Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 147: Field survival training (2)

Although it is approaching evening, the sky is still very bright and the wind on the sea is not strong. An Qi does not need to face too much waves. Generally speaking, it is not a bad thing, but after swimming like this for more than ten minutes, she still Some were panting, and Alzenar could not be seen at this time, but the island that Mu Xiaoxiao was talking about was also not visible. It is estimated that there is still some way to go.

An Qi is full of resentment towards Mu Xiaoxiao, but she has no idea of ​​running away. Now she knows very well in this ocean that she can't escape at all. If she escapes, she doesn't need those Norma to arrest herself, she might Will die on the sea.

   Holding a compass in her hand, An Qi turned all her resentment towards Mu Xiaoxiao into motivation. Although she was a little tired, she still swam towards the southwest.

"Not bad." Hanging a few kilometers away from An Qi, Mu Xiaoxiao and Black Rabbit are walking on the sea. No, not so much walking, but jumping more accurately, because the sea is the sea after all. The special method is that there is no way to stand firmly on it, only to jump up through the bounce force generated at the moment of contact, otherwise it will definitely sink.

   Now Mu Xiaoxiao has learned decently, and there is no problem with being careful.

"Originally I thought An Qi could not hold on for long, but now it seems that there is no problem swimming to that isolated island," Mu Xiaoxiao smiled slightly, "Of course, if there is no hindrance... "

   "Master, you are so bad," said the black rabbit, pouting his mouth, "you actually put serum in the backpack..."

   "Is this bad? You have to know that there are a lot of poisonous insects, just in case."

   "Then why did the master apply some serum on the backpack?"

"Ahem," Mu Xiaoxiao coughed dryly, eyes drifting away, "Well... this is just to see her temporary resilience... Don't worry, if it's really dangerous, I will I helped her."

   Although Mu Xiaoxiao and Hei Tu are several kilometers away from An Qi, Mu Xiaoxiao, who has a domineering and domineering experience, can accurately determine An Qi's location. Black Rabbit also has vision far beyond ordinary people, and there is no pressure to lock An Qi.

Sure enough, after swimming for a while, An Qi suddenly became nervous. In her sight, dozens of sharks swam towards her from a distance, "Shark? What to do!" An Qi was a little anxious, even though She is a princess and also knows the dangers of these sharks. Besides, after a long time of swimming, she is already exhausted and she does not have any guns. What should I do?

Seeing the sharks getting closer and closer, An Qi became anxious and increased her swimming speed, but for the sharks, no matter how much she accelerates, she can’t escape the shark’s hunt, not to mention that An Qi still holds a shark in her hand. The thing that shark locates, now the only vitality is to throw out the time bomb in hand, then it is possible to escape the shark's encirclement and suppression.

   But although the package is a time bomb, the contents inside are vital props. If there is no such props after going to the island, An Qi can't survive at all. How should she choose? Forehead......

The expression of regret on Mu Xiaoxiao’s face hanging far behind was clear. He wanted to see how An Qi would choose, but he suddenly remembered that An Qi didn’t know that this package attracted the sharks, so he could only regret it. Buried this idea in his heart.

   "Master!" The black rabbit who saw this scene was very worried, "Now depending on the situation, Angel seems to be very dangerous, what should I do?"

   "Let her experience it," Mu Xiaoxiao said faintly, "wait until the critical moment of life and death before saving her, otherwise the shock will not be enough for her."

   "Shock? Why is it shocked?"

   "...Oh!" Mu Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes at the black rabbit, and just about to speak, suddenly he didn't pay attention to one of his feet, and he fell into the sea with a'puff'.

"Asshole! Go away!" Looking at the sharks around, An Qiqiang resisted the tremor in her heart and took out a dagger from her backpack. This was the only weapon that Mu Xiaoxiao put in, holding it in her hand. Holding a dagger gave her courage, but still unable to change the situation, a shark rushed towards An Qi.

Fortunately, as a genius who accepts black rabbits to train his fighting skills every day, An Qi's melee combat is good, and she barely escaped the attack of this shark. She stabbed the shark with a dagger in her hand, leaving a scar on the shark's body, and blood flowed. Came out, but this not only did not make the shark feel scared, but aroused its ferocity, and rushed towards An Qi in a violent posture.

   "Ah! Damn it!" An Qi's body choked in the water, but was accidentally scratched by the shark's dorsal fin, "Asshole! Go away! Go away for me!"

   The blood irritated the surrounding sharks, and they all swarmed towards An Qi. An Qi widened her eyes when she saw this scene, "No! Get out of here!"

   "Why?" The black rabbit was surprised, "Why do you feel An Qi's actions are a little strange...With her skill, she wouldn't be so embarrassed with a shark?"

"It's because of actual combat, right?" Mu Xiaoxiao smiled, "After all, I have been training before, and I haven't been in actual combat. The first time I actually fight, I will naturally be nervous, right?" Mu Xiaoxiao said when he saw the sharks all pounced on. "Black Rabbit, do it!"

   "I see! Vajra!" A vajra appeared in the black rabbit's hand. With a wave of his hand, a golden thunder and lightning rushed out of the bottom of the sea, directly turning the sharks over their belly.

Her own thunder and lightning will even attack An Qi on the sea, but the black rabbit’s sky thunder is different. It is the thunder that can be controlled by the black rabbit freely. An Qi closed her eyes and waited for death, but there was no Quietly, after opening his eyes, he was surprised to find that all the sharks were dead.

Although my heart is full of doubts, she can't tolerate her thinking so much now. She just wants to leave this place as soon as possible. If there is another wave of sharks, she will not have the confidence to survive. After a few minutes of swimming, she is far away. Qi saw the outline of an island ahead.

   Although it doesn't look big, it should be the goal! An Qi was excited and speeded up her swimming speed.

"It's finally here!" Blood kept pouring out of the wound on An Qi's arm. The intense pain caused by being soaked in sea water made her clenched her teeth, but she didn't dare to stay for a while, and she couldn't even bandage the wound. By the time, she wasn't sure what else was on the perilous sea, and only by leaving the sea as soon as possible could she be out of danger.

With a painful arm and a body that was about to detach, An Qi finally climbed onto the beach, her chest connected ups and downs, panting heavily, and sat down on the ground, looking at the boundless sea in front of her, An Qi's eyes were moist. I almost cried. I am a princess of a country. When did I experience this?

I experience the feeling of loneliness on the sea. I am like a small boat at any time. I can die on the sea at any time. Even if I die, no one can find myself. The body will not be left behind. The powerlessness to the sharks made the emperor very helpless. Now even on the island, she has to face all kinds of unknown If she didn't want to die so uselessly, maybe she would have given up long ago. ?

   Now I look at the sea and the dim sky in front of me, as if I have been abandoned by the whole world...In fact, this is also true. As a Norma, isn't it just abandoned by the world?

I didn’t want to stay at the beach for a moment. Now the sky was about to darken, dragging her exhausted body, An Qi walked into the forest on the island with a backpack on her back, and she was stunned when she went in again, she didn’t know. What should I do, eat? Even those Norma’s meals can’t be eaten. Will there be better food on this island? sleep? How to sleep in this place? Sleeping on the grass?

   At this time, An Qi somewhat missed the food she once dismissed and the single bed in her bedroom.

   At least that's still a bed, isn't it?

   An Qi who was at a loss for a while opened the backpack Mu Xiaoxiao gave her...

   On the other side, Mu Xiaoxiao and Heitu also went ashore.

"I don't know what she will do next. It will be dark in more than ten minutes. At this time, we should build a shelter and then look for food." Mu Xiaoxiao had seen Beiye's survival series, so It is clear in my heart that the most important thing is shelters. The forest at night is perilous, and the food problem is okay even if you are hungry overnight, as long as you have some food early tomorrow morning.

   Mu Xiaoxiao still lowered the difficulty. It was just a one-night survival on an isolated island. If it was a few days, then she wouldn’t kill her? Of course, just one night is enough to kill her...

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