Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 315: Looking for a moment of crisis

At the beginning, Mu Xiaoxiao hadn't remembered it, but now she suddenly realized that at this time, the missing honey ant Aiyu, shouldn't it be in the 21st district, over the artificial lake power station?

Although I don’t know what the thing Yunchuan Qinya said is, but judging from the pale face of the honey ant before Aiyu, it must not be a good thing. It is probably related to ability. After all, all the causes of the honey ant Aiyu incident. It is because of her ability, because of literacy. ?

Because her ability was suppressed by the stronger bee-eater exercises, the pressure on her can be imagined. There are two people who are forced into desperation because of their ability and literacy judgment. choose.

The first is to blame others for their failures, and then become murderers or terrorists to avenge them.

The second is to blame one's own failure on one's own body, and then abandon oneself.

The former possibility has become the attackers named 【】, which is the target of Mu Xiaoxiao, the students in the youth organization, they think it is because of the proliferation of lv5 superpowers that they are unable to Improve ability, so their approach is to attack and avenge lv5 superpowers.

The possibility of the latter has become a girl named Honey Ant Aiyu. She will not transfer the hatred to the bee-eater or others, but blame herself for the failure, then her approach... .. is suicide.

The 21st District, the artificial lake power station, is where the honey ants Aiyu committed suicide.

Mu Xiaoxiao ran on the street, but suddenly woke up. I don't know where the artificial lake in District 21 is. How to do? And at this moment...



Mu Xiaoxiao bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry you are okay...Uh..."

"It's you again? The guy who bumped into me last time." Bee-eater Caoqi also saw Mu Xiaoxiao, immediately glared at him, and bumped into himself twice in a row. Isn't this a trick he came up with on purpose? Just when she was about to complain, the young man in front of her grabbed her shoulder.

"Bee-eater, do you know how to get to the artificial lake in District 21?" Mu Xiaoxiao asked, biting her shoulder.

"Huh?" The bee-eater did not react.

"I said you know how to get to the artificial lake in District 21? I have something urgent," Mu Xiaoxiao said eagerly.

"...Are you an idiot? You obviously hit me and want me to tell you..."

"Stop talking nonsense, tell me!" Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help shouting as she listened to her nonsense.

"You..." This is the first time that Bee Eater Fuck Chi has been yelled at when he grows so old, he couldn't help pouting his mouth. I felt aggrieved, but seeing Mu Xiaoxiao's terrifying eyes as if she was about to swallow herself, she gave up, "The artificial lake in the 21st district...go here, here and here..."

"Ok, thanks a lot," Mu Xiaoxiao waved, and after learning how to go, he shot out quickly.

"..." Looking at his violent figure, Bee Eater Faoqi suddenly became a little curious about him, and wanted to follow him. Helplessly, Mu Xiaoxiao's speed is too fast, she can't catch up with her physical idiot. I can only stomped and complained bitterly.

"I don't know if I can catch up." Mu Xiaoxiao was sweating profusely, and now most of his abilities are sealed, so no matter how fast he is, he still does not get out of the scope of human beings. For a while, Mu Xiaojing was quite impatient.

Although he knew that in this suicide, Honey Ant Aiyu would end in failure. Even if no one went to save her, she would not die, but even if the original book is like this, it is not certain now, even if there is a 1% possibility , Mu Xiaoxiao did not dare to gamble, not to mention that the probability of the death of Honey Ant Aiyu was far greater than 1%.

Another reason is that if you fail to catch up, it will trigger the hatred of the honey ants love and pleasure, not hatred of yourself, but hatred of bee-eaters.

Although Miyi Aiyu gave up on herself, she is also an ordinary girl who hopes to be saved. Now Mu Xiaoxiao has taken the place of being a numb, and she said shamelessly. Now for Miyi Aiyu, Mu Xiaoxiao is the only one who can The pillar to save her.

However, if Mu Xiaoxiao, who was regarded as a pillar by herself, did not save her, but then saved the bee-eater who was hunted down, what would the honey ant Aiyu think? That's right, she can't stand it, right? She didn't have much hatred for the bee-eater, she would start to hate the bee-eater, and then wanted to revenge against the bee-eater, and then she would not hesitate to fall into the darkness of the school city.

Just like the original.

However, the original work was because when Ma and the bee-eater Caoqi lost his mobile phone, he did not arrive in time because of the loss of information, so the honey ant Aiyu didn't wait until he jumped into the lake. But now, he doesn't. In this way, it should be able to catch up, right?


"Hello? Senior Sister Yunchuan!" Mu Xiaoxiao answered the phone while running on the street.

"Little brother, I found the place of Miyi Aiyu, which is in the artificial lake power station in District 21! Hurry up there!"

It turns out that the original is because of the loss of this phone, which caused Dang Ma to be unable to find it, "I know, but since you found Yunchuan-senpai, why don't you rescue her first? You can dispatch the guards?"

"...I think for that child, you are more needed now than others," Yunchuan Qinya smiled over the phone.

"...Should you not calculate all this?"

"Isn't this great?" Yunchuan Qinya chuckled, without denying, "I have known the child's heart disease for a long time, and it is difficult to eliminate it, but...only you can do it, let her Get out of your own heart disease...Of course, if you are still angry, how about next time I invite you to dinner?"

"It's settled," Mu Xiaoxiao hung up, speeding up abruptly.

Gradually, he left the high-rise buildings of the Academy City, but arrived at a beautiful place. The 21st School District is the only mountain school district in the Academy City. Mu Xiaoxiao walked into a mountain road, and then directed upwards. , It's almost there!



This is a circular artificial lake with a diameter of more than 50 meters. The lakeside is reinforced by reinforced concrete. In the center of this artificial lake is a tower-shaped metal building, which is the experimental station of geothermal power. Yi Aiyu was not reconciled. She stood by the lake, looking at the bottomless lake in front of her, motionless, as if she was in a daze.

"..." She blamed her failure on herself and gave herself up, so she had the idea of ​​suicide, but after a short pause, she understood that she didn't want to commit suicide, but wanted to commit suicide. Are you saved? By that person, Mu Xiaoxiao's voice and smile appeared in her mind, who had only been together for a day.

Even if he committed suicide, he looked forward to him desperately. It was amazing. He was just a stranger who had been with him for a day, but he trusted him so much, and even silently regarded him as his hero in his heart, but...

"Sure didn't come yet," Mi Ant Aiyu still stared blankly at the huge artificial lake in front of her. Her clothes were filled with stones, and she had been waiting here for a while. Time is up, "Also...After all, he didn't tell anyone to come here, how could he find it..."

Unconsciously muttering to himself, with these words, the last hope in Miyi Aiyu's heart is also shattered, and a self-deprecating smile slides over the corner of his mouth, "Sure enough, there is no miracle..." said After that, he slowly closed his eyes, tilted his body, and fell into the lake.

"and many more--!!"

Suddenly a shout made Mi Ant Aiyu's face instantly regain her dazzling color. When she opened her eyes, she saw a figure rushing over, but it was too late now. Just listen to the sound of "Puff", Mi Ant loves to enjoy the whole People fell into the lake.

"Damn!" Mu Xiaoxiao, who saw this scene as soon as he ran up, was shocked, rushed up and jumped into the lake. (To be continued...)



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