Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 323: item girls

"I am back......"

He dragged his tired body into the room, but suddenly his expression tightened, and when he turned his head, he saw a proud girl with long chestnut hair sitting on the sofa, with Erlang's legs and hands on his hips, looking at the ants and scum. He looked at Mu Xiaoxiao who walked through the door.

"Are you our goal this time?" The arrogant girl looked at Mu Xiaoxiao in front of her with a hint of disdain, "As for who we are, you must know that, right?"

" not know."

"No..." Hearing Mu Xiaoxiao so simply, Mai Ye Shenli almost bit his tongue, and then looked at him viciously, "We are protecting your secret'item' from today! Even though I don't know the difference. Why does an lv0 incompetent want our Anbu to send out protection with great fanfare, but since it is the above commission, I will still do it well."

"It's just that you don't have to hold us back when the time comes!" As he said, Mai Ye's eyes drenched, and a murderous intent directed at Mu Xiaoxiao. Is this planning to give him a prestige?

Honey Ant Aiyu, who had been staying next to her, frowned, and was stopped by Mu Xiaoxiao's outstretched hand as soon as she was about to stand up. Faced with this murderousness, his face remained unchanged, and the corners of his mouth curled up, "Okay, can It’s really an honor for me to be protected by the famous Anbu, don’t you introduce yourself?"

"Hey? In the end, you didn't even know Mai Ye?" A blonde girl with a hat beside him exaggeratedly said, "Know that Mai Ye is..."

"Flanda!" Before she finished speaking, Mai Ye's Shenli yelled and shrank her in fright. I couldn't say anything, and sat trembling on the ground, "You are only the object of our temporary protection. Just accept the protection obediently, and you don't need to worry about who we are."

"..." After hearing this, Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but twitched his mouth, and looked at Mai Ye Shenli in front of him. Stayed here all the time?"

"Of course." A short-haired **** the side couldn't help but said, "Our task is to protect you personally. Naturally, you can't get too far away."

"In other words," Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the four girls here weirdly, "you all want to live here?"





For a moment, except for Takiju's rear end. The other three girls stared sharply, and they remembered the key thing.

"I want you to live here?! Are you kidding me?" Surprisingly, Mai Ye Shen Li and the others hadn't said anything, and Mu Xiaoxiao hugged his head and cried out, "This was originally an ordinary dormitory. It’s already the limit for Xiao Ai to live in, but you actually told me to add four more girls? Are you kidding me?"

"...Even if you say that, we haven't complained yet!" Flanda was the first to complain, crying. "Let me live in a boys' dormitory or something, and it's still such a narrow place, no!"

"I don't want to say it too." Jian Qi's favorite pouted, "I would not take this task if I knew it."

"..." As for Mai Ye Shenli, seeing her twinkling gaze, he knew that he must be thinking of something bad, and said after a long while, "Let's do it. We can still squeeze this room. As for You." Talking to Mu Xiaoxiao, "I will trouble you to go to the bathroom to sleep."

"Bathroom...Sleep..." Mu Xiaoxiao thought of someone who was in constant bad luck, and the corners of her mouth twitched, "I won't kill me! This is my home, why should I go? Sleep in the bathroom? I won't do it! Resolutely don't do it!"

"...We took a step back," Jian Qi likes to look at him gloomily, "It doesn't matter even if you sleep on the ground. As a man, don't you know how to give in?!"

As for Mai Ye Shenli, he had lowered his head and couldn't see her expression clearly. The whole face was hidden in the shadow, as if it would explode at any time.

"..." Why did you say it as if it was my fault? Mu Xiaoxiao said that he couldn't accept it. Just when he was about to say something, the'Dididi' phone rang.

"Hello?" It was another unfamiliar call. Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the four girls in the dark part next to him, and then connected, "This is Mu Xiaoxiao."

"...It looks like you have some trouble over there," a faint voice came.

Mu Xiaoxiao's mouth twitched, she walked aside in the strange gazes of Mai Ye Shenli and the others, and whispered, "It's you guys, what's the matter when you call? How do you know my phone number?!" This phone is not from this world, and few people know it. How did that black-bellied woman know? Mu Xiaoxiao had to be vigilant.

"Don't worry, it's just gotten from someone who is in charge of the board."

"You," there is only one person if you think so, that is Yunchuan Qinya, "what did you do to Yunchuan-senpai?"

"No need to make such a fuss. I just got your number. I didn't do anything else. It just surprised me a little bit. Senior Sister Yunchuan? You seem to have a good relationship with many people... .."

"...No need to talk nonsense," Mu Xiaoxiao interrupted her. "What the **** is going on with you calling? Alesta?"

"Didn't you say it, you seem to be in trouble now, so I'm here to help you solve it," Yaleista paused, "Is it almost delivered? Then I'll hang up."

"Hey? Wait..."

Before Mu Xiaoxiao could stop her, he hung up on the other side of the phone, and the doorbell rang.

"Ding Dong Ding Dong—"


"May I ask you to be Mr. Mu? This is your package..."

Looking at the envelope handed over by the staff, Mu Xiaoxiao could only accept it. After closing the door, opening the envelope, the key fell off.

"...Villa?" Looking at the real estate certificate and other things inside, Mu Xiaoxiao was a little confused, "How could she be so good? A villa was sent to me on a special trip? Who knows she's in her heart? What the **** is this..."

"Hello? I said, what's the matter with you? What is that? Who was the one who just called?" Jian Qi couldn't help but ask.

"These things have nothing to do with you. Anyway, we should also move our positions. Someone just happened to send a villa to the house. Don't do it for nothing," Mu Xiaoxiao waved his hand in their surprised eyes, and the furniture in the whole room waited. After everything disappeared, he looked at Mai Ye Shenli and the four of them, "Let's go, you also come together."

"Hello? What was that just now?" Flanda likes to join in the fun, and one of the most curious, "Are you a space capable person, but doesn't the information say that you are an incompetent person?"

Not only her, but the favorite of Jianqi and Takihu Lihou also looked at Mu Xiaoxiao in surprise. Although Maiye Shenli did not show it, his face was disdainful, but the flash of surprise in his eyes could not be denied~ Only Honey Ant Aiyu seems to have known it for a long time. She has seen it many times, but she is not surprised. In her heart, Mu Xiaoxiao is naturally the most powerful.

"Of course I am incapable. As for what you saw just now, treat it as magic," Mu Xiaoxiao was too lazy to explain, which new villa we went to first, but before we left, we had to fight some guy. Hello...

After hearing that Mu Xiaoxiao was moving to a villa, Shangjo Dangma expressed his envy, jealousy and hatred, and expressed his wishes to him, but when he heard that Mu Xiaoxiao seemed to be chased by some powerful organization... ..

"Little sauce! I want to go with you too!"

"..." Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the numb face with a firm expression in front of her, and the corners of her mouth twitched. Only then did she remember that the other party was still a good person. Although she knew nothing, she still wanted to help herself. How should I say? Mu Xiaoxiao liked people with this kind of personality. He originally wanted to refuse, but in the end he agreed.

The first is when Ma is too stubborn and insists on being together. If he is not familiar with his character, Mu Xiaoxiao might think that he has fallen in love with a certain girl here. As for the second reason... Mu Xiaoxiao has her own plan... (to be continued)

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