Alien Lord

Chapter 1910: Demon face bat

"Sergey!" Only in a moment, those ghost-faced bats screamed and fell, slamming on the ground a few times, and suddenly stopped moving.

Lin Ze's nose wrinkled slightly, he smelled a smell of burnt smell, those ghost-faced bats burned to death by the fire department's power were at least burnt to half of the body, and kept emitting an extremely rich smell. The smell made Lin Ze have to step back a little.

"You stop me!!" Suddenly, a loud voice rang in the ears of Lin Ze and his colleagues.

"Oh, finally I can't help but shoot." Lin Ze's contempt for a while, he had already prepared for this voice.

Sancai Valley was established by the alliance of the five major families. Although in order to balance the mutual entanglement of interests, the position of the leader and the right to speak in the valley were all assigned to the relatively low-powered Huang family and my royal family, but, in fact, The strongest force in Sancai Valley is still the other Xu, Lin, and Wednesday families. As long as they are not necessary, they will not easily appear.

On the way to Sancai Valley again, Wang Chen told Lin Ze in detail.

Lin Ze wants to build Sancai Valley into a base connecting Wanmo Mountain. To master this, he must first win the strength of these three companies in Sancai Valley. Therefore, before he entered the valley, his sensitivity was fixed on the three locations. .

The masters inside were already marked by Lin Ze.

Why didn't Lin Ze shoot before? One is really because the strength of these people is not worth his shot. The other is to guard against these three masters to raid Wang Chen.

It’s just that, like Wang Chen said to him before, these three companies have been sitting and watching the two fighting with each other. Even if the two don’t want to fight, they will secretly provoke each other. So, Wang Chen and Huang Hui fight At that time, although the other three masters also came to the neighborhood, but invisible and secretly, they smiled and watched the good show in front of them.

It's just that, contrary to their expectations, the situation now seems a bit out of control.

First of all, the outsider Lin Ze came and was obviously united with Wang Chen, so that Wang Chen only took a little effort to win the people of the Huang family and broke through the defensive array outside the Huanghui Cave House .

Just when they wanted to stand up and'justify justice', the situation changed again and they were dumbfounded.

Endless blood mist appeared in Huang Hui's cave house, after which countless ghost-faced bats began to kill.

By this time, the three masters who had been hidden before knew that this time they had escaped and the situation was completely out of control.

Regardless of the foreign expert and the countless ghost-faced bats in the blood mist, if you want to pack it up without spending a considerable amount of time and strength, then don't even want to do it.

And these have to consume the strength of the three of them. This is really a straight face for the three principals who were doing the on the wall.

In order to prevent the situation from deteriorating again, the three principals in Sancai Valley directly stood up and prepared to suppress the runaway situation.

"Wang Chen, Huang Hui, stop, this is Sancai Valley, but it's not your place to spread the wild!" Zhou Da, the leader of the Zhou family, recklessly reprimanded.

In the past, he spoke to Wang Chen and Huang Hui in the same way, and he could get what he wanted every time. So, once he came out this time, he reprimanded Wang Chen and Huang Hui with the same tone.

"Humph!" Wang Chen scorned contemptuously. If Lin Ze hadn't ordered it, he would like to give Zhou Da a good look now.

"Squeak!!" Suddenly, hundreds of ghost-faced bats broke through the blood mist and directly killed Zhou Da.

"Huang Hui, how dare you!" Zhou Da's face changed drastically, while questioning Huang Hui, he tried his best to deal with the hundreds of ghost-faced bats in front of him.

"Jing Tao palm!!"

With a loud bang, a shock wave with a height of more than three meters appeared in front of Zhou Da out of thin air, and then directly covered the hundreds of ghost-faced bats inside.

Zhou Dabao smiled and shook his right hand fiercely, ‘puff, puff...’, there was a burst of sound similar to when the egg was crushed.

Hundreds of ghost-faced bats were easily crushed by Zhou Da, leaving only the **** ground and the unpleasant smell.

Seeing Zhou Da's shot, Lin Ze's heart was vigilant. He used to hear Wang Chen say Zhou Da's strength. Now it is a close observation, so that Lin really feels the strength of the other three families.

Lin Ze has actually practiced a similar water-attack technique, and has a certain degree of control over the power of water-attributes, but if compared with Zhou Da, it is far away.

"Huang Hui, what do you mean? Do you want to cause trouble to your Huang family?" Zhou Datieqing shouted loudly.

The previous behavior was simply hitting Zhou Da's face directly.

After all, in the past, Zhou Da actually looked at Huang Hui as a man. Now, this man not only does not listen to his orders, but even directly attacks himself, which is simply insulting him.

Zhou Da has decided in his heart that this time he will definitely give Huang Hui a good look. Otherwise, how will he serve the crowd and control everything in Sancai Valley in the future?

"桀桀桀桀............" There was a sudden sound of a creepy sound in the blood mist: "Zhou Da, who do you think you are? If you had a Zhou family skin Hey, you’ve already died without a burial place. You and the two guys weren’t very happy watching the drama. Now that you see the situation is out of control, you hurriedly stood up and wanted to be the same, Come to be a good person?! Ha ha, unfortunately, I don’t care, today, I want you all to die under my army of ghost-faced bats, ha ha ha ha ha..."

Huang Hui's rampant laughter came from inside the blood mist. Lin Ze could clearly feel that the laughter was full of murderousness.

"Huang Hui!!" Zhou Da was anxious. He couldn't think of Huang Hui unrelentingly revealing everything. The most important thing is that in Huang Hui's words, he is like a fool. This is his best. Unacceptable.

"The two brothers, it seems that this Huang Hui has been enchanted. Let's capture him first and then talk about it." Zhou Da turned around and said to Xu An and Lin Guang with a serious face.

Xu An and Lin Guang glanced at each other, and then both nodded and said, "According to what you said, brother, let's take this Huang Hui first."

The three quickly made a decision. As for Wang Chen on one side, they did not look at Lin Ze.

Because, in their view, as long as they took down Huang Hui, Wang Chen and Lin Ze were the meat on the cutting board, and they could not escape, so why should they bother them now.

Oh, you said that the strange guy had a golden dragon in the side of the dragon, huh, huh, it was just a dragon. Their strength was enough to deal with it. Besides, the three golden dragons in the golden dragon So, they simply couldn’t let this golden dragon of Jiao Dan stage show any damage.

"Master!!!" At this time, Wang Chen said a thousand miles, he was asking Lin Ze's meaning.

"Look at it on the side for a while, I believe Huang Hui will teach these people to be good people, huh..." Lin Ze laughed from the bottom of his heart.

He really didn't know where the three guys came from in front of him. He took things too seriously. Huang Hui is obviously exploding now, and he is still in a magical state. These three guys took the initiative to enter the blood mist to deal with it. Huang Hui, this is not to find a dead end.

"Master, these three guys completely looked down on us before, and, as for what we want, just like that, so gradually we developed such a personality that no one is in the eyes, or that we don’t have the two of us in the eyes, so, They will only behave like this now." Wang Chen knew very well, and soon explained to Lin Ze why these three guys were like this.

"Oh, it turned out to be like this, I said, how could a master become like this." Lin Ze suddenly felt a sudden in his heart.

This is like a school bully. When I was in school, I took down a lot of my classmates, and then I went to the university to be the best. The job I found was quite good.

Then, when I came to the class meeting, Xueba still looked at the classmates in the class with a down-to-eye look like before, putting his work around and other things first, but soon, he suddenly I learned that some of the classmates who are relatively ordinary are now not only far above him, but also have opened a company that is stronger than the company he is in.

I believe that at that time, this Xueba's face was absolutely beautiful.......

The three Zhou Da's faces are almost the same as this Xueba's originally thought they could easily take down Huang Hui to end this battle, but they did not find out until they entered the blood mist After the enchantment, Huang Hui's strength is not decent.

Before, they also wanted to treat Huang Hui as a winner. In a blink of an eye, the three of them became hunters. Huang Hui led countless ghost-faced bats, chasing them like a family dog, in a state of embarrassment. .

"Brother Lin, Brother Zhou, if you can't go on like this, Huang Hui is obviously consuming our strength." Xu An gasped to the surrounding Zhou Da and Lin Guang.

After they entered the blood mist, at the beginning, they were fairly dominant, but, gradually, they discovered that they were actually fooled.

The devil qi in the blood mist is constantly eroding the body protection around them, continually consuming their spiritual power. Maybe they didn’t care about the consumption at the beginning, but as time passed, they gathered around After more and more ghost-faced bats, these consumption is very large.

Anyway, Xu An is breathless now, it can be seen that his previous battle consumption is extremely serious.

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