Alien Lord

Chapter 1986: maid

Moreover, to be honest, Lin Ze is also very much looking forward to this battleship.

After all, here is the mainland of China, the wealthy area of ​​mysterious power, the combat effectiveness of a warship made of wood attributes is much stronger than the nuclear////////////// fleet of the United States. If Chengxuan Iron Battleship, where would that power be?

Moreover, can such a black iron warship be regarded as an interstellar warship?

Star Warship, this is definitely the most coveted thing in the hearts of countless modern people. If he can really create such a Star Wars policeman, Lin Ze said he can pay everything.

Therefore, with this kind of thought, Lin Ze did not stop Han Dong’s research, but asked him to leave the manufacture of these five new warships and warships to the barbarian refining master, he, and his All of them are going to study how to build a black iron warship! !

"Huang Quan, you are now responsible for making these five new warships. I will provide you with whatever you want. I hope you can build these five new warships in the shortest time. "Lin Ze told Huang Quan around him.

"Yes, master, Huang Quan will complete this task in the shortest time." Huang Quan said with great respect.

In fact, even if it wasn't Lin Ze's explanation, Huang Quan would do his utmost to complete the task of making a new type of warship, because this is an important matter for him to return home and relocate the entire tribe.

"Very well, what you need to do in the future is not only to make these five new warships, but also to build more new warships, warships, and these things in the future, I have great use." Lin Ze looked at this The gradually emerging new style warship said with a longing face.

The warship is definitely the best means of transportation. With it, Lin Ze will no longer have to worry about the distance and the wide territory.

The speed of a warship is four or five times faster than that of a modern train. Such a speed, even if it is tens of thousands of miles north and south, is a matter of half a day.

Moreover, the warship is not like the EMU, it is stopped at night, and the safety of the EMU is checked. The warship can not only run 24 hours a day, and it is also more quality than the starter. Much higher.

As long as there is no problem with the above pattern, there will not be many problems with the warship. It can be said that it is definitely the safest means of transportation.

In the future, when Lin Ze's strength is getting stronger and stronger, the warship will become a popular means of transportation in his site, which is equivalent to a modern aircraft.

Coupled with the railway that is currently being planned, travelling in Linze’s site will no longer be a problem.

"Yes, master!" Huang Quan ordered.

After arranging the manufacture of the new-style warship, Lin Ze looked at the empty ground in the warehouse, and felt a little heartache in his heart. In order to redeem Huang Quan and these people, he directly handed over 100,000 spirit stones and almost took him Most of the remaining spirit stones on the body are consumed. There are not many spirit stones left on him now, and the number in the warehouse will definitely not exceed 10,000.

"It seems that in this Xingyue Canyon trading market, I have to earn some spirit stones, otherwise, there will be a big problem in the future demand for spirit stones." Lin Ze thought secretly.

The consumption of one hundred thousand spirit stones is now not easy to add.

These spirit stones are all Lin Ze's gains in the mysterious realm of Xuanyin. Now I want to raise more spirit stones, the difficulty is really not small.

"Yun'er, our tribe has lived on the wilderness for thousands of years. This year ago, we experienced countless hardships and difficulties. I believe you can also understand that now the scale of the tribe is getting bigger and bigger. The production in the tribe has not been able to sustain for much time. If this continues, the decline of the tribe is near.

Although we still have a huge spirit stone mine, this spirit stone mine is the last resort. It is not at the critical moment that the tribe will not open this spirit stone mine. As more and more people are born in the tribe, the life of the tribe is becoming more and more difficult. Now the master's plane seed world. You should have seen it. I believe that this is definitely the best life of our tribe. You are the best saint of our tribe for hundreds of years. , It should have been serving our master, so I will propose to the master, let you follow him, and serve him beside our master.

I hope that after that, you will be able to please your master. In this way, the development of our tribe will become brighter in the future. Yun'er, you can also rest assured that although the host looks very dignified, it seems that it is not very close to the same. In fact, the host is really very good. As long as you stay with the host for a while, you will know. "

Speaking of which, the elder Lu Wanlin looked at the granddaughter Lu Yun in front of him, and there was a trace of guilt on his face: "Yun'er, don't blame grandpa, our tribe wants to survive in this new world, it must be so Do. Besides, you follow the master and serve the master, which is what we should do. Later, you may be able to become one of the master's concubines. By then, our tribe will have dependence in the new world, tribe Will be able to reproduce completely."

The elder Lu Wanlin meditated alone for a long time, recruiting several other elders and patriarch Huang Quan, as well as the barbarian saint Lu Yun. Eventually he made this decision. He looked at his granddaughter Lu Yun kindly, and said slowly.

"Grandpa, you are relieved to be able to go to the host's side and serve him. It's an honour. I'm just worried. I haven't done anything like a waiter before. Will there be any unexpected situations? In addition, I believe Grandpa, you also know that the master already has a master, and soon one of the masters, that is, Gu Xiyao, is now waiting for the master to arrive at Xingyue Canyon. By then, I should How to do it? As a maid, or..."

Lu Yun didn't go on talking anymore, but the people around her were all elites, where would they not know the unfinished meaning of her words.

Obviously, Lu Yun’s ambition is not small, and she wants to be one of Lin Ze’s wives. In this case, Lu Yun doesn’t want to fall into the face of her opponent Gu Xiyao. She wants to compete with Gu Xiyao. .

"Great elder, our loyalty is to the master, not to Gu Xiyao, so I don't think Yuner needs to be weak in front of Gu Xiyao." Huang Quan said quickly.

He is a slave of Lin Ze, but not a slave of Gu Xiyao. If Gu Xiyao is a woman of Lin Ze, with the power of Huang Quan Jin Dan period, where would he put a small disciple of Xuanyin Demon Dao in his eyes, so , He said that right now.

"Well, this is Yun'er, as long as you give Gu Xiyao some respect, don't worry too much." Big Elder agreed.

"Hee hee, to listen to grandpa and uncle patriarch." Lu Yun said with a smile, he had no opinion on going out to serve Lin Ze, but had a sense of eagerness.

Not to mention the identity of Lin Ze as their master, it is Lin Ze who is now young, handsome, and extremely powerful, which has already deeply attracted Lu Yun who holds the heart of the girl.

To be honest, from the beginning, Lu Yun had a good impression of Lin Zehuai in her heart. If they were not hostile at that time, maybe Lu Yun is now actively talking to Lin Ze.

As a barbarian girl, once they fall in love with someone, they will not dare to express it like everyone's boudoirs, but will be very active in expressing their love like their love.

Therefore, Lu Yun was very pleased that her grandfather wanted her to wait by Lin Ze's side.

"Just grandpa, uncle patriarch, do we need to do this? We are all masters anyway, do we need to do such a thing?" Lu Yun asked with a trace of doubt.

In her view, they are all masters, and the masters will certainly not treat them badly. In the future, the tribes will certainly live well in the new world. Therefore, there is no need to calculate the position of a wife now.

Moreover, Lu Yun also worried that if they did so, it would make Lin Ze unhappy.

"Oh, Yun'er, you are still too young!!" The elder Lu Wanlin said with a smile: "Yun'er, we are indeed slaves of the master, but don't forget, the people around the master are not just Only us."

Speaking of this, Lu Wanlin looked at Landing Yun meaningfully, and did not go on, because he wanted Lu Yun to see through the problems.

" You mean..." Lu Yunlin had such an obvious reminder that, with her already living in the countless barbarian tribes, Lu Yun suddenly understood.

"Well, Grandpa means that." Lu Wanlin nodded and agreed: "Masters come under the talents of the masters. In the future, the masters are absolutely unstoppable, even if they are once powerful monsters, or the royal tribes on the wilderness, or outside. Those powerful countries such as powerful kingdoms, empires, etc., under the absolute strength of the master, they will surely be defeated by the master's powerful attack in the future.

At that time, more and more races will appear in the master's new world. The strength of our clan seems to be the most powerful now, but in the future, in the face of those powerful races and empires, will our strength be as strong as it is now? !

They are all master's slaves, and the master will not be much biased. For the following competition, I believe he will not participate. At that time, the development of our tribes will be contained by these powerful tribes. Without the protection of their masters, no tribe can develop in the new world. Therefore, as long as you can become one of the master's concubines before then, our tribe will have to rely on it in the future, and you will no longer have to worry about the threat of those powerful tribes in the future. "The elder Lu Wanlin said with a smile.

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