Alien Lord

Chapter 1989: Fisherman

The remaining few micro-stone mines are all located in the wilderness of the wilderness, which is more than 100,000 miles from the border, not to mention the Huangsha Town of Linze. The distance is more than 200,000 miles. This distance is just for mining hundreds of thousands of spirit stones, which is really not cost-effective.

To be honest, even such a long distance, even if it is fully mined, is not enough to consume halfway, so it is better to give up directly.

When you get here, some people may ask, since Huang Quan has the ability to find treasures, why hasn't he been able to find the Lingshi mine here in Shiwan Mountain?

I can’t think of the wild barren wilderness. In the 100,000 mountains with abundant auras, there should be a lot of spirit stone mines. With Huang Quan’s ability, it is not a problem to find a few mines.

In fact, when Huang Quan came to the Hundred Thousand Mountains, he also thought about searching for several mines.

It is a pity that the barbarian is full of enemies outside the wilderness and wilderness. If he often goes out outside, there will be countless enemies.

Even if others see his strength, they dare not be enemies, but it is still a very simple thing to follow behind him.

In this way, even if Huang Quan found the Lingshi Mine, the news would soon be discovered by the warriors who followed him. At that time, there would still be Huang Quan in this Lingshi Mine.

A small five-family alliance defeated the Huang Quan tribe. If you say how many sects will appear, will the Huang Quan tribe still have a way of life? !

If there was a sect, Huang Quan might become someone's treasure-hunting machine by then.

It is precisely because of these considerations that Huang Quan did not go out to find the Lingshi mine.

The power of Huang Quan and their tribes in 100,000 mountains is too low. For security reasons, it is better to act low-key.

Not only Huang Quan, but even Lin Ze dare not mine the Lingshi mine in the 100,000 mountains.

If Huang Quan found only a small Lingshi mine, it would be fine, there would be no strong sect door to threaten Lin Ze, Lin Ze would have to deal with it, but once Huang Quan found a medium-sized or even higher level At the time of the Lingshi Mine, that is now Lin Ze, and it can’t be stopped, and countless sect gates will flood this place instantly.

Therefore, before Lin Zeming knew that Huang Quan was in the blood of treasure hunting, he still did not enrich him. He went to the 100,000 mountains to find the spirit stone mine. Before there was not enough strength, Lin Ze did not want to touch this explosion point.

"Huang Quan, can you talk about how your tribe discovered the giant spirit stone mine?" After putting away the treasure map in his hand, Li Zhaonan asked Huang Quan again that their tribe had discovered the giant spirit stone mine.

"Master, in fact, this is the reason for the good luck of the ancestors." Huang Quan began to explain the secrets inside: "The strength of the ancestors at that time was not high, that is, the strength of the seven or eight floors.

On that day, the ancestor found another spiritual material. When he picked this spiritual material, the yellow // color // devil appeared on the wild wilderness."

"Yellow // color // Devil, what is this?" Lin Ze asked curiously.

"Master, it is actually another name for a sandstorm. However, this sandstorm is dozens of times stronger than the sandstorm in the desert. When it is powerful, it can directly blow a mountain of hundreds of meters into powder." Huang Quan introduced, face There was a hint of panic on Shang, so it was obvious that even for this yellow devil, even the current Huang Quan, he was extremely afraid.

"His, sandstorms dozens of times more powerful, this." Lin Ze heard this, his face also showed a surprised look.

The power of the sandstorm is already very powerful, and now it has to be increased by dozens of times. Lin Ze doesn't know how to describe the power of the yellow//color//devil in his heart.

If such a huge sandstorm appears on the earth, Lin Ze believes that as long as it passes by, it is absolutely human and animal.

The buildings in the city, whether it is a house that can withstand a ten-story earthquake, or a building that can withstand a nuclear explosion, will be turned into powder in front of such a powerful yellow//// devil.

"Huh, fortunately, such a yellow//color//devil doesn't appear on the earth, otherwise.." Lin Ze has already imagined the picture at that time, because that is definitely a picture of extinction.

"Huang Quan, your ancestor survived under that // Huang// Se/ // Devil?" Lin Ze asked with a look of disbelief.

In the face of such a powerful sandstorm, if Lin Ze does not enter the world of Plane Seeds, he is also unable to protect himself.

"Well, the ancestor survived." Huang Quan replied, with a trace of pride on his face.

"How did he survive?" Lin Ze asked curiously.

"Master, in fact, this is also very good for the ancestors. At that time, the ancestors were at the foot of a mountain. When they realized that they could not escape, they simply went out and came to a huge mountain wall and dug out one. He had just been able to accommodate one of his caves, and continued to extend into it. Then, he hid inside this cave and sealed off the outside hole. This was a lucky escape from this disaster."

"Oh, that's what it is, which is a good way." Lin Ze praised in his mouth, and praised the wit of Huang Quan's ancestors.

The yellow devil can destroy a hill that is hundreds of meters high, but, like a mountain that is thousands of meters high, it is still unattainable. Huang Quan’s ancestors could first think of hiding in the mountain, indeed Is very smart.

".. The ancestors escaped this time.//Yellow//Color//The devil, who came out of the cave that had been half-hearted, and suddenly, he felt that two powerful spiritual waves fluctuated from Not far away, and a loud fighting sound kept coming, and under curiosity, he approached there carefully, only to find that a silver moon giant wolf and a land bear were fighting. Two wild beasts It is the existence of the Jindan period, so for the small ancestors like dust around them, are they turning a blind eye, or are they fighting there.

In the end, the battle on the battlefield experienced nearly two days and two nights. The Yinyue Giant Wolf and the Earth Bear Wound were both defeated and both fell into the pool of blood. The ancestors did not come close. They waited until the two wild beasts died before daring to come close.

Just when the ancestors looked at the two huge surprises in front of him with a face full of surprises, suddenly, a trace of extremely pure aura appeared in the eyes of the ancestors. When he saw this pure aura, the ancestors were dumbfounded. Because, he knows, this is the aura of the Lingshi mine.

After that, the ancestors hid the corpses of the two Jindan barbarian beasts as quickly as possible, and used the coercion of the golden pill beasts left on them to hide the aura of the underground spirit stone mine and use Deterring the wild beasts around, they dare not come near here.

After doing this, the ancestors rushed back to the tribe at the fastest speed, and came here with the tribal chief and several elders. Our tribe, relying on this harvest, began to grow stronger until it became such a powerful tribe. "When it comes to this, Huang Quan's face is a face of pride.

Their Huang family was able to become the patriarch of the Lu clan (the name of the previous tribe, the wild tribe, the name of the tribe, generally named after the most powerful surname), precisely because of the ancestor Huang Yu's efforts.

The corpses of the two wild beasts in the Jindan period, and the huge and indecent spirit stone mine underground, as well as the treasure hunt blood on Huang Yu, directly made Huang Yu, who was still the middle of the tribe, in less than ten years. The leader of the tribe, and later, the tribe was headed by the Huang family.

The tribe will have this decision. This is because the bloodline of Huang Yu is too important for the tribe, so even if his descendants do not awaken the bloodline, the leader of the tribe has always been the Huang family.

The results proved that the tribe's decision was correct. In the next six or seven hundred years, the Huang family awakened five people, each of which brought countless benefits to the tribe, which further increased the Huang family's prestige.

Their tribe can lose that spirit stone mine, but they must not lose the blood of the Huang family.

Because, after losing the Lingshi mine, their tribe would leave here at most and go far away. Then, relying on the blood of the Huang family, they will be able to find another giant Lingshi mine sooner or later.

If the Huang's bloodline is lost, it is considered that their tribe has occupied this giant spirit stone mine. The tribe's future will not be as bright as the Huang's bloodline.

Then there is the huge spirit stone mine, the number of spirit stones is It will continue to be mined and gradually wither with the passage of time.

The more powerful the tribes develop, the greater their consumption of the spirit stone mine, and accordingly, the faster the spirit stone mine withers.

This is the same as those who rely on domestic oil resources to become the richest countries in the world. Don’t look at how rich these countries are now. Even ordinary people are rich people, rich cars, and luxury homes. Yes, but it all comes from selling oil resources.

However, the amount of non-renewable resources like oil is limited. Once the oil resources in their country have been exploited, the rapid decline of the economy will await their country. By then, the strength of these countries will plummet. The lives of people in the country will inevitably be in crisis.

At that time, let's not talk about luxury cars. Buying gasoline for driving luxury cars will be a problem.

In addition, most of these countries are located in the semi-desert zone, or directly in the desert zone. Once the oil economy collapses, the future of this country is already foreseeable.

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