Alien Lord

Chapter 3195: Emperor candidates

"The Great Lord of Different Worlds (

"Zi Yu, what do you think about this matter? Who do you want to be the emperor? Or, Zi Yu, are you interested in the throne of Yan Kingdom? How about you coming to be the emperor?" Lin Ze thought After a while, he looked at Zhou Ziyu with interest and asked.

The royal family on Yan State's side, Zhou Ziyu was the one who had friendship with him, and Lin Ze didn't know any of the other royal family members.

Moreover, judging from the previous situation, it is not good that after this royal member ascended to the throne, the first thing he thought about was to find his own revenge.

Not only because the emperor wanted to save himself by killing himself to save the face of the Yan Kingdom's royal family, but also because he wanted to get rid of a huge aftermath. Therefore, Lin Ze absolutely did not want a member of the Yan Kingdom's royal family who he was not familiar with to inherit the throne , It is best for Zhou Ziyu to inherit the throne.

After Zhou Ziyu heard these words from Lin Ze, her face was stunned. She really didn't expect Lin Ze to say this, and then smiled and shook her head and refused: "I? Forget it, I can't do it."

Lin Ze is not surprised. Zhou Ziyu is a girl after all. It is normal to refuse his proposal. He played with a teacup in his hand and said leisurely: "Ziyu, as long as I speak, you can be the emperor."

Seeing what Zhou Ziyu wanted to say, Lin Ze interrupted her directly and said again: "Women can also be emperors. There are many in history books. Therefore, Ziyu, as long as you want to be the emperor, Regardless of whether you are a direct member of the Zhou family? Regardless of whether you are a woman? As long as you want, I can let you be the emperor! Moreover, I believe your master will not object to you being the emperor of the Yan Kingdom. and so...."

There is no need to continue talking about the rest. Zhou Ziyu’s master himself is the pavilion owner of Tianxiang Pavilion. In the early stage of Yuan Ying, if she even speaks, plus Lin Ze speaks, Zhou Ziyu can sit 100%. Take the throne.

After Zhou Ziyu heard this, she actually moved in her heart, but after thinking about it carefully, Zhou Ziyu finally shook her head and refused. She said, "Lin Ze, I understand your kindness, and I believe you can help me board this. The throne, now the royal family of Yan State, who dares to disobey you?! But to be honest, I really can’t. I don’t want to be an emperor, so let’s choose someone from the royal family.”

In fact, when I got here, what Zhou Ziyu wanted to say most in his heart was this round: Compared to being the emperor, I want to be with you more. As long as I can be with you, what does a mere throne count?

Lin Ze stared at Zhou Ziyu. Zhou Ziyu was also very determined to look at Lin Ze. Seeing this, Lin Ze knew that Zhou Ziyu really didn't want to be the emperor, so he didn't reluctantly said, "Okay, you can decide on the specific person. "

Hearing that Lin Ze left this matter to herself, Zhou Ziyu suddenly felt a headache. She took a look outside: "Oh, I don't like dealing with this group of people the most. I don't speak straightforwardly. I'm so tired. !"

Having said that, Zhou Ziyu finally got up and went out.

The huge country of Yan cannot live without an emperor.

Besides, Zhou Ziyu also thought of one thing, that is, those who inherit the throne cannot be hostile to Lin Ze. Therefore, she has to choose the emperor personally. It is best to choose someone from her side to ascend to the throne.

As for whether it is directly related to the royal family, at this time, it is actually not important.

With Lin Ze and the support of his own master, even a collateral of the royal family can still inherit the throne.

After thinking of this, Zhou Ziyu soon had the best heir to the throne in his heart, and that was her brother Zhou Renxuan.

Compared to others, of course his own brother is the most suitable.

As long as his younger brother becomes the emperor, and he is there, his younger brother will never be hostile to Lin Ze.

And to be honest, the allure of the Yan Kingdom's throne for Zhou Ziyu is really not small.

If she doesn't have a real brother, it's all about a real brother, but she has a real brother, so since there is such an opportunity, of course it is for her family.

Lin Ze didn't know the decision in Zhou Ziyu's heart yet, of course, even if he knew it, Lin Ze would agree to it.

One is that this was decided by Zhou Ziyu, and Lin Ze would not object.

The other is that if the emperor is Zhou Ziyu's younger brother, then there is no danger for them to be on the side of Yan Kingdom.

Just after Zhou Ziyu left here, Huang Quan directly stood up and said, "I'll go see everyone."

Lin Ze and Wang Ziming glanced at each other, and they knew in their hearts that the family in Huang Quan's mouth was actually mainly referring to Zhou Yong. Beginning with Zhou Yong fighting Zhou Wenlin alone before, Huang Quan now has completely different attitudes towards Zhou Yong and before.

Zhou Ziyu arranged a huge cross-housing for everyone, and also arranged a large number of guards outside. Although no one should dare to stroke Lin Ze's beard at this time, she was still worried, so she sent so many guards.

Huang Quan just left here, Lin Ze and Wang Ziming didn't sit more, and soon followed Huang Quan back.

The injuries on everyone's body were not light, they were all healed in the room, so the courtyard was quiet.

Mei, Lan, Zhu, and Ju came to serve immediately after seeing Lin Ze coming back, but they also knew that Lin Ze had suffered a lot before, so they asked him to go back to cultivate, and a few of them guarded outside.

Lin Ze did feel a little weak in his body, so he didn't say much, and after greeted Huang Quan and the others, he went back to his room to retreat and adjust his breath.

His loss of true energy has been replenished, and now the first task is to restore the huge mental power he had previously consumed, as well as to get rid of the remaining dragon power in his body.

The power of the previous dragon powers was indeed very strong, but Lin Ze is not a dragon, so if the power of the dragon stays in his body for a long time, it will have a great impact on Lin Ze.

Just like now, because of the existence of dragon power in his body, Lin Ze needs to spend half of his energy to deal with dragon power when he is now practicing.

Not only did he recover from cultivation, Lin Ze also needed to sacrifice the King's Shenzhou he had refined before. Lin Ze's craftsmen, after working hard for this period of time, finally succeeded in refining the King's Shenzhou in the evening of yesterday.

It's just that this king's divine boat is after all gathering all the power of eighteen top-ranking second-tier brutal beasts, even if it is used for battle, it is also a powerful and large-scale strategic weapon of first-class.

If Song Qingxiu and the others had sacrificed and refined a King's Divine Boat before, then this King's Divine Boat could also be a killer in Lin Ze's hands.

With the battle power of the King's Shenzhou, even if Lin Ze and the others were calculated by Zhou Yuan, they would not be as miserable as before.

However, now that the refining is complete, for Lin Ze, there is still a great advantage, that is, he can finally drive this King's Shenzhou home.

Someone here will ask. Didn’t it say that there is an ultra-long-distance teleportation array in the imperial city of the Kingdom of Yan that can connect to the capital of the Chu Kingdom? If Lin Ze wants to go home, he can use this ultra-distant teleportation array. Where else is it necessary to drive the King’s Shenzhou and cross the endless ocean that arouses danger? How can this be justified?

In fact, it wasn't that Lin Ze didn't want to use the super teleportation array to go directly to Chu Country, but Lin Ze really didn't dare to use it now.

Just think about it, Lin Ze wiped out Zhou Yuan, the most powerful member of the Yan Kingdom's royal family just a few days ago, and also killed a large number of direct powerhouses of the Yan Kingdom's royal family, which greatly damaged the Yan Kingdom's royal family.

Although the remaining power of the Yan Dynasty royal family dare not do anything to Lin Ze, they absolutely hate Lin Ze in their hearts. If they have the opportunity, they will definitely want to kill Lin Ze, so Lin Ze is not at all right now. Dare to use ultra-long-distance teleportation array.

Because the control of this formation is still in the hands of the royal family of the Yan Kingdom, if they do something secretly, it is like directly teleporting Lin Ze and the others to another place, UU read or directly to death. What? Or use some inferior or exhausted spirit stones as the starting energy for the teleportation array. Finally, the ultra-long-distance teleportation array suffered from a teleportation accident because of insufficient energy, and Lin Ze and the others were directly thrown into it. In the endless space, or aimlessly, I don’t know where the teleportation is going...

The members of the Yan Dynasty imperial family who controlled the ultra-long-distance teleportation array had various methods to conspiracy against Lin Ze, so Lin Ze would definitely not dare to sit on this ultra-long-distance teleportation array.

If he were to build this ultra-long-distance teleportation array now, it would be totally trolling himself!

Someone here said that since Lin Ze didn't believe the words of these royal family members, he could completely let his hands come down to operate this ultra-long-distance teleportation array. In this case, the Yan Dynasty royal family would not be able to reach Lin Ze.

This thing seems to be the case, but if it is actually done, it will be similar to the previous approach.

The Royal Family of Yan Kingdom has controlled this super teleportation formation for so many years, they definitely have hidden some means in it.

Just like many takeaway weapons in the United States, regardless of the power of these weapons, but in every weapon, the United States secretly hides some black hands.

Once these weapons are used against the U.S., the U.S. can use these long-hidden black hands to let the enemies who use these weapons suffer.

The United States can do this, and the royal family of Yan will certainly do the same.

Let's put it this way, as long as this super teleportation formation was not built by Lin Ze's men, Lin Ze would not rest assured to sit on it, especially if the object was a member of the Yan Dynasty royal family who hated him. Lin Ze definitely didn't want to be tricked by these people, so let's forget about the super teleportation array.

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