Alien Lord

Chapter 3238: Night attack

Lin Ze grinned and patted Zhou Yong on the shoulder and said: "Today's watchman must be you. The Hai Clan guys have simple heads. They are unwilling to give in. They will surely attack them secretly and want to kill us. "

Zhou Yong said proudly: "What are you afraid of, Master, if they do, then we can kill them first." "No, I can keep them there." Lin Ze smiled. Said.

Then, without waiting for Zhou Yong to speak, Lin Ze continued: "If Huang Quan is allowed to watch the night, based on his situation just now, how many do you think those sea races will survive if they attack at night?! It would be much better to replace it with you. Now, you still know how to take action. Those sea races are most seriously injured, and their surnames are absolutely fine!"

Lin Ze looked at Zhou Yong with the expression I believe you, and Zhou Yong's heart suddenly became depressed, and the innermost muttered: "I hate such troublesome things!"

Lin Ze shook his head and said with relief: "Okay, don't complain, so, I'm here to promise you that if there are other battles afterwards, how about you first move?"

"That's not bad!" Zhou Yong said with a smile.

The matter was settled in this way. After that, Lin Ze and the others sat down and began to discuss the corresponding questions about how to deal with if there was a sneak attack tonight.

...Time soon arrived at night, and I don't know what happened. The wind and waves on the sea tonight are quite huge, and the sky is also pitch black.

Suddenly, black shadows came cautiously towards Lin Ze, Ye Gu took the lead, with all the warriors of the tribe who could fight, and quietly sneaked near the camp of Lin Ze and others.

The Sea Race is far closer to nature than the Human Race, because the talents of sneaking and other escape techniques are far above the Human Race. These warriors of the Yasha tribe, either Mu Dun or Earth Dun, use no sound at all, and ordinary cultivators will never find that they are close.

The camp seemed very quiet, Lin Ze and the others were either sleeping or meditating.

Ye Gu was hiding in a giant tree near the camp at this time. After looking at the situation inside the camp, there was a smirk on his face, because with the current situation in the camp, they could take the camp with just one raid.

The thought that he could immediately find his face and make Lin Ze and the others look good, Ye Gu's heart throbbed like an engine.

It's just that when he was about to send a hands-on signal, suddenly, a person came out in the camp that was still very calm just now.

Seeing the person coming out, the warriors of the sea tribe immediately became vigilant, and everyone did not move, so as not to accidentally alarm the person who came out.

The person who came out looked quite tall and looked like Zhou Yong.

It seems that because it was because of getting up to go to the toilet in the middle of the night, the place he was standing now happened to be the place where the five Yasha Warriors had just laid ambush.

"Wow..." In the next second, there was a sound of water, and the five warriors of the Yasha tribe who had been hidden in the trunk of the tree with the wooden escape technique were directly poured out by Zhou Yong's pee. A **** dog's head and a strong smell of urine passed into their noses, causing the five warriors of the Yasha tribe to frown. When they just wanted to say something, they accidentally, Something went into the mouth...

Suddenly, the warriors of the five Yasha tribes went mad, and their hearts became fierce, and they would take advantage of Zhou Yong's unprepared time to take action.

Now Zhou Yong is completely sleepy-eyed, so they think this is a golden opportunity!

It's just that when they were about to do it, Zhou Yong in front of him suddenly sniffed his nose, and then, as they were dumbfounded, a loud sneeze sounded: "Snee!"

A shocking sneeze is like a thunderstorm, and a powerful air current swishes on the big tree in front...

When Zhou Yong finished sneezing and urinated, he looked content and turned his head back and fell asleep.

Seeing this, the rest of the sea race was wondering for a while, how could those five guys hold back such a good opportunity? Especially the squad leader Yuan Qiang, although he is not the top ten warrior in the tribe, his strength is not bad, and he is recognized as one of the top players outside the top twenty.

With Yuan Gang's surname, he would never be afraid.

Thinking of this, a feeling of no second came to my heart. Yegu, Yeluo, and Ma Yu sneaked up to the front. After a closer look, they found that Yuan Gang and the four team members under him were already covered with blood. Fainted directly!

And the surface of the big tree, as if it had been destroyed by countless sword auras, all of them were deeply scratched by the sword! After seeing this, the hearts of the three of them were suddenly shocked: secretly thought: Is this the result of a sneeze from that human race? !

The Sea Clan's body is so powerful, even if a 500-jin heavy hammer hits the front door heavily, it won't just pass out silently.

And this human race, just a sneeze inadvertently, stunned Yuan Gang, the senior warrior in the tribe.

After seeing this, Ma Yu's heart remembered the moment when Huang Quan was easily subdued by Huang Quan during the day. When thinking of this, there was a feeling of coldness on his back immediately, as if disaster was about to be imminent. .

However, now that the arrow is on the string, he has to send it. Therefore, the mayu directly bit his own teeth, otherwise, he would definitely fight with his teeth.

Ye Luo and Ye Gu's heart actually didn't have full confidence in this sneak attack. Lin Ze was already extremely difficult to deal with, let alone there are other human powers who are not weaker than Lin Ze? !

This time they secretly attacked with the king on their backs. Without He Ziyan, the strongest person, who could deal with Lin Ze?

But now it seems that another Zhou Yong who seems to be no less terrifying than Lin Ze has emerged. How can we fight this time?

Ye Gu's face was extremely ugly now, he wanted to retreat, but when he thought that he had finally gotten a chance to change face, he didn't want to retreat.

But the situation in front of him really scared Ye Gu, and the camp was too quiet. If it was him, there were definitely guards in the camp, but now there are none.

Looking from a distance, the pitch-black camp is like a huge mouth open in the dark, trying to swallow them, it is so frightening.

Ye Gu gritted his teeth at last, stomped his feet fiercely, and unwillingly sent a signal to all his men to retreat now.

In this way, hundreds of Sea Clan warriors came silently when they came, and went without interest. They took away Yuan Gang and other five seriously injured Sea Clan and went straight back. They had no intention of attacking the camp at all, just like the night of today. As if nothing happened...

After seeing this situation, Lin Ze in the camp was stunned: "Oh, why did you go back? Zhou Yong, you are really a natural blessed general!!!"

It's the best to not fight, after all, Lin Ze still wants to cooperate with He Ziyan. true

It's about to fight, not to mention the huge rift caused by this, the casualties alone make it difficult for this cooperation to go on, or even if the cooperation goes on in the end, but Lin Ze doesn't know anything in his heart. rest assured.

Zhou Yong's face was also dazed. He murmured, "This...these sea tribes are too courageous, isn't it that the sea tribes are all stiff? ...What's the situation again!"

"Haha, this is the best. Originally, I asked you to pretend to find one by accident and cut it with a sword. Now you have directly injured five severely in one sneeze. Haha, Zhou Yong, your trick is even better! Sneezing almost killed a strong soldier, good fellow, it was scared that they did not dare to take a step forward, hahaha..." Lin Ze laughed loudly. UU reading www.

Everyone even gave their thumbs up: "Zhou Yong's sneeze, I just want it! Hahaha..."

Zhou Yong's breath adjustment (not a typo, everyone understands) was a bit unable to come to Taiwan: "The Confucianism and Taoism are righteous, courage is like a sword, and the jet is like a sword. That sneeze I have been in for a long time. It may not be much weaker."

Zhou Yong continued to explain, wanting to ask for the laughter brought by the sneeze, otherwise if he kept being said, maybe in the future he will have the title of'Sneezing King'. Zhou Yong definitely does not want to see this. Situation.

"Okay, okay, this incident is over, everyone should stop laughing at Zhou Yong. In short, Zhou Yong’s demonstration was quite effective. I believe that after experiencing this incident, those idiots of the Hai Clan Only then will we realize the strength of our side, don't think we are good soft persimmons." Lin Ze smiled.

Huang Quan reminded us at this time: "Don’t be too arrogant. I feel that the sea of ​​stars is no better than that of the country of Yan. In the country of Yan, our strength can allow us to walk sideways, but I’m afraid that the masters here are like Yun. Not to mention other things, the strength of He Ziyan alone is quite extraordinary. With Jin Dan's strength in the later stage, if we really want to fight, we may not be able to hold the upper hand."

Lin Ze nodded and said, "Huang Quan is right. The situation here is much more dangerous than that of Yan State. Everyone will not forget the thousand-year-old turtle before us. Since those sea tribes can be so powerful Living under the wild beasts, it can be seen that the strength of the sea clan is definitely not weak, so don't think that if you startled those sea clan today, you think the sea clan is very weak."

"It's the master, we remember!" everyone replied in unison!


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