Alien Lord

Chapter 1872: Flayer (2)

The ice noodles, which had been **** enough before, added countless **** smells again.

The blood on the ground has turned the white ice surface into a blood-red blood sea! !

There was a trace of pure blue sword awns on the Xuanming sword, and the dazzling blue light diffused out, looming in the range of more than thirty feet around Lin Ze.

In these blue light, there is a trace of smaller, more subtle strange power, this is the ice sword gas, they penetrate deeply into those flesh and blood floating in the air.

Then, the power of freezing began to show its power. These flying demon wolves were instantly frozen by this extreme power of freezing, even as if their souls were frozen by this power of freezing, and then, and other predecessors In the same way, they have started a free fall movement towards the ground.

The full-strength fighting will consume a great deal of spiritual power. However, whenever the spiritual power in Linze Dantian is exhausted, a familiar heat flow will suddenly occur in his meridian, and it will quickly enter the Tao from the meridian. Among Lin Tian's Dantian.

This heat flow rolled along, and continuously flowed into Dantian along the meridians, turning into the surging spiritual power in his body.

Xuan Ming Sword is extremely powerful, Xuan Ming Sword is even more overbearing, but to do all of this, it requires a lot of spiritual power to maintain.

If it is replaced with a normal late strong foundation period, even though he can master the power of Xuanming Sword, he can't completely release this set of powerful power like Lin Ze now.

Because of their spiritual power in Dantian, they simply couldn't support this set of sword tactics for so long.

Lin Ze is different. He doesn't need to worry about it.

Because, when he exploded his full spiritual power and fully released the power of Xuanming Sword, no matter how much spiritual power he consumed, the thousand-year-old jade juice that he left in the meridians would bring him a lot of energy. Absolute spiritual power supplement.

No matter how much spiritual power he consumes, as long as he can continuously absorb the juice of the millennium Yuzhi, then he will have an inexhaustible spiritual power flow.

Xuan Ming Sword flew to the end. When he saw that the old power was about to be exhausted, Lin Ze raised his palm, his wrist shook slightly, and a large amount of spiritual power poured into Xuan Ming Sword, pushing it with an invincible momentum. Go straight ahead.

And under his feet, he was running around suddenly, sliding fast, flying close to Xuan Mingjian's side, and following up step by step.


The fierce sound of breaking the sky suddenly sounded in the air. Although it was only a Xuanming sword, only Lin Ze was attacking alone, but the cooperation between Xuan Ming sword and Lin Ze seemed to have become Like thousands of strong men, countless sword spirits, the flying demon wolves that pounced in front of them all penetrated and torn.

For a time, flesh and blood flew across the sky, murderous, the blood turned into blood rain, and continued to fall below.

Soon, the lake with some sky blue turned bright red.

It stands to reason that so much blood, the remains of the flying devil wolf, should attract the aquatic savage beasts below.

However, a full five minutes passed, except for the appearance of some very common fish, no aquatic barbarian appeared.

Obviously, those aquatic savage beasts have been completely slain by Lin Ze, now they don’t have to eat up the wreckage of the flying devil wolf, they can not be frightened by Lin Ze’s slaughter again, even if it is good Too.

Lin Ze moved slightly under his feet and gradually relaxed with his face. His eyes were full of love. Gu Xiyao dexterously came to the side of Xuan Ming Sword. The spiritual power in Dan Tian was madly output. Under the blessing, Xuanming Sword flew up beside Lin Ze and Gu Xiyao like a meteor, while Lin Ze and Gu Xiyao's figure was closely attached to the side of Xuan Ming sword like a shadow. Nether Sword and Lin Ze are almost integrated.

Hidden technique footwork, unpredictable ghosts and gods!

Xuanming sword sword tactics, blockers are ridiculous!

Slightly wrong in both feet, Lin Ze took advantage of it, and rushed into the flying demon wolves with the huge power shown by Xuan Ming Sword. At this time, Gu Xiyao, who was beside him, saw Lin Ze After the fighting stance, the fighting heart in her heart began to boil. She no longer thought of the countless flying demon wolves around her. For the first time, she took the initiative to take out the thousand demon streamers, and her hands were constantly pinching the law. The black gang attack continued from the thousand demon streamers, constantly attacking the flying demon wolf around him.

At the same time, an invisible black silk thread penetrated into the sea of ​​knowledge of the flying demon wolves that had been killed, directly pulling their souls out, and then was easily swallowed by the demon souls in the thousand demon streamers.

In less than two minutes, Gu Xiyao felt the brightness of the Thousand Demon streamers on her hand, which seemed to be brighter.

By this time, Gu Xiyao had a strong sense of regret in her heart. She knew that this was the case, she should have followed Lin Ze before. I believe that with the addition of those aquatic barbarian souls, her thousand demon streamers The power of recovery will be faster.

"Xiyao, good!" Seeing Gu Xiyao finally took the initiative, Lin Ze praised in his mouth.

He will set off this war, not to exercise Gu Xiyao's inner fighting spirit, to eliminate the bad things that she accumulated unconsciously because she has lived in Xuanyin Demon for a long time.

Now Gu Xiyao can take the initiative to take action, which proves that Lin Ze's pains have finally been in vain.

"Hee hee hee, Lixuan, you are so powerful. If I weren't you, I would be so bold! Lixuan, thank you!" Gu Xiyao now understands Lin Ze's pains, and he is very moved.

"Oh, we two say thank you, this is what I should do, otherwise, how can I qualify to be your husband!" Lin Ze said with a smile.

"Hee hee, Li Xuan, you are so shameless, when did I say I will marry you, hum!" Gu Xiyao, whose mind was restored to the girl's heart, said naughtyly and tilted her nose.

The girl looked shy, Lin Ze looked at a stunned.

Seeing Lin Ze staring at himself now, Gu Xiyao's face was flushed instantly.

"Aoao!" The two screamed and surprised the two of them. They only found out that now, when it's time to fight, where is the time to have a love affair.

However, Lin Ze, who was very happy in his heart, roared like a bull who sent his love, and the whole person and Xuan Ming Sword were completely integrated into one, wantonly slaughtering the flying magic wolf around.

At this moment, it is no longer possible to see whether the man is holding the sword, the sword or the sword, because at this moment, the two are already completely integrated into one.

If someone is watching from a distance at this moment, you may see an extremely magical scene.

In this cyan sword shadow, a phantom-like figure travels through it. The infinitely powerful sword energy around him has not hurt him at all. The two are like a whole, and there is no longer any in the middle. respectively.

If an insightful person sees Lin Ze’s present state, he will know that Lin Ze is now in an epiphany state.

Under the state of epiphany, Lin Ze’s entire computing power has exceeded the limit imaginable by most cultivators in this world. Under his precise calculations that strengthened countless times of brain power, he has used the Xuanming sword tactics before. At that time, all the difficulties were solved. Now the secret of Xuanming Sword, all the secrets inside are unfolding towards Lin Ze, and they can master it quickly.

Even, if he had good luck, Lin Ze could still understand the sword territory.

Lin Ze couldn't think of it. When he really realized everything about Xuanming Sword, the power he exerted was actually far beyond his original expectations.

Now the Xuanming sword passed by, there was a huge wave of qi, completely composed of countless sword qi waves.

Prior to this, the power of the Xuanming sword tactics used by Lin Ze was strong, but at most it was a strong wind of level six or seven. Where is the power of the hurricane that is now directly exerted? It is still as powerful as the power of the hurricane of level 12.

Facing the rapidly increasing power of the Xuanming Sword, the flying demon wolves around them also felt a huge crisis. They desperately flapped their wings and wanted to escape from here, but unfortunately, the speed of their wings incitement was too small. In such a huge twelve hurricane, there is simply not enough time to avoid it.

At the next moment, the flying demon wolves around the hurricane fell head to head. They seemed to be wrapped in a tornado. They no matter how they waved their wings, they still could not break free.


A trace of abnormal sword qi was released from the Xuan Ming sword. These sword qi not only came from the power of the formation on the Xuan Ming sword, but also the blessing of Lin Ze’s spiritual power, even those who were shot by long guns. Killing, some of the remaining attack power, and the remaining attack power in the surrounding air, it seems to be absorbed, directly blessed on the Xuan Ming sword.

Originally on the Xuanming sword, there are only two surnames.

The power of ice, and the qi of the sword, but at this moment, after several **** fights, and after this epiphany of Lin Ze, these two kinds of forces in the Xuanming sword, plus the countless others who participated in it from outside The forces of the world began to blend with each other, and a very unusual power was slowly born.

"No, Lixuan is in an epiphany state!" Gu Xiyao's face around her changed, and she immediately attacked all the flying demon wolves with all her strength, not wanting to let these flying demon wolves disturb Lin Ze's epiphany state.

At this time, the power of the sword energy around Lin Ze was getting stronger and stronger, and gradually, a huge sword gas group was formed directly around Lin Ze's body. Any creature within 30 meters around this sword gas group would endure To the strong feeling of endless horror that seems to kill all living things.

Of course, this has little effect on Gu Xiyao, who is in the Jianqi regiment. She can still fight normally.

However, for those flying demon wolves who want to attack Lin Ze and Gu Xiyao, this is to kill them.

As long as they are touched by the Jianqi regiment, their bodies will look like Ling Chi. Countless small swords are constantly cutting their bodies. Even if they are running their full body to protect the body, the body can not hold a breath, Will be crushed.

What happened afterwards was obvious. Without the protection of body protection, these flying demon wolves will soon be torn into pieces by countless sword qi.

"This is the power of the realm, or the sword domain with the strongest attacking power. The master is so powerful!" Everyone in the Plane Seed World, after seeing this scene, said with great surprise in his heart.

Now the sword air mass around Lin Ze is slowly spreading, and the contacted Anxie Feitian Wolf is all torn into pieces. Obviously, this is the power of the sword domain.

Indeed, what surrounds Lin Ze and Gu Xiyao right now is the power of the domain, which belongs to the power of the sword domain.

However, the power of this field around Lin Ze is quite limited. It has not actually been formed yet. If it is really formed, then it will not be that the flying demon wolves are directly torn into pieces, but directly can be easily relaxed. Directly seal their strength.

All creatures entering the sword territory will be controlled by Lin Ze.

Of course, if you are strong enough, or if you have the same understanding of the field, it will be different. Then, after you have fought, you will know who is strong and who is weak.

However, even if this is just a very rough first step on the road of the field, it is enough for Lin Ze now.

After all, his ontology is still the strength of the innate early stage. Too early to understand the field ~ ~ is extremely unfavorable for Lin Ze's future development.

For example, like the emperors who inherited the throne in ancient times, if the emperor in front of him was an emperor who wanted to enjoy, he wanted to be an emperor more capable than the emperor in front. However, if the emperor in front of him was the founding emperor, not only won the unskilled territory, but also allowed the country to be peaceful and peaceful, then the emperor who inherited him would never think of anything good in his life. Records.

Lin Ze's strength is too low now. If he comes into contact with those top-level forces too early, it will greatly hinder Lin Ze's future development, and even cause Lin Ze to be in danger.

For example, Lin Ze encountered an enemy. With his own strength, he could only go to death, but because of the powerful influence of the field, Lin Ze thought that he could defeat his opponent. You say Lin Ze went up like this What is the chance of victory? !

The answer is obvious. Lin Ze's winning percentage is almost zero.

When we were students, I believe that many people have encountered such things. When they see that you are looking at something in the upper grades, they will tell you not to look at the knowledge of the upper grades. This is nothing for you. benefit.

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