Alien Lord

Chapter 1863: Powerful attack

Although Gu Xiyao believed that there would be no danger, but when she thought of going to fight in the water, she felt uncomfortable for a while.

Although Gu Xiyao is not a dry duck, but she is not close to the water from the bottom, she really does not like to go into the water.

Fortunately, those few beasts were afraid of Lin Ze's strength, so they didn't disturb them, which made Gu Xiyao's heart relax a little.

No, now when I come to this huge lake, Gu Xiyao has the intention to appreciate the beauty of this lake.

At this moment, there was a sudden change on the lake surface. The sense of moisture in the air was much richer than before. Lin Ze only flew for a few seconds, and found that there was water above the body protection. fog.

Upon closer inspection, he found that some areas were even foggy. In some serious places, the fog had already turned into clouds.

And, as the two flies forward, the mist from the lake surface becomes heavier and damper, and finally there is even a sense of whether they are swimming in the water.

"Li Xuan, what's the matter..." Gu Xiyao already felt something was wrong, she leaned directly on Lin Ze's side and said with a trace of anxiety.

Lin Ze didn't reply, but stopped immediately, and after looking back a little somewhere behind him, he concentrated on observing the dense fog around him, only to see the fog slowly moving at this time, the speed slightly increased , And pushed forward.

Even some distant creatures in the fog are swimming in all directions, but only, they do not move forward.

"What's wrong? Lixuan." Gu Xiyao saw Lin Ze's face serious, and immediately asked softly.

"It's okay, you can rest assured that I have everything." Lin Ze comforted, and after that, he flew forward at a faster speed.

At this time, his heart was a little uneasy. Judging from the speed of these mists, there must be someone or some powerful barbarian behind him flying at a very fast speed.

Just looking at the fog caused by it, Lin Ze knew that the followers behind him would be extremely strong, otherwise it would not be possible for the fog to have such a strong sense of propulsion, and the original calm lake would not be so large. Variety.

In addition, the wild beasts scattered in the fog around, but they did not move forward, which made Lin Ze more certain that behind him, someone must have chased him.

As for the reason for this, it is actually very easy to explain.

For example, if there is a group of small fish in the pool water, if a huge black fish pierces here at a very fast speed, then you will find that this group of fish will immediately spread out, and they will spread out in all directions. , But only, it will not move forward.

Why not move forward? That's because, once you move forward, there is a great possibility that it will be caught up and eaten by the blackfish.

Just like when you met a tiger in the wild, at this time, if you want to escape, you must definitely choose a curve to escape. Once you run straight, you will soon be caught by the tiger behind you. At that time, a fly Bounce, you can't escape.

Similar to such things, Lin Ze had many such experiences when he went out to play with his friends in the village as a child.

For example, when playing eagles and catching chickens, if you keep running straight, then the next person caught is definitely you, and if you keep running on the curve, the chance of catching you is much smaller.

I believe anyone who played this game as a child knows the truth.

The situation here is extremely simple. At this time, Lin Ze's heart analyzed briefly and immediately analyzed it.

Lin Ze's eyes were cold, and he took out the millennium Yuzhi. After taking a big sip, the body's spiritual power immediately turned quickly, quickly absorbing the spirit in the millennium Yuzhi spirit liquid, and burst out more Bloomberg's Spirituality, let Lin Ze speed once again fast.

After seeing Lin Ze’s movements, Gu Xiyao felt deeply nervous about Lin Ze and thought a little. He turned over some simple formation materials from the storage bag and made them into a simple formation. Throw it behind.

After Lin Ze glanced at her, she saw a look of admiration and saw Lin Ze's admiring look. Gu Xiyao's heart was immediately sweet, but unfortunately, her strength compared to Lin Ze, there are unknown enemies. The strength is still a lot worse, and now the formation method is being arranged while flying, so Gu Xiyao feels at a loss at this time.

Seeing that Lin Ze had taken a lot of millennium Yuzhi spirit solution just now, she was a little hesitant, and she took out the millennium jade liquor bottle that the other party gave her. After drinking a few drops, she immediately felt energetic. Zhen looked at the Millennium Yuzhi liquid in the bottle with surprise. She quickly collected it and continued to arrange some small formations.

The two of them flew all the way, the more forward, the stronger the invisible fog resistance. By this time, Lin Ze knew that the enemy was about to appear.

"Well, if you want to secretly calculate me, you are still a little bit worse. This time I let you know that I am terrible!" After feeling the danger was getting closer and closer, Lin Ze's eyes were killing Ling Ran, and his heart had given this thought To ambush his enemies, a death order was issued.

Although Lin Ze’s sensitivity has not yet discovered who the enemy is, Lin Ze’s heart already has a guess. This enemy is definitely coming from the big lake below. Otherwise, how could there be so much fog? It appears here, and the more it flies into the lake, the denser the mist.

Such obvious changes will occur. Obviously, those unknown enemies are the wild beasts in the big lake below.

However, now that they are hidden in the lake, Lin Ze can't find it for a while.

"Xiyao, pay attention to it yourself, we will have guests coming soon!" Lin Zeding urged Gu Xiyao around him, and the intensity of the battle was not small. He had to put Gu Xiyao around him first.

"Relax Lixuan, I know what to do." Gu Xiyao nodded and said solemnly.

"That's good, then you just need to stay here, don't act rashly, wait until I wipe out those things, then come here to pick you up."

"Well, Lixuan, don't worry, I'll wait for you here!" Gu Xiyao didn't say anything to help Lin Ze, but accepted Lin Ze's advice very obediently.

She knows her own strength. Her current strength is indeed superior to the average younger generation. However, to a truly top level, her strength is not even at the bottom.

Just like the unknown enemy in this attack, Gu Xiyao estimates that it must be a strong man in the foundation period. Otherwise, Lin Ze's face will not be so serious, nor will he tell himself heavily.

And her strength, but even the master is not available, although with the help of the Thousand Demon streamers, you can fight against the Supreme Master, but once you meet the strong in the foundation period, then only the food delivery.

Therefore, Gu Xiyao, who has self-knowledge, did not know that he was not capable like the heroines in the TV series, but forced to fight together. Finally, the other people involved were dead, injured, injured, and finally only himself was Comedy ended, the others, but all ended in tragedy.

"Just, Lixuan, you have to pay attention to safety yourself!" Gu Xiyao told Lin Ze with a worried look. She didn't go to join the fight, but she was really worried about Lin Ze.

"Relax, Xiyao, you know my strength. If I am really invincible, I will let you stay here. I'll send you away long ago. I let you wait for me here. Obviously there is Full control, to deal with the enemies below." Lin Ze said with a smile.

He was not comforting Gu Xiyao, but he did think so.

The enemies below are very mysterious, but Lin Ze is not afraid at all.

If the enemies below were really powerful, they would have been killed long ago, and where would there be fog and other means to intimidate Lin Ze, and only those who are not strong will fool them and frighten others.

"Well, Lixuan, come on, you have to teach those guys." Gu Xiyao smiled immediately when she heard that Lin Ze's words gave her complete peace of mind.

"Well, Xiyao, you can rest assured that I will definitely teach these guys well. Xiyao, then I will go down!" Lin Ze said with a smile, then waved his hand with Gu Xiyao, the whole person looked like Like a huge stone, it fell straight down.

Although Lin Ze does not know where these people are hiding, he knows that they are definitely in the lake below. If so, he will go straight.

I believe that after seeing him come down, those enemies will definitely be able to resist attacking him.

Lin Ze had just descended to only 50 meters from the lake. Suddenly, there were countless violent sounds of breaking the sky from the lake below, and countless water arrows struck Lin Ze.

"I've been waiting for you!" Lin Ze shouted disdainfully. The Xuan Ming sword in his hand was facing a place deep in the lake below for a while.

"Boo babble babble!!" Suddenly, dozens of ice sword qi directly shot to somewhere below.

"Bang Bang Bang!!" All the water arrows encountered along the way were easily destroyed, and then, these dozens of powers of ice did not decrease, and directly hit the lake below.

Seeing that the ice sword gas penetrated the lake smoothly, Lin Ze in the sky was a pause. The whole person seemed to lose gravity, so it floated 30 meters away from the lake, and at the same time, lightning threw it inside Dantian Ling's spiritual power is running at full speed. With a hum, the body protects Lin Ze's entire body firmly.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Ze's wrist twitched slightly, and the Xuan Ming sword in his hand was already shaking out a large piece of sword flower, completely protecting his body.

At this time, the previous ice sword gas had penetrated the lake surface of more than ten meters deep and came to the target location, hitting **** something, the strength of this power has reached a kind of difficult The degree of confidence.

Then, ‘Boom! boom! boom! boom! Explosive sounds like'' are endless, the lake surface is directly boiling at this moment, the lake surface within a hundred meters below Lin Ze is directly rolling, and then the entire 100-meter-square lake surface is like there is below Things are generally lifted, directly rising a distance of more than thirty meters, and forced Lin Ze to fly upwards for nearly thirty meters, before he will be approaching the lake.

With the sound of "Boom!", the whole lake surface exploded. The powerful shocking force made the lake water like an attack power. With a loud bang, it shot like a flying sword in all directions.

The power and the quantity are so great that even Lin Ze, who caused all this, has been dealing with a lot of trouble.

"I guessed it would have been this way for a long time, but what I didn't expect was that the final power would be so powerful!" Lin Ze began to mutter in his mouth as he coped with the continuous water arrows.

When he exhibited dozens of ice sword qi, he expected such a thing to happen, so he first stopped in the air and was thirty meters high from the lake to avoid the future explosion.

It is a pity that he underestimated his cold sword spirit, or underestimated the strength of the barbarian hidden underneath, so it would cause this explosion to be several times more powerful than he thought. .

Although the power of the explosion this time was several times greater than Lin Ze expected, the aftermath of the explosion was still unable to hurt Lin Ze's sweat, at most wasting some of Lin Ze's spiritual power.

No, once there was an arrow rain approaching, the light of the sword in Lin Ze's hand was lightly taken, and a cold star was already shot from the Xuan Ming sword, and then directly hit the water arrow coming straight.

What happens after that, it goes without saying.

In addition, even if dozens of water arrows hit at a time, Lin Ze could not intercept all of them for a time, and Lin Ze was already prepared for this. With his spiritual strength, the body protection and gas shield around him Just right in front of him, all the water arrows that were left over were However, the kind of resilience that came from him still surprised Lin Ze's heart, he I really didn't expect that it was just some aftermath of the explosion, so powerful, since it can shake his body gang gas shield.

Soon afterwards, the aftermath of the explosion point dissipated, Lin Ze fell 30 meters, came to the previous place, and looked towards the lake below.

It's just that at first glance, he gasped.

Because, before him, the loyal lake surface that had exploded before was already a mess. The destructive power caused by the power of the previous explosion was far beyond his imagination.

The 100-meter-square circle of the entire lake is covered by countless fine ice cubes. According to Lin Ze, the thickness of these ice cubes is more than one meter.

"Is the barbarian below the ice attribute, otherwise, how could the lake here be so frozen!" Lin Ze guessed secretly.

With so many ice cubes on the lake, it is impossible to rely on his cold sword energy alone. Obviously, there must be other ice attributes.

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