's sister? After all, it hasn't been here for so long..."

"I know, I have always kept in touch with her," Kasuga Noaki turned around and left here under Kasuga No Yu's gaze. (To be continued...)



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