Alien Lord

Chapter 1951: determine

"Huang Quan, when things get here, you should understand that with your current strength, you will definitely not be our opponent. You really want to fight. How many of you do you think will survive?" Zhou Da said coldly. It contains an endless **** taste.

".........." Huang Quan looked at Zhou Da silently. He knew clearly that Zhou Da's words were not false, but it was absolutely impossible to let him lead the tribe to surrender.

However, he needed to delay some time to give the injured people some healing time, so Huang Quan made a decision soon.

He pretended to be annoyed by Zhou Da's words, and shouted angrily at the thoughtful: "Zhou Da, want me to surrender, you must defeat me first and then say!"

After saying this, Huang Quan took the initiative to attack Zhou Da.

"Stubbornness, since you want to die, then I will fulfill you!" Zhou Da's face suddenly sank, and then he spoke again, and greeted Huang Quan directly.

There is still a distance of 30 meters from Huang Quan. Zhou Da just burst into screams. He held a fire-grade middle-grade flying sword in his right hand, and turned into a long red sword awn. Head off.

"Flame Slash!!" Zhou Da's flying sword flew a hot flame above him, killing Huang Quan.

"Good to come!"

The following Huang Quan screamed with rage, and his right foot felt a sudden burst of qi. With the reaction force of the gang Qi, Huang Quan's speed accelerated, and he quickly greeted the sword.

Faced with this powerful sword spirit, Huang Quan was not afraid, but instead jumped up and directly hit it.

Although his body looks tall and burly, with a height of two and a half meters, his burly body did not hinder his mobility, and Huang Quan's skill was exceptionally agile. He jumped abruptly, and was no more than half an inch away from the orange sword, and then, he slammed in the inside, his right hand waved, the black light flashed in front of him, and the black light was accurate. Incomparably cut above the sword tip of Jian Qi.

With the sound of "clang", a clear sound came from the meeting place, "click", the sword was broken at the moment of the qi, afterwards, the flying sword in Zhou Da's hand wailed, and it was swept by the strong anyway force. For dozens of meters, the light above the sword body quickly dimmed, and the sharpness was not as powerful as before. It seemed that the middle-class fire sword of the fire department was not damaged.

However, Huang Quan on the opposite side is similar. The blade of the black iron heavy knife on his right hand has also been filled with a half-deep gap. There is also a crack on the blade body near the gap.

However, this is not important. What is important is that when Huang Quan fell, he had approached Zhou Da with a distance of only four or five meters. For such a distance, Huang Quan could almost reach Zhou Da with a knife.

Seeing Zhou Da close by, Huang Quan's face showed a smile, because the most powerful of their barbarians was melee.

Once approached by them, under the same level of strength, they have a chance to win more than seven levels.

"Brother Huang, help me!"

Zhou Lailai couldn't bear heartache for the damage of his flying sword. After seeing Huang Quan in his close proximity, his face also changed drastically. His hands hurriedly cast a decision, and quickly shot several hot walls of gangue fire to block Huang Quan's Approaching, at the same time withdrawing quickly, he shouted to Huang Huiji aside for help.

Being approached by such a powerful barbarian Jindan period strong man is not a good thing. If it is not good, Zhou Da will be threatened with death.

As for the disgraceful thing about asking for help, hehe, under the threat of life, these things are trivial.

However, Huang Quan was really too close to Zhou Da at this time, no, Huang Quan came to Zhou Da with just an acceleration, then, Huang Quan shot with all his strength, and the sword in front of Zhou Da came down. The Daogang Qihuo wall might not be able to stop it, and was directly broken. ,

Honestly, if there were some gangue fire walls to resist it, if it was really going to be hit by Huang Quan, the body protection gangqi around Zhou Da might not be able to resist it. In a short time, Zhou Da died a bit.

Lin Ze, who was floating in the air watching the battle, looked at it, and there was a trace of surprise on his face. He could not imagine that Huang Quan's melee strength was so powerful, and he almost cut Zhou Da.

Huang Quan should be regarded as a Jindan mid-term powerhouse. His strength is nowhere near that of Zhou Daqiang. Even if it is stronger, it is at most the gap of fur. Just from the situation just now, Huang Quan's strength It seems to be much stronger than Zhou Da.

"It seems that I still underestimated the strong of these barbarians before!" Lin Ze thought secretly.

In fact, such a thing will happen, it is extremely normal.

Although cultivators like Zhou Da and barbarian strongmen like Huang Quan belong to the same level, they have very different cultivation systems, and even if there are similarities, there will not be much.

There are many differences between the two.

Cultivators such as Zhou Da are best at performing gang attack or harnessing magic weapons to carry out long-range offensive and defensive actions.

Although the practice speed of cultivators like Zhou Da is also extremely fast, the power of melee is also good, and there are shield blessings, but they are rarely willing to fight close to the enemy.

However, the barbarians’ masters say the opposite. They live on a barren wilderness, lack of resources, and their IQs are indeed inferior to those of the cultivators in the human country. Therefore, there are very few attack methods such as cultivating first spells, nor Understand the magic weapon to carry out long-range attacks. ,

Moreover, for barbarians, tough attacks like meat-to-meat are the most popular and can make them feel powerful attacks. Others like long-range kite attacks, in their view, are cowardly means. .

In addition, because they have more or less blood of some wild beasts in their bodies, so the flesh/body/natural talent is extremely strong, the divine power is amazing, the combat is extremely fierce, and it is very suitable for fighting hard battles such as close-fitting.

And it seems that such a powerful divine power is inexhaustible and tireless for them. Therefore, the barbarians are the most proficient in melee.

Lin Ze watched this scene of Huang Quan and Zhou Da fighting silently, and felt a trace of surprise in his heart, with a trace of it.

Since arriving at Sancai Valley, Lin Ze also heard a lot of confidential information about the barbarians through Zhou Da. According to what he heard and heard, the strength of the barbarian tribes here is relatively weak, far from being as large and powerful as the cultivator's power.

In addition, the chances of appearing among the barbarians of top-ranked strongmen such as the Golden Dan period are much lower than that of the practitioners.

If among the cultivators, the chance of the Golden Pill is one in 10,000, the barbarian is one in 100,000.


There are many reasons. One of them is that the barbarians have a small population. Correspondingly, the number of cultivators with extremely high talents is far from human cultivators.

In addition, the heads of many barbarians are made of stone, so the education level of receiving education is far less than that of various countries.

In addition, the cultivation resources above the wilderness and wilderness are really scarce compared to other countries.

Finally, there are a lot of wild beasts in the wilderness and wilderness. The barbarians always face the attacks of the beasts. Therefore, it is difficult for the barbarian to appear the top strong.

The barbarian tribe on this Tianyuan Mountain is different. First, he already knows that there are five strong Golden Powers here, and the strength of the barbarian people here is generally not low. Finally, there is a name called The patriarch of Huang Quan, whose fighting strength is really beyond Lin Ze's expectations.

Faced with such a harsh environment, this tribe finally showed five strong Golden Powers. The other tribes are also all powerful. This tribe's strength is too strong. You know, even the family alliance that has developed for thousands of years, only the combined strength can be comparable to this tribe.

Obviously, there is definitely a problem.

The next moment Lin Ze's eyes fell on Huang Quan.

"It seems that this tribe will have such a strong strength, absolutely because of that giant spirit stone mine!" Lin Ze thought secretly.

Lin Ze's confidence in this barbarian clan psychic stone mine was only seven layers, but now it has become nine layers directly.

Based on the resources of the wilderness and wilderness, this barbarian tribe can develop such a powerful force, only they have a spirit stone mine, and there is no other factor other than this.

I believe that if Huang Quan knew that the deepest news of the Lingshi mine they concealed, it was simply calculated by Lin Ze, would he regret setting up a site here in Tianyuan Mountain.

Among the 100,000 mountains, there are many better places than Tianyuan Mountain. Huang Quan and they do not have to build tribes here.

So, if Huang Quan can predict he will definitely not come here.

It's just that now that the woods are done, Huang Quan is too late to regret them.

"Wang Chun, do you know what the origin of this tribe is? Where are they on the wilderness?" Lin Ze asked lightly.

Now that he is ready to start on this Lingshi mine, Lin Ze must first figure out the specific source of this tribe.

"Master, I'm really sorry. We don't know about these situations. I only know that this tribe came here more than 20 years ago. Our family also came here to investigate once, only knowing that this tribe is powerful. And, the background is extremely strong, and the strength is more than that of our Wang family. As for where they came from, I really don’t know.” Wang Chen shook his head.

For the family alliance, the wilderness is really too far away, and a small barbarian tribe is really not worth them to spend countless efforts and energy, just to find out the origin of this tribe.

With such thoughts and energy, it is better to spend more on cultivating the strength of the family.

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