Alien Lord

Chapter 3215: Outer stars (1)

Thinking of this, Lin Ze's shocked heart finally calmed down.

However, Lin Ze also knew that if he wanted to achieve this level, he had to work hard, work hard, and work harder.

If you don't work hard, then this thing will not be possible.

Song Qingxiu didn't know how many things Lin Ze had thought of at this moment, he was still explaining: "...The former kind of extraterrestrial nucleus is naturally not as precious as the latter kind, and the stars will reach their end of life. At the limit, a lot of power inside will be lost. This is like those brutal beasts in old age. The value of a brutal beast at this time is not one-twentieth of its value when it is young and strong.

Don't look at the stars are very powerful, but when the life span is reached, the value is almost like this. However, no matter what kind of extraterrestrial core it is, it will cause an unprecedented competition in the entire cultivation world! "

"Master, this piece in your hand, although it is just a very ordinary fragment of the outer star core, is precious enough. This matter... if it is leaked out, it may attract some prying eyes. They At the risk of breaking the unspoken rules in the cultivation world, he will come directly in person and **** this thing!" When he said this, Song Qingxiu's face was very serious.

Lin Ze's heart was also tight, his eyes narrowed slightly when he looked at the remains of the alien core in front of him.

Song Qingxiu didn't say what kind of power the mysterious powerhouses were, but Lin Ze knew very well that these powerhouses were definitely powerhouses beyond the transformation stage.

Lin Ze knew that he was definitely not the opponent of the "certain existence" in Song Qingxiu's words. However, it is impossible for him to give up the wreckage of stars outside the sky, so he directly asked, "Qingxiu, inside. You know this outer star best, and I can count it as guilty of guilt right now. Although this precious treasure is precious, it may also cause killing. So, Qingxiu, now you talk about what we should do next. This star core?"

"Hahaha..." Song Qingxiu immediately laughed at this moment, the laughter was very hearty, but seeing Lin Ze's face a little bit different, he knew that if he continued to laugh, he...

He quickly put away his laughter and explained: "Master, how to deal with it, I really have a best way, and this way is that you can do it, Master. If it is any other person, it is really There is no way to do it."

Lin Ze was not angry, and said directly: "Qingxiu, don't sell it, you should say it quickly."

Lin Ze is still very tolerant of his own people, otherwise, would you try another person? Song Qingxiu has been cleaned up long ago!

Song Qingxiu didn't go around the circle any more, and said directly: "Master, do you know why this extraterrestrial core is so precious?"

Song Qingxiu did not directly explain, but first asked Lin Ze this question, which seemed to be irrelevant.

Lin Ze didn't get angry either, because this question was indeed a bit curious. Now it happened to be asking Lin Ze's heart, so he quickly said: "It is the essence of a star, isn't that enough? "

"No, Master, this matter is not that simple." Song Qingxiu shook his head and said: "The essence of stars contained in the outer star core is certainly precious, but looking at all worlds, there are things that are comparable to the outer star core. For example. Speaking of the "Emperor Heavenly Book" that you got before the master, this heavenly book is more precious than the outer star core, because it can directly bring the cultivator to the supreme realm.

The peerless strong man in the ancient times also cultivated the corresponding heavenly scriptures before he had the strength to confront the formation. However, why is the ranking of the outer planet core far above those things, master, do you know why? "

Lin Ze was very anxious in his heart. His Nai surname was really running out of Shi, so he said without annoyance: "Qingxiu, don't go around in circles anymore. Just say it, I don't have this patience now. Guess."

"That's right, Qingxiu, your tail is up, be careful to drop it directly!" Qiu Yu was also stirring up trouble.

Song Qingxiu suddenly became furious: "Qiu Yu, what are you talking about, are you burying me?"

Qiu Yu was said so, and he wanted to refute it, but Lin Ze on one side gave him a direct look. Qiu Yu suddenly stopped talking. He knew Lin Ze was a little angry.

Song Qingxiu on one side was quite proud at this time, but he also accepted it as soon as he saw it, and did not pester Qiu Yu again, and continued: "Master, in fact, this alien core does not need refining at all!"

After Lin Ze listened, he was immediately stunned: "No need for refining?! How is it possible?"

"Yes, there is no need for refining. Because of this, as long as you grab an extraterrestrial core, any cultivator can refining in the shortest time. No matter what level of your strength is, even the acquired level. The acquired martial artist can also refine the outer star core without any harm or sequelae.

If it is the atmosphere, let your descendants refine the stars and nuclei, and you can cultivate the most powerful descendants in a very short time! If this extraterrestrial core is large enough and has enough energy, it will be cultivated directly to the Nascent Infant stage, or even the Deity Transformation stage. This is where the alien core is more precious than other similar treasures, because as long as you drop your blood on the alien core, it will completely belong to you, no matter what your strength! "

"Hiss..." After hearing this explanation, Lin Ze, Qu Jingwen, Qiu Yu and others all took a breath. They never thought that refining the alien core would be so simple, and There are such big benefits.

Even Lin Ze was a little excited at this time, wondering if he would try to get some extraterrestrial cores.

Lin Ze didn't get it for himself, but wanted to use these extraterrestrial cores for his confidantes.

Compared with Lin Ze's current strength, whether it is Shaman, Gu Xiyao, or Zhou Ziyu before, the speed of cultivation is far lower than Lin Ze, and it will continue to grow in the future.

It’s okay now, because they have just been together, Sharman and the others will not have many other thoughts in their hearts, but after they have been together for a long time, especially after knowing the huge gap between them and Lin Ze, Sharman and the others Some unnecessary thoughts will appear in my mind.

If these ideas are not resolved, it will easily evolve into big problems in the end, and eventually even... Lin Ze doesn't want these things to happen in the future, so he has been thinking about how to do it quickly and without sequelae. Improve Sharman and their cultivation level.

Lin Ze had thought of many ways before, but they weren't very suitable. Now after hearing this extraterrestrial core, Lin Zi knew that he had found the best way.

"Well, from now on, I have the power to collect extraterrestrial cores. Only in this way can I help Sharman and the others quickly improve their strength!" Lin Ze thought secretly.

Of course, Lin Ze also knew the difficulty of collecting alien nuclei.

A treasure like this, no one can easily sell it. But Lin Ze wouldn't be discouraged, he believed he could collect enough extraterrestrial nuclei.

"In fact, this extra-sky star has a more important purpose for you, Master. I believe you, Master, definitely like this purpose." At this moment, Song Qingxiu said something like this again.

"A more important purpose? Qingxiu, please tell me more carefully!" Lin Ze also became interested. For him, he couldn't see this alien star. For him, what could be more important than helping Shaman and the others quickly improve their strength.

"Master, you must know that this piece of metal is the remains of a star outside the sky. In other words, this is actually an alternative, or a smaller star, and you don't lack such a star now, Master."

Perhaps it was because he was afraid that Lin Ze would not understand the meaning in his words. After speaking these words, Song Qingxiu pointed directly at the sky of the plane seed world. Lin Ze is not a fool, plus Song Qingxiu said that he understands this way, how can he not understand.

However, it was precisely because Lin Ze understood the meaning of Song Qingxiu's words that his whole person was agitated, and even his whole person became a little trembling, with a smile on his face.

Do you think why Lin Ze had such a change? Actually, the reason is really simple, that is, Lin Ze has been suffering from the development of the plane seed world before. The seed world of the plane seems to be developing quite well now, and the range of expansion every day is not less than half a Within one year, it can be expanded to at least 100 kilometers.

This expansion speed may not be fast, but for Lin Ze, he is really satisfied.

One year is one hundred kilometers, then two, three years...ten years, twenty years... hundreds of millions of years later...

However, even if this is the case, Lin Ze still has some headaches in his heart, because even if the plane seed world continues to expand like this, even if it can expand to hundreds of millions of kilometers, in fact, the plane seed world is still considered. Not in a real world, at best, it is just like a heavenly existence.

So what is the reason for this?

The reason is very simple. A world needs not only the land, air, life and the like for people to survive, but also other things, such as the sun, moon, and stars in the sky.

The sun, moon, and stars in Lin Ze’s plane seed world are actually not part of the plane seed world. They are not real. They are the sun and moon in the world where the Shenzhou continent is located outside. A reflection map of the stars.

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