Alien Lord

Chapter 1933: Dazzling Baoguang (Happy New Year 30!)

With specific measures in place, Lin Ze and Qu Jingwen repeatedly scrutinized and determined that there was no omission.

Although it is difficult to find all the barbarian masters at a time because of the wide valley, but only looking at the flags and positions in the central account, Lin Ze knew that this barbarian tribe has absolute strength. Strong!

Coupled with the large number of barbarian soldiers, as long as Lin Ze is a little careless, it may be irreversible.

Lin Ze, they just thought about the plan, and they came with the prepared materials.

Lin Ze didn't say much, and directly nodded to Xinxu that they began to refine the drill's "material".

Xinxue did not delay, and soon an alchemist master under his team began to refine this special ‘preparation’.

First of all, Xinxue they deal with a large amount of venom that has just been collected from the venomous snakes in the Wanshe Cave. However, it is not the kind of venom that sees the blood and seals the throat, but the kind of nerve venom that can paralyze nerves for a long time. .

There are a lot of preparations for Xinxue, but he also brings a lot of alchemy masters. In just a minute, these dozen alchemy masters extract the toxins in the venom and put them aside.

Then, they began to process the other medicinal herbs one by one, mixing them together according to a fixed ratio to start alchemy.

Under the ground fire, it took only four or five minutes to remove all the impurities in these medicinal materials, and then these alchemists carefully added the previously refined venomous snake venom.

The two medicines soon mixed together, and immediately turned into a deep dark red. Afterwards, Xinxue added some other venom, and carefully swayed a few times. Suddenly, the dark red just now, slowly Gradually faded into light cyan.

After that, Xinxue let the mixed venom settle again for a few minutes, and finally, in the center of the mixed liquid, a drop of transparent liquid appeared.

This transparent color looks completely transparent, as if this drop of liquid does not exist.

Xin Xue quickly collected the drop of transparent liquid, put it in a jade bottle, and handed it to Lin Ze.

Lin Ze took the jade bottle with satisfaction and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

This is not over yet. During the next tea time, Xinxue and they refined another five mixed venoms.

Xinxue prepares so much, if it is one kind of fear, maybe some people will be naturally immune.

So, when the time comes, you can make sure that there are no mistakes.

The refining of the remaining species mixed venom is not complicated, everything is ready-made.

In addition, there is also the master alchemist's shot, and all the things are made in the time that a tea is not available.

It was already noon at this time outside, and there was a burst of sweet food fragrance in the air. Lin Ze knew that the barbarian was about to have dinner, and he did not rest. He quickly took six small jade bottles out of the plane seed world.

As soon as he came out of the world of Plane Seeds, Lin Ze transported her escape and lurked into the camp.

Soon, two minutes later, Lin Ze was standing in the shadow of the roof of the house closest to the barbarian camp.

The entire barbarian residence, now the house where Lin Ze is located is the tallest, most of the others are only some bungalows, but the tallest is only four or five meters high.

Hidden at the top of this house, here, Lin Ze can dominate, all barbaric camps are clear at a glance.

Soon, Lin Ze saw what he wanted to see.

He sneaked into the camp and once again used ambergris paste to hold the empty ghost snakes.

During the period, due to the constant appearance of the Kongming Snake, several barbarian cultivators came out to check it out. However, after discovering the Kongming Snake only after playing with each other (in fact, they are fighting for the amphora), after complaining a few words, left.

Lin Ze, who was invisible on the side, could not hear what they were saying, but the two men might hinder him later, so Lin Ze secretly caught up and quickly took the two barbarians and put them into the plane. Inside the seed world.

After doing this, when the camp was quiet again, Lin Ze continued to carry out her escape and quietly sneaked into the camp.

This time he was more careful. The light and dark barbarian guards at the door didn't even notice it.

Regarding the guarding situation here, Lin Ze has been observing on the roof for a long time before, and he has figured out the cruising routes and time intervals of all the barbarian soldiers. Therefore, he progressed smoothly along the way and quickly touched quietly. To the tent he wanted.

He was lurking next to the tent, and when he arrived at a place full of fragrance, when several barbarian soldiers were not paying attention, he quickly took out the small jade bottles he had prepared before, gently opened those jade bottles, and quenched them carefully. The colorless and tasteless paralyzed poison dripped in these dishes.

Soon, people came here to eat.

"Hey, I hope you want me to add these special ingredients to you!" The soldiers watching the barbarian began to eat the food that he added special ingredients; Lin Zeyin laughed.

Soon, the hundreds of barbarian soldiers and manufacturing divisions who came here for dinner felt a paralysis for the whole person, and could not move afterwards.

This change of these people immediately caused the barbarian chefs on the side, but, waiting for them to scream, Lin Ze entered in a flash, and then a real figure flashed through. All of these barbarian chefs were suddenly Click on the acupoint.

After cleaning up all the barbarian soldiers, Lin Ze was really relieved.

The venom that they refined before was extremely quick, and even a trace amount of it can knock you down instantly.

The next thing is simple. Now that these barbarian soldiers and manufacturing division doors have been knocked down by poison, Lin Ze will not be polite with them, and they will all be collected into the plane seed world.

After that, Lin Zezheng walked brightly into the innermost part of the tent.

Soon, Lin Ze saw five huge warships directly in front of him.

Four of these warships are still normal, similar to the size of the warship that Lin Ze took in Taiyizong, but which warship in the mouth is twice the size of the previous four. See Lianlin Zedu showed a trace of surprise.

"It's really big. It's almost the size of two aircraft carriers. These barbarians really dare to build!!"

Looking at this huge warship, Lin Ze's eyes were full of fiery.

As a man, I really like this kind of war weapon. Even Lin Ze, for such a huge warship that can crush everything, no, it should be called the war mothership.

This is not about the combat effectiveness of this warship warship, only its huge size and the dense muzzle above, it made Lin Ze the whole person tremble for a while, and my heart directly liked it!

"This is mine, this war mothership is mine!!" Lin Ze flew up onto this war mothership, and she was excited and impatient.

"Master, now that the time is pressing, let's hurry up and take the size here!" Qu Jingwen couldn't help reminding.

This is the hinterland of the enemy. They still sneaked in this time. Besides, lunch time is limited after all. If Lin Ze does not hurry, it will soon be revealed whereabouts.

"Well, what you said is that we still have a lot of other things to do!" With Qu Jingwen's reminder, Lin Ze finally woke up from the previous crazy state.

He disembarked from the warship and began to search for everything in this tent.

The first thing that caught Lin Ze’s eyelids was the dozen or so half-sized room-sized boxes on the left hand side. These dozens of huge boxes alone occupied a considerable amount of space.

Lin Ze touched it with his hand, originally thought it was a wooden box, but did not expect the tentacles to be cold, these boxes turned out to be iron.

Lin Ze shook his head secretly, knowing that the iron box was definitely not for safety.

Because, for those barbarian cultivators, the weight of the iron box and the wood box is really no different for them.

Of course, there is no difference to Lin Ze. Under his flying sword, whether it is an iron box or a wooden box, there will not be much difference.

So, if you use iron to make boxes, then there is only one reason: to bear the weight!

Wooden boxes can't bear the weight of the things inside, and iron boxes can do this.

Thinking of this, Lin Ze became more and more curious.

He chose the smallest one and went around. After checking that there was no danger, he pressed the lid of the box with both hands and exerted a little force, opening the lid silently.

Although it is now noon, even inside the tent is very bright, but even then Lin Ze was still dazzled by the contents of the box.

The dazzling light came out of the box, and the shining Lin Ze closed his eyes directly.

When Lin Ze put on his sunglasses and saw what was inside, even he was stunned.

This iron box is not very big. It is more than five meters wide and three meters high. Compared with the other dozen-meter-long boxes around it, it is just a small box. However, the things inside are extremely precious, and Almost stored near the box.

This is obviously for the convenience of land transportation, or as much as possible.

Lin Ze would be shocked because it contained a quick and aura of spiritual stones!

Moreover, it is not just that, these spirit stones are not only extremely large in number, but also not low in grade.

Anyway, Lin Ze didn't see even a piece of inferior spirit stone. The lowest grade was all middle grade spirit stones. Even if it is a middle grade spirit stone, the quantity is only a small part, most of them are top grade spirit stones.

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