Alien Lord

Chapter 1876: Breakthrough (1)

The importance of foundation Lin Ze knew in his heart, so he also worked **** the breeze swordsmanship, striving to master this sword tactic as soon as possible.

This research, Lin Ze spent nearly three hours.

In this three-hour period, he devoted himself to researching the breeze sword tactics, and from time to time, he simulated exercises in the sea.

By the third hour, he had mastered this sword skill thoroughly.

This speed of cultivation is absolutely appalling. If you let other warriors know, it may cause a huge sensation or peep.

After all, to be able to comprehend a sword tactic so quickly, there are indeed reasons for talent, but there are certainly other methods, and these methods are not too tempting for other warriors.

As long as they can figure out the secrets inside, they can also quickly practice secret techniques, which is extremely beneficial to their future cultivation.

At least, they can spend very little time practicing martial arts, and then have more time and energy to do other things.

However, this kind of experience is not the most pleasant thing in Lin Ze’s heart. What really surprised Lin Ze was that after these hours of concentrated practice, he unexpectedly discovered that the true energy of his body has continued through this period of time. Enhancement and refining have now reached the peak of the innate layer, and have the sprint to the innate second layer.

Lin Ze would miss this opportunity. He first glanced at Gu Xiyao who was still practicing and consolidating his master's cultivation behavior. After there was no danger, he sat down directly and vigorously operated the innate true energy in his body. ) Soon, the innate innate energy in Lin Ze's body was running fast in the meridian like a car driving on the highway.

At this time, although Lin Ze's face was joyless and sad, it seemed to be unaware, but his heart was very excited and difficult for himself.

You know, it’s not a long time since he was promoted from the congenital period to the present. Even if he is holding his fingers and counting the number of words, it can’t be more than a week, and the innate temperament of the innate warrior is like climbing a mountain. The more difficult it is, the more difficult it is, especially when it reaches the plateau with a height of more than 3,000 meters.

Converted in the cultivation world, that is, after the innate period, the difficulty of breaking through is several times or even dozens of times of the days before and after.

Countless inborn warriors have been trapped in the realm of innate early life for the whole life, and the goal of breaking through the guru realm is quite far.

According to the statistics in Zongmen, the probability of the congenital warriors in the early days of congenitality finally being able to break through to the guru is almost one percent, so it is really difficult to break through the congenital realm.

According to Lin Ze's previous estimate, he was able to practice to the congenital two-level peak within a year.

However, in less than a week now, he has reached the peak of the innate layer, and now it will soon break through to the innate layer.

Such a result naturally made Lin Ze's heart overjoyed.

Although Lin Ze’s avatar strength has reached the stage of the foundation period, but only his real body is really powerful, it is really powerful, so when Lin Ze fights with avatars, his real body is in the seed of the plane Practice in the world with all your strength.

As for why Lin Ze's strength has increased so quickly this time, the reason is actually very simple, that is, the millennium Yuzhi juice of the previous millennium, and the reasons for several battles.

The power of the millennium Yuzhi's juice not only instantly restores the energy you consume, such as spiritual energy, but also has a special hidden ability, that is, it can make the master's true energy, spiritual energy and the like. Energy is refined and increased to a certain extent when it is used repeatedly.

Although this range is relatively small, but with the superposition of times, this number is also very considerable.

Before that, Lin Ze had fought for four or five hours with thousands of years of Yuzhi juice, and the number of refining reached more than one hundred times. The total refining effect is really not small.

Of course, such secrets have not been widely circulated in the cultivation world. After all, the millennium jade juice is a rare existence in the cultivation world. It is impossible for others to have such a luxury as Lin Ze, and only later noticed it. Hidden secret.

Therefore, the millennium Yuzhi can refine the true energy to a small extent, and increase the secrets of cultivation. Perhaps, by now, it is only Lin Ze grasping.

Anyway, before Lin Ze asked Qu Jingwen, they all said that there were no such words in Zongmen's records.

In fact, if you think about this matter carefully, there are really not many people who understand the secrets hidden inside.

Yes, Millennium Yuzhi Juice does have this special surname, but this surname is not obvious, and it can be said that it is very small, and the improvement is not even one thousandth. This change in smile, No one really will find out.

The reason why Lin Ze was able to find out before, and he was so exaggerated in his body, there are actually many reasons, one of which is that his own strength is too low compared to the master, in addition, the most important Yes, in these few battles with the flying demon wolf, aquatic wild beasts, and other martial arts warriors in Wanmo City, he took too much millennium Yuzhi juice to create the current situation.

Without these reasons, Lin Ze wants to discover the secrets inside, which is not very possible.

After all, Lin Ze used to take millennium Yuzhi juice to restore his cultivation, but only because of the extremely limited amount and number of times he took it at that time, so he didn't find the secret inside.

Millennium Yuzhi is indeed one of the top treasures in the world.

Seriously, in general, things like Millennium Yuzhi are extremely difficult to breed, and those who can master them are extremely powerful characters.

And even if such top figures are using Millennium Yuzhi juice, they will never be like Lin Ze. They are like drinking a lot of them without restraint like mineral water. Even if they take the juice of Millennium Yuzhi, It will also be calculated by the number of drops, in this way, it can ensure that the millennium Yuzhi is least injured, so that it can continue to provide millennium Yuzhi juice.

However, when Lin Ze arrived, it was not like this. In his place, when the millennium Yuzhi juice was extracted, it was calculated directly in bottles.

The Plane Seed World is really the best environment for the growth of all spiritual materials. In addition, in the Plane Seed World, Lin Ze is the existence of God. Therefore, millennium Yuzhi is like food in Lin Ze’s Plane Seed World. The same, being quickly reproduced.

A year ago, Lin Ze had only two thousand-year-old jade zhi, but now Lin Ze has nearly 1,000 thousand-year-old jade zhi in his hand, and the number is still increasing.

Oh, you said that even if it was planted with the spores carried on the millennium Yuzhi, it would not grow up to a millennium now.

Ha ha, who said Lin Ze was propagated with spores on the millennium Yuzhi, he directly cut a small piece of root on the root of the millennium Yuzhi and used this to breed the millennium Yuzhi.

As for the life of breeding and not breeding, hehe, for Lin Ze, there is no problem at all.

Many plants can't survive after transplantation. The big reason is the flow of vitality. However, as the master of the plane seed world, Lin Ze can easily inject vitality to all creatures in the plane seed world. How much does it want, Lin Ze How much can be injected.

In this way, of course, all the millennium Yuzhi that have been divided survived, and then continue to provide aura to them, these millennium Yuzhi will soon grow up.

Therefore, the number of millennium Yuzhi in Lin Ze’s hands is really large, so much that you can directly use bottles to hold the millennium Yuzhi juice. I believe that other warriors will definitely look at Lin with envy, jealous hatred if they know this Ze, then, red eyes combined to attack Lin Ze.

Millennium Yuzhi is the best life-saving treasure for any warrior.

In the practice world, there is such a saying: A drop of millennium jade zhi is equal to a life!

This is not an exaggeration, but it is indeed the truth.

For example, you are fighting with the enemy. At this time, your true energy is almost consumed. If you have thousand years of Yuzhi juice on your body, as long as you take a drop, your true energy can be restored to a satisfactory state, and you are opposite. The dominant enemy ~ ~ really has consumed a lot.

Before, you were weak and strong, and you were close to your death, but now you have become weak and strong. I believe that the winner of this battle must be you.

In this case, don't you save your life.

Of course, this is only for the practitioners under the foundation period, like the strong ones in the foundation period, a drop of millennium Yuzhi is not enough to supplement their spiritual consumption.

Lin Ze’s doppelganger needs about ten drops of millennium Yuzhi juice to restore the spiritual power in Dantian.

And in the Golden Pill period, the quantity needed would exceed fifty drops.

However, from this, it can be seen that even if the Millennium Yuzhi is in the Jindan period, the Yuan infant period, it is playing the same role as before, at most, it means that the required number has become more, but it can still be instantaneous. Recovering the cultivation of these strong men, we can see that the preciousness of the millennium Yuzhi is really one of the best.

Therefore, if other warriors know that Lin Ze has so many thousand years of Yuzhi, what will happen in the future, I believe you can imagine.

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