Alien Lord

Chapter 1919: Loot (2)

In addition, among these dozens of practice cheats, Lin Ze was really taken aback by one of them.

This cheat book wrapped in oilcloth looks very inconspicuous, and the things recorded above are also very ordinary. However, as soon as Lin Ze took it, the subconscious mind in his heart told him that this cheat book was not easy.

After that, Lin Ze directly experimented, and found that this cheat was left to Lin Ze’s effort, and it didn’t change a bit, just like a piece of steel, so Lin Ze could not tear it.

There is no doubt that this is a good thing, an absolute good thing!

Lin Ze collected it directly and checked it carefully after preparation.


There was a strange sound around him, Lin Ze, who focused on the loot, looked up sharply. Soon, he saw that the light of the seals around him began to shake and shake.

Thinking of Han Dong's speculation, Lin Ze immediately understood that the power of this "lock" seal seal had reached a time when it was broken.

He sent all the loot carefully into the world of Plane Seeds. Like those secrets of cultivation, he first handed it to Qu Jingwen, so that he could sort and collect it in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

As for other medicines like elixir and elixir, they are randomly stored in a storage warehouse.

For this kind of things, what Lin Ze has in hand is more, more and less, it doesn't matter.

Maybe these things are very precious to other practitioners, but, here in Lin Ze, they can be treated like garbage.


Lin Ze here has just put away all the loot on the ground, the strange noises around him are getting louder, and the vibration of the seal light is getting stronger and stronger. At this moment, even the ignorant people understand, This thing is about to burst and shatter.

Lin Ze's mouth smiled aloud, and after checking it again, he walked slowly in the light of the seal.

When he stepped out of the seal area where the endless seal light was immersed, he heard a loud explosion behind him, and countless seal light was radiated out, shining like the day in the entire cave house.

This is the final glory of the seal and seal seal of the word "lock". In the endless light of the seal, the dense ghost-faced bats fluttered their wings wildly.

Lin Ze's body was slightly moving. At the moment when the seal seal seal radiated its final glory, it had already ran into another branch road, and the hidden escape technique was used to the extreme. Has disappeared without a trace...

In the deep and dark cave mansion, it seemed as if there was no time soon.

The sharp screams that happened occasionally during this period were like unwilling wailing from the mouth of a ghost under the Nine Serenities, but they soon disappeared.

Lin Ze stopped at the main cave mansion and came to another branch cave.

There are a large number of ghost-faced bat groups in the main cave house, which is scary. Among them, there is also a leader-level ghost face blood bat. Although there is no ghost face blood bat king to fight, but if you really want to fight, it is not a good match.

If it is normal, Lin Ze may still have a different mind with them, but after getting Zhou Jin, Huang Hui, Xu An, and Lin Guang, four golden masters (Xu An and Lin Guang have already Drained by the ghost-faced bats, he was spiritually attacked by Lin Ze, and was stunned. After being captured by Wang Chen, he was taken out), and he was no longer interested in entanglement with those vampire-faced bats. .

After all, there are a large number of family disciples gathering outside. Waiting for a long time, if they feel something is wrong, if they come in to check it out, they may find something wrong inside.

Therefore, what Lin Ze needs to do most now is to plant puppet marks for these people.

So, soon, Lin Ze found a remote corner seat, and after Wang Chen was alert here, he directly entered the plane seed world, ready to plant puppet marks for Zhou Da and them.

First of all, the first is the demonized Huang Hui. Because Huang Hui has been demonized, and now is the body of the beast, Lin Ze directly called the King of Space Dragon, and used the dragon power to deter Huang Hui, plus Lin Ze promised to Huang Hui that he could help him recover, so Huang Hui was very cooperative. In less than five minutes, Huang Hui was planted with a puppet mark.

With the good beginning of Huang Hui, it didn't take much time for Zhou Da and Xu An to plant puppet marks.

What is most insistent on this is not Zhou Da, who appeared to be very strong before, but Lin Guang who seems to have the lowest strength.

Zhou Da actually admitted after losing for less than ten minutes, and cooperated to let Lin Ze plant puppet marks.

Xu An is similar, surrendering in about ten minutes.

On the contrary, Lin Guang, the guy with the lowest strength, insisted for more than an hour, and finally, after Xu An's persuasion, he surrendered.

Oh, you said that the Jindan masters like Zhou Da are so simple to submit, is it too fake, or rather abnormal.

In fact, this is not false, and it's normal, because when it comes to Zhou Da's status, things like power are no longer valued. What they really value at this time is the supreme avenue of cultivation.

Such a avenue was absolutely impossible for them to come into contact with before. Based on their previous status in the family, they were able to practice until the Jindan period. It is the most extreme. When they want to practice, there is no such cultivation resource. In addition, They don't have such exercises.

And these things can be obtained by rubbing hands here.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Zhou Da only realized the strength of Lin Ze’s foundation after seeing the world of plane seeds. It can be said that as long as they follow Lin Ze, they will not say realm Yuan in the future. Infancy, infancy, and even higher realm can all be achieved 100%.

Even, in the future, as long as they do not fall behind, it is definitely a fairy level existence.

On one side, he surrendered to Lin Ze, and then listened to Lin Ze’s orders, and at some point in the future, became the existence of the fairy god;

On the other side, he did not actively submit to Lin Ze. After tormenting for countless hours, he was eventually won by Lin Ze. Only then, his status would decline a lot in the future, and there might be no chance of rising to immortality.

These two choices are placed in front of you. You said that instead of you, how would you choose? !

I believe that as long as it is not a fool, it will choose the previous one.

Zhou Da, are they fools?

Haha, obviously neither of them, so they made the most accurate choice.

Oh, you said, Zhou Da, they abandoned the family, is it too cold-blooded.

You are wrong, and there is no need to wait until Zhou Da and they become immortals and gods, as long as their strength advances to the level of Yuan infant period and transsexual period, then for their family, it is the glory of supremacy. And, their family can also become a top family existence.

Moreover, being able to make your own family a subordinate of the Genesis God is not only a damage to their family, but a great opportunity for their family.

Having figured this out, Zhou Da's surrender to Lin Ze's things is not so difficult to understand.

You said that if you were Zhou Da, what choice would you make? !

After planting the puppet mark to Zhou Da, Lin Ze first released Zhou Da, Xu An and Lin Guang, and then he began to recover Huang Hui's body.

It may be difficult for other people to change from a state of beastification to a human body, but for Lin Ze who has inherited all the mysteries of the Xuanyin masters and the totem heritage of the sects of the Beast Gate, it is true It's a very simple thing.

The only drawback is that it takes considerable time.

As a powerhouse in the Golden Age period, Huang Hui wants to recover himself, at least an hour or two.

During this free time when Huang Hui recovered his body, Lin Ze directly took out the weapon of that brass clock.

As Lin Ze who has some knowledge about the refinery, he has also seen a lot of such bell-shaped spirit implements. But such a bell-shaped magic weapon that directly uses the most powerful attacking means of suction, really, he is unheard of.

Even if he just asked Zhou Da about the brass clock, the information he got was extremely limited, and it was not useful for Lin Ze.

Because, this brass clock was bought by Zhou Da on the trading market.

After discovering the true power of this brass clock afterwards, Zhou Da also turned around to find the guy who sold him the brass clock.

It's a pity that this guy doesn't know the source of the brass clock, because he got it from a secular antique shop and came here to fool people.

These answers are obviously useless for understanding the true source of the brass clock. After listening to Lin Ze, I was very disappointed.

As for going to the antique shop in the world, ask Hehe, Lin Ze believes that there will be no gains when he goes.

After all, a brass clock like this is more common in antique shops, when will it be received, when will it be sold, where will someone remember.

Besides, guys who can sell such treasures as waste, I believe there will not be much relevant news.

So, instead of spending countless hours to search for news, and finally after spending countless energy and money, I got the news that is not as good as fur, it is better to directly find information on this brass clock.

Lin Ze thought so and did the same.

However, this brass clock is obviously extraordinary, otherwise it is impossible to demonize so easily, and Huang Hui, who has explosive strength, is trapped.

A trace of spiritual power began to be sent into the brass clock. Lin Ze wanted to stimulate the power of this spiritual weapon to see how much it could reach...

... m.

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