Alien Lord

Chapter 1914: lock!

Even if Huang Hui directly put him right, with Huang Hui's original strength in the middle of the Jindan period, coupled with the powerful cultivation that has been improved after demonization, Zhou Da is hard to resist, and Zhou Da may not be his enemy.

However, when Huang Hui was demonized, his brain was still impressed. Later, when he saw Lin Ze, the biggest enemy, his IQ was even more linear because of his anger.

And this guy Zhou Da, but a very cunning guy, was hiding his strength before, pretending to be invincible, and gradually Huang Hui was fooled. Later, with Zhou Da's calculations, he entered the shell and was hard to break free.

Speaking of which, Zhou Da’s calculations are not very powerful, but he took advantage of Huang Hui’s relatively chaotic IQ after demonization. He first used some powerful attacks to attract the attention of demonized Huang Hui. Its natural hatred of the enemy dragged it for a moment, and then used this special magic weapon to limit the speed of Huang Hui, and finally stimulated the power of the sun stone, driving away a large number of helpers around him.

At this time, the demonized Huang Hui is like a tiger that fell into a hunter's trap. Although he has powerful teeth and teeth, he has no use for it. He has become the meat on the Zhouda cutting board , Let him slaughter.

With the input of Zhou Da's spiritual power, the brass clock magic weapon kept spinning, finally pulling the demonized Huang Hui to a certain point.

At this time, Zhou Da showed a contemptuous smile at the corner of his mouth, then, with a sip in his mouth, he raised the sun stone in his hand and directly embedded it into the small mouth of the brass clock.

The next moment, in the brass bell's powerful suction like a tornado, it was instantly filled with the power of intense sunlight.

"Aoao!" The demonized Huang Hui was irradiated by this strong sun at this time, and a sharp cry of a dying struggle was immediately emitted from his mouth. , Seems to want to pierce the eardrums of people.

In the sky, a lot of ghost-faced bats kept falling down. In this cry of fear, even his kind could not support it.

However, the demonizing Huang Hui's screaming did not last long, only about a minute, and the screaming stopped, because at this time, the wings of the demonizing Huang Hui's body had stopped waving. The bronze bell was sucked into the bell body.

"Hahaha.........Huanghui, Huanghui, let you fight against me, so that you don’t listen to my orders, this time I see where do you want to escape, hahahaha... .." Zhou Da’s heart was full of excitement, and he laughed loudly with his mouth wide open.

However, at the moment when his body and mind were completely relaxed, his ear was abruptly heard a sound that seemed to have been forgotten by him, but was somewhat familiar.


A subtle, not very big, but a firm voice sounded in this space filled with crazy laughter.

Although this voice was extremely low, it was almost insignificant in the rumbling laughter of Zhouda, but this voice was still captured by Zhouda in ecstasy. Moreover, in his ears, this almost inaudible voice is loud like thunder, even a little louder than his laughter, and even Zhou Da’s brain is at this moment, It seemed as though the reaction had been lost.

Suddenly, the laughter in Zhou Da's mouth suddenly narrowed, and his pair of horrified eyes looked in the direction of the sound.

Then he saw an infinite light.

In that direction, an extremely bright light burst out. Although these rays are not as dazzling as the sun stone in his previous hand, they contain another kind of magic power that is beyond description.

Endless power surged out of this void, driven by the power of some mysterious law, and merged into this light.

They emerged in the void, condensed in the void, and then directly changed into a huge net. Even, Zhou Da felt how this giant net looked like a "lock".

The word "lock" is formed by the infinite force between heaven and earth, so it will exude the incomparable majesty and great coercion now.

"This is the seal, and the power of Fulu is added..."

When he saw the word ‘lock’, Zhou Da, who was well-informed, immediately recognized it.

The power of seals and fulu can be said to be the power that countless practitioners dream of wanting to master. However, these forces are extremely difficult to cultivate, and ordinary practitioners can fully sigh.

Now, these two kinds of the most magical, mysterious forces are exerted in front of him, and, it seems, he is exactly their goal. In a flash, Zhou Da’s heart sank immediately, and immediately, he didn’t have much. Thinking, with both feet hard, the spiritual power in Dantian rushed down wildly, trying to escape as far as possible.

However, although his response is not slow, or even extremely fast, how can the power of these seals and fulu prepared earlier be exploded.

"Hoo!!" A soft sound, like a sharp arrow, the power of the seal and Fu Zhuan came to Zhou Da who just wanted to escape, and then, the word "lock" suddenly burst and turned into The endless band of light diffused.

The speed of these light belts can be said to have reached an incredible level. Even the lightning-fast speed of the ghost-faced blood bat king transformed by the demonized Huang Hui seems to be inferior at this moment.

No one can breathe, just a time when one cannot breathe. Within a few hundred meters, the endless seal, Fu Zhuanguang band is filled and filled, and there is no gap in the middle.

And Zhou Da’s body was like this, beaten tightly by these endless seals, the light belt composed of Fu Zhuan, the spiritual power in his body surged, and he wanted to break free. But soon, he found very sadly that these seal light bands are not only struggling with his body, even these spiritual forces also appear around the spiritual power in his body, and his spiritual power flow also changes. Got slow.

What kind of seal rune is this terrifying power?

At this moment, Zhou Da's heart was terrified. He looked over with horror on his face. He wanted to see who was attacking him, but it was unclear for a while.

For no reason, this time inexplicably came up with a strange thought in his heart. If he had this seal rune in his hand before, then dealing with this terrifying demon, the ghost face blood bat king is not easy.

The next moment, faintly, outside that light, a figure began to appear, and approached him continuously.

Seeing this figure, Zhou Da instantly calmed his mind and shouted towards the figure: "Sneak attack with the seal of Fulu is a hero, if you are kind, we are fairer than the last one."

Maybe if you feel that there is no deterrent, Zhou Dali immediately put it: "This is Sancai Valley, there are people everywhere. As long as I order, you don’t want to be able to leave alive, but as long as you can Conquer me, then I can make the call and let you leave here."

In the distance, the figure laughed and said at this time: "Hey, Zhou Da, do you want to play fair with me?"

Zhou Da's face changed slightly for a moment, because he finally heard it clearly, and he was no stranger to this voice, because not long ago, he was with the owner of this voice, so he would never be mistaken.

"Impossible, impossible, impossible..." cried out silently at this time: "How is this possible, how is this possible, how are you not dead yet, this is simply impossible!"

Sure enough, the next moment he saw who the figure was.

I saw that in the distance, Lin Ze had his hands on his shoulders, coldly looking at Zhou Da, who was caught in the power of the seal "Luo", his eyes turned down, looking at the clear top of the dragon-scale armor on his body. At the time of the palm shadow, my heart still can't help but reveal the chill and the intense murderous opportunity.

Seriously, the old man's fierceness and decisiveness must be above Lin Ze's imagination.

Before Lin Ze felt that this guy had a heart in his mind, so he kept pulling the distance between the two in secret, and was always guarding him. However, he never thought that he would find an opportunity to secretly count.

Fortunately, Lin Ze was already prepared at that time, not only had he put on dragonscale armor, but he also turned it around, turned slightly, and revealed a flaw in his back, and he made it noticeable.

At the same time The spiritual power in Dantian reached its extreme, urging the full defense of Dragonscale Armor.

Lin Ze has thought about it for a long time. If you want Zhou Da to count me, then I will count it. I will pretend to be sneak attacked and withdraw from this battle. Let Zhou Da and the demonized Huang Hui fight again.

Of course, if Zhou Da did not calculate Lin Ze’s thoughts, Lin Ze would show no flaws, and nothing would happen. Lin Ze would even come together with Zhou Da sincerely to deal with the demonized enemy of Huang Hui together. .

It's a pity that things eventually went in the worst direction. After seeing the flaws behind Lin Ze, Zhou Da shot, and with this shot, Lin Ze's body took advantage of the situation and flew away from the ground. The battlefield was left to Zhou Da and Huang Hui.

Zhou Da didn't do anything here. Once he did it, he tried his best. His palm completely showed his full strength.

If this palm is a real hit, then Lin Ze's cultivation at this time will be seriously injured, and then surrounded by countless ghost-faced bats, the situation is quite bad.

... m.

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