Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 327: The second world and mission

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"..." None of the four girls in item spoke. As members of the Anbu, they don’t know how many dead people they have seen. Even the people in their hands don’t know how many. It's commonplace, so this kind of situation is not very stressful for them, at best it is a failure of the mission, but...

I don’t know why, the situation at that moment always hovered in my mind and couldn’t dissipate. They were a little bit out of breath. The atmosphere was silent for a long while before Mai Ye broke the calm. After all, you are at this level. It's rare that I thought I would meet a good opponent, but I didn't expect it to be that way at best..."

"Let's go! Tell the people above that the mission failed," Mai Ye Shenli turned around and left, and said lightly.

"..." The three of Flanders looked at each other, facing Mai Ye Shenli's cold eyes, they didn't dare to refute, they could only glance at the ruins again, and then followed Mai Ye Shenli. Leaving this place, only the bee-eater Fuqi and the honey ant Aiyu are left.

"...It's all because of you," Honey Ant Aiyu slumped to the ground with her head lowered, unable to see her expression, "Bee-eater fuck...if it wasn't for you, he He wouldn't die like this...If it weren't for you to provoke those people, he should be having lunch with me and living a peaceful life...It's all because of you! Fuck the bee-eater! It's all your fault!"

Honey Ant Aiyu stood up and walked slowly to the bee-eater Caoqi's side. Cried while pulling her collar.

"..." The bee eater looked at the honey ant Aiyu blankly, then lowered his head and bit his lip, speechless. The girl was right, if she didn’t involve him, if she didn’t send that email...

"It's all your fault! The bee-eater, pray, you have taken away my possibility, away from my stage, away from everything about me, and finally, will you take away the only one left of me... ...."


"I won't forgive you! Fuck the bee-eater," Honey Ant Aiyu loosened her collar. Once again, he glanced at the ruins behind him with nostalgia, and then turned around resolutely. The girl at this time has decided to step into the darkness of the school city just for revenge.

In the alley. Only the lone bee-eater was left, lying half-lying on the edge of the wall, holding the silver whistle that Mu Xiaoxiao gave her in his hand...



Mu Xiaoxiao appeared in the space of Dragon Quest.

There is not a whole body intact, covered with large and small scars, blood dripping, and even more terrifying is his right hand, even the bones exposed inside can be seen, it is shocking, but although the wound looks terrifying, blood But it has stopped. Mu Xiaoxiao's breathing also gradually recovered, but he was still in a coma and did not wake up.

The clothes on his body also became tattered, which shows how strong the explosion just now was. But Mu Xiaoxiao was able to survive this explosion, and she had to sigh that it was a miracle, but why didn't the wound on his body heal?

"Dididi, the first level of mission challenge is completed, does the host choose to continue the challenge?"

After Mu Xiaoxiao returned to the Dragon Quest space, a mechanical voice suddenly sounded. It was the voice of the system, but Mu Xiaoxiao, who was now in a coma, couldn't answer at all. So after a long silence, the system continued.

"Didi, because the host has not made a decision, the challenge continues, and the fourth level of Dragon Quest challenge begins..."

After speaking, Mu Xiaoxiao's entire figure turned into a white light and disappeared.


"Hey, whose child is that?" On an ordinary street that seemed to be full of ancient European atmosphere, a few pedestrians who passed by from time to time pointed to a comatose, about seventeen-year-old boy on the side of the road. Whispering.

"It's so pitiful, it looks like he was seriously injured," they also saw the blood-stained appearance of the boy and the broken clothes.

"Just throw it here, okay? Don't you take him to the hospital?" the other person whispered.

"Indeed, but she seems to be involved in some trouble, right? I think it's better for us not to intervene. It's time of war, otherwise..."

"It makes sense..."

Every time a pedestrian passes by, Mu Xiaoxiao will look at him a few times, but they are all the same. After a few whispers, they leave. They seem to be very wary of him. After the passers-by leave, there are a few dirty dresses. The guy from rushed over and fumbled for a while on Mu Xiaoxiao, only to find nothing, so he could only drop a word of "poor ghost" and left here.

"Hmm..." Until the evening, Mu Xiaoxiao in the corner opened his eyes in a daze. He shook his somewhat heavy head and looked at the empty streets and night around him." is...where?"

Mu Xiaoxiao gradually became more sober, looking at the surrounding buildings that looked like ancient western buildings, frowned, "Where is this? I remember that I don’t seem to be..." Thinking of this, Mu Xiaoxiao was sober and completely awake. After coming over, I also felt severe pain all over my body, "hiss..."

"Wow, it seems that the injury is not minor," Mu Xiaoxiao took a look at her body before opening the system interface.

"Is this the fourth-level mission world? With that said, the previous mission has been completed? That is to say, Xiao Qi's life is not in danger, so that's good..." Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. "It's just why my injury didn't heal? The system will help me recover, won't you?"

"Only when Dragon Quest is over will the host recover from his injuries," the system said.

"...Hey, I'm used to it anyway," Mu Xiaoxiao sighed, "How can I complete the task in my state now...Wait," Mu Xiaoxiao's expression suddenly shrank. Looking at the system interface, "Task...what does this mean?"

[Build a town of your own]

"Town? How does it sound like playing a nurturing game?" Mu Xiaoxiao's body tightened and looked around, "Moreover...I always feel that this world gives me a weird feeling... ...Cough cough," he coughed as he covered his mouth, a trace of blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, "but now I am seriously injured...what's worse is that my life potion was thrown to Mai Ye Shen Li them..."

For the first time, Mu Xiaoxiao looked forward to life medicine.

But fortunately, he took out a bottle of blue liquid from the space package, "This is a bottle of moon water that I put in before. At this time, it is a key prop to save myself. It is a blessing in misfortune. "Speaking, Mu Xiaoxiao directly looked up.

However, even after drinking this bottle of moon water, Mu Xiaoxiao’s injury did not fully recover, but the good seven or eighty-eight is almost the same, and then he began to look around. It seemed to be an ordinary town. The first thing Mu Xiaoxiao wanted to figure out was where is this It looks like an old age, 80% is the world of swords and magic, right? Legend of the Brave? Zero's ambassador? To figure it out as soon as possible.

Dragging his exhausted body, he wandered in this small town for a while, and soon he found a tavern, and after using a magic crystal to directly buy the owner of the tavern, Mu Xiaoxiao also roughly understood the world. Circumstances, but to his surprise, he didn't have any impression of this mission world.

This is a continent called Cernus, and in the plains of the western part of the continent-Eos, there have been wars between seven fortresses and demons for hundreds of years. I heard that some time ago A high elf who reincarnated as a goddess appeared, calling for the seven fortresses to form a seven-shield alliance, so that the war was put to rest.

At the same time, an organization called the Black Dog Mercenary Group appeared in everyone's field of vision, serving as an avant-garde in the war, and this Black Dog Mercenary Group was instantly known to people across the continent.

"Black Dog Mercenary Corps..." Mu Xiaoxiao sat on a seat in the pub with a cold sweat, "Isn't this a black beast..." (to be continued)


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