Alien Lord

Chapter 1968: Magic weapon blew

To be honest, these two golden beast spirits helped a lot in the beginning.

At that time, the strength of this tribe was not strong enough, so the two Jindan beast souls were needed to deter other spirit beasts and enemies, so that they would not dare to approach the area where the spirit stone mine is located, so that their tribe Enjoy this huge spirit stone mine alone.

After that, with the passage of time, the tribes that have consumed countless spirits have appeared in the Golden Pill Period. At this time, the tribe itself can protect the Lingshi Mine. After this, the two Golden Pill Periods The beast soul is not that important.

Later, with the passage of time, the power of Jindan period in the tribe continued to appear, and the status of these two beast souls continued to decline. In the generation of Huang Quan, many people have turned a blind eye.

However, how to say this is also the beast soul of the two golden pill days. Before that, they still have a lot of credit for the tribes, plus they can still play a certain fighting power, so Huang Quan took it directly to the 100,000 mountains. On the one hand, I want them to play the residual heat again.

It is a pity that this time they did not exert the residual heat that Huang Quan expected from their hearts.

In fact, according to the current strength of the barbarian tribe, even if the soul energy is constantly added to the two golden pill beasts, it will not cause much danger to the tribe itself, at most there will be some trouble.

Don't forget, before Huang Quan, plus a few elders, there are seven Golden Masters in the barbarian tribe. So many Golden Masters are enough to cope with these two Golden Master beast souls.

It is a pity that the barbarian tribes are very strong in themselves, and they no longer need such troublesome battle spirits as the Jindan period monsters. Therefore, I do not pay much attention to these two Jindan period monsters' battle souls.

This time it was good. I just wanted to give play to the fighting power of the two Golden Pill War Souls. I didn’t think that these two Golden Pill War Souls would have been the end of the target. There was not much fighting power at all, and Huang Hui took it easily. Too.

At this moment, not only Huang Quan, but also the elders and his team are full of regrets, but regrets are regretted. The reality is already like this, and it is useless for them to regret it. Now for them, the most important thing is to ensure the tribal people Security.

Looking at the tribes with heavy casualties around him, Huang Quan felt sorrow in his heart. Among all the people, he felt the heaviest.

But looking at the many casualties of the family alliance around them than they all came, for a time, Huang Quan's heart was no longer sorrow and sorrow, but a pride.

Their tribe, from the beginning of the war, when facing the army of the family alliance, should be vulnerable. However, he led the clan people, and finally fought hard to the end, so that the side of the family alliance was a heavy loss, and even had to use the ability of the family alliance to press the bottom of the box, the Jindan period monster.

The most important thing is that the Jinyan lions of the Jindan period were all killed by them. This kind of warfare is absolutely unparalleled.

Moreover, this is not only the case. The family alliance itself and other foundation beasts also had a lot of deaths. Huang Quan believed that even the family alliance could not afford it.

The strength of the Family Alliance is tough, but it must have cost a lot this time, and it hurts.

The family alliance in the Sancai Valley is afraid that they will not be able to easily take action within the next 100 years and will be unable to continue targeting their tribes.

And their tribe has that huge spirit stone mine, and I believe it can be fully recovered in thirty years.

At that time, the tribes will definitely avenge them, and at that time, the end of the family alliance will come.

Therefore, this time the battle hit here, he Huang Quan and tribal people are proud of them!

Huang Quan's eyes fell far on Song Yu and other tribes who performed extremely well in this war. Perhaps someone like Song Yu was the last regret in his heart.

Because, as long as they look at their current performance, if they can survive this time, the future will definitely be the pillar of the tribe. It is a 100% thing to be promoted to the Jindan period. Unfortunately, this time they will be buried with their own group Here, they are still very young, but now they need to suffer very much, but they are going to die quickly and completely. This is really something that makes Huang Quan feel very sad.

Especially Song Yu, in Huang Quan's eyes, is definitely a genius, but unfortunately few people have realized this at all. What's more pitiful is that the genius belonging to their tribe will die here. He could have been a hundred years later, like the dying of the world, shining brightly, shining the entire tribe, and even letting countless barbarian tribes under his light. The trembling, carry forward their tribes.

Alas... Huang Quan's heart sighed again.

At this time, Song Yu's eyes shrank, and he made a determination. Soon, he whispered in his mouth: "Second Elder, attack now!"

The second elder on one side was stunned for a moment, and there was not only a question in his mouth: "Huh?"

Song Yu looked extremely solemn and explained sincerely: "The second elder is now the best opportunity to attack. The family alliance thinks that the winning ticket is in hand. It seems that their strength is now the strongest. In fact, it is now their weakest time, because No one wants to be the next deceased when the victory is coming. So, if we attack now, we will encounter the least obstacle. The second elder, this opportunity is rare, and the opportunity will never come again, the second elder, attack Right!"

Song Yu snorted, and the second elders around him heard nothing, and didn't think much. The subconsciously waved his right hand directly in front, and the army of spirit beasts immediately began to charge.

To be honest, the second elder doesn’t know why he obeyed Song Yu’s instructions now, perhaps because he felt that the ending of the tribe’s defeat was difficult to change, so his unruly surname didn’t continue at the end of his life. Persist, or else, as the second elder of the tribe, he doesn't want to succumb to the enemy like this, and he wants to resist once in the end. So, after hearing Song Yu's words, he would act like this without thinking.

No, it shouldn't be said to follow orders, but it should be said that it will be wrong, and then Song Yu's words to launch the last attack.

"Kill!" With the second elder's order, the spirit beast legion behind him who still had a powerful battle roared again.

After that, hundreds of spirit beasts, with endless momentum, turned into a monstrous wave, and instantly passed through the blockade of the family alliance army in front of them.

In the middle, just as Song Yu had just predicted, the resistance of the family alliance is extremely small, because no one wants to fall on the final battlefield ahead of the victory.

Therefore, the obstacles encountered by the Spirit Beast Legion led by the Second Elder are extremely limited. It can even be said that the blockade line of the Family Alliance did not react at all!

Seeing this, Huang Quan's heart suddenly became hot, and he couldn't help thinking: Can't he say...

"Dead!!" The second elder didn't pay any attention to the disciples of the family alliance that didn't attack much, and his eyes were only the most middle thing, the dragon in the Jindan period.

The second elder knew very well that in the family alliance, the greatest threat to their tribe was the Jinlong dragon.

In particular, Longwei of Jiaolong, for their clan, the lethality is really too strong.

Without the influence of the dragons and dragons of the Jindan period, their tribe would not be in such a tragic state. Without Longwei reducing the strength of their tribe, perhaps the tribe is still in a state of anxiety with the family alliance.

Therefore, in the minds of the second elders, the Jindan period Jiaolong threatened the most. The other Jindan period strong men, really, were only in the second and third positions in the minds of the second elders.

"Oh, it's smart." Lin Ze looked at the elders' goals and smiled.

However, he did not step forward to remind him, nor did he try to stop it, because Lin Ze believed that Jiao Long could cope with it all by himself.

Unfortunately, at the next moment, Lin Ze's complexion changed instantly, and he couldn't help shouting, "How come!!!"

"Boom!" A loud explosion rang continuously under Lin Ze's stunned look. The second elder directly detonated dozens of magical instruments beside him, and the powerful explosive force directly swept away not far away. Jindan period corner.


"Puff puff!!"

The huge explosive force of a dozen kinds of magical instruments self-detonating together, directly let countless pieces of magical instruments cut into the body of Jindan period Jiaolong The severe pain made Jindan period Jiaolong cry The roar roared, and all the auras of the whole body exploded. Shengsheng stuck the pieces of the magic weapon that kept going deep into the body into his own muscles.

It's just that the fragments of the magic weapon are blocked, but the hundreds of wounds on the body with deep bones can't be cured for a time. Countless dragon blood spouts like a fountain. For a time, the sky There was a blood rain

"Roar roar!"

With a loud roar, this time, even the least powerful warrior can clearly hear the anger in the Jindan period Jiaolong roar.

Facing the angry dragon, the two elders were not at all stunned. He silently urged all the other magical tools left beside him again, and a brain burst into the angry Jindan period dragon again.

At this time, the Jindan period Jiaolong was completely covered by anger, and he didn't know what it thought. He didn't defend himself for the first time, and continued to roar in the surroundings, looking for the enemy, and did not know the elders. The second attack is coming.

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