Alien Lord

Chapter 1861: Fortunate answer

"Master, have you forgotten the severely injured Jiaolong, when it was about to die, it would have to enter the Jizo Mountain, it can be seen that it must have some understanding of zombies, or ghosts, etc." Feng Miao answered. .

"Well, Qu Jingwen, where is Jiaolong now, you lead the way!" Lin Ze yelled, and could not wait to go to Jiaolong.

"Master, come with me!" Qu Jingwen led the way directly without any nonsense.

Ten minutes later, a group of people came to a volcano full of flames.

The crowd did not look much, went directly up the mountain, and entered a cave.

"Master, Jiaolong is here." Qu Jingwen said while leading the way.

"How is the injury on Jiaolong? How much has he recovered now?" Lin Ze asked as he followed.

In the past, this dragon was already in a state of dying. Although Lin Ze rescued it, but it wanted to take care of the wounds, there was no seven or eight months, so don't even think about it.

"Master, we are busy healing it for these days, but master, you should also know that this dragon's injury is really too heavy, so now its injury is just stabilized."

"Well, that's good, and it's the best news to stabilize the injury." Lin Ze nodded and said with satisfaction.

For powerful creatures such as Jiaolong, it is not important that the injuries are serious. The most important thing is that the injuries can be stabilized. Once their injuries are stabilized, it means that they will never die afterwards. Afterwards, the recovery of the injury can be completely restored by their own strong physique.

"Master, we are here." Qu Jingwen said after turning around a corner and coming to a lava lake.

"Is it in the magma?" Lin Ze asked, looking at the magma lake that could not be seen at a glance.

"Well, just inside this magma lake, this dragon is a fire dragon, so I like to live in magma." Qu Jingwen explained on the side.

"Look, Master, it's coming!" Qu Jingwen said at the next moment, pointing directly at a blasting magma in the distance.

"Roar!!" Just after Qu Jingwen's words fell, a roaring dragon roar came from the depths of the Magma Lake. Then, a fiery red figure appeared on the surface of the Magma Lake, and then flew directly towards Lin Ze. Come.

"Meet the master!" Just came to Lin Ze, and the dragon looked immediately.

Jiao Long's strength has reached the realm of Jin Dan's later stage, so she is now able to speak.

"Well, get up!" Lin Ze looked at the obedient dragon in front of him with satisfaction. With this dragon, Lin Ze's heart was stronger.

"Jiaolong, this time I came here, I wanted to ask you something." Lin Ze went straight to the topic. Before he figured out the zombie thing, Lin Ze really didn't care about other things.

"Master, you said, you want your subordinates to inquire about things, this is my honour." Jiao Long said flattered.

"This is the case. What I want to ask is whether the zombie puppet can restore his mind? That is the previous memory." Lin Ze said, and then looked at the dragon in front of him with a trace of anxiety in his eyes.

"Yes, this is indeed the case. After zombies and other creatures reach a certain level, they can restore their previous memories." Soon, Jiao Long said the answer that made Lin Ze extremely happy.

"Really?" Lin Ze asked with surprise on his face.

"Yes, Master, that's it. But, if you want to restore your memory, the strength of these ghosts must be at least the Jindan period, and even the Yuan infant period." Jiao Long didn't know why Lin Ze was so happy, but , It still explains the most important things.

"This is really good, really good, ha ha ha ha..." Lin Zekui did not pay attention to these, he laughed directly after hearing Jiao Long's extremely affirmative answer.

"Hey, there seems to be something wrong with this!" Qu Jingwen on the side said this frowningly.

"What's wrong?" Lin Ze also calmed down. Hearing Qu Jingwen's question, he wrinkled without asking.

"Master, this Jiaolong said, if you want to restore your memory, it must be the strength of the Jindan period, and even the Yuan infant period. But, think about the zombie puppet before us, but the strength of the foundation period! Qu Jingwen hurriedly expressed his doubts.

"Well, really, what happened to Jiaolong?" Lin Ze frowned and asked again.

"Oh, my subordinates are here to congratulate you, Master." Jiao Long did not answer first, but congratulated Lin Ze first, which made Lin Ze and Qu Jingwen a little confused.

"Don't you mean Jiaolong?" The worm on the side at this moment actually realized the meaning of Jiaolong's words.

"Yes, that's what you think." Jiao Long nodded and glanced at Qiu Chong with admiration.

Although Qiu Long has not been seen before by Jiao Long, those who can follow Lin Ze to come here are definitely their own people. Of course, Jiao Long has a very good attitude towards himself.

"Qiu Chong, what are you talking about?" Lin Ze said to Qiu Chong directly.

"Master, my subordinates would also like to congratulate you, because the zombie puppet awakened the memories before the foundation period. Not only is there no bad things, but it is an excellent thing, because this represents the zombie Puppets have infinite futures." Qiu Chong's face also explained congratulations.

"Is that true? Jiaolong!" Lin Ze believed in her heart, but asked Jiaolong again.

"Yes, this is the truth." Jiao Long nodded and admitted.

Afterwards, afraid that Lin Ze did not understand the details, Jiaolong began to explain the details: "Masters, ghosts like general zombie puppets, are reaching a certain level of strength, which is the Jindan period, or Yuanying. During the period, their power of consciousness will greatly increase, and thus begin to awaken the memory before.

However, the awakening memory in the Jindan period is extremely rare. After all, during the Jindan period, the primordial power of the zombie puppet is still very limited. After that, its previous memories will slowly recover.

Of course, if the Jindan period awakened the memory, then this zombie is the existence of nothing in the future. In the future, it has an unlimited future, and it is a 100% event. "

"Now the master, the zombie puppet awakened his memory during the foundation period, then it is really amazing. Such a zombie puppet is definitely a rare sight in a hundred years, no, and even a rare sight in a thousand years. This zombie puppet, as long as there is no accidental death in the future, let alone advanced **** stage, even if it is directly evolved into a zombie-level zombie, there is a great possibility."

Jiaolong said with a hint of envy, yes, it is now extremely envious of the zombie puppet who was only the initial stage of foundation.

Don't look at it as a dragon body, now it has Jindan's late strength, but its upper limit is what it can see. In its own view, being able to advance into the infancy is even the biggest achievement.

However, the zombie puppet in the foundation period that just awakened the previous memory is different. Its apex can be said to be infinite, at least farther and farther than the upper limit of its infancy.

Why did Jiaolong suffer such a serious injury this time, and even reached the point where he needed to find a place to bury his bones and bury himself, not because it was fighting with some powerful beasts to enhance his spirit of advanced infancy When he was talented, he was attacked by several beasts of the same strength.

Of course, the present and the future are also infinite. With Lin Ze, the future will no longer be a dragon, but a real dragon.

If there were no Lin Ze, the future Jiaolong did not even give shoes to this zombie puppet. You said that the dragon would not be jealous of this zombie puppet.

Even now under Lin Ze's hands, Jiaolong still has a trace of jealousy in his heart.

Because, judging by the qualifications displayed by this zombie puppet, its cultivation speed will increase at a rocket-like speed. Don’t look at the fact that Jiaolong is killing this zombie puppet, but Jiaolong believes that it will not take a hundred years. At that time, maybe the zombie puppet fell.

After listening to these explanations by Jiao Long, Lin Ze's heart almost jumped with joy in his heart.

This time when I came to Jiaolong, Lin Ze not only got the news he wanted most, but also learned from here that he would have a promising future in the future.

Within a day, I received so much good news one after another. Lin Ze really had the urge to celebrate.

Fortunately, he knew that it was not the right time, but Lin Ze still decided that he must celebrate on the day of his marriage.

After the big stone at the bottom of my heart was put down, Lin Ze did not continue to stay in the world of Plane Seeds, but went directly back to the cave house. As for the sorting of storage bags, Lin Ze completely handed over to Qu Jingwen to do it .

Lin Zexin was full of thoughts on how to resurrect his grandparents, where would he take care of these things.


"Huh, Xi Yao seems to be awake!" Lin Ze's ear moved slightly, and he heard Gu Xiyao waking up in the bedroom.

"Uh..... I slept so well. I have never slept like this since I was small. Well, it's so comfortable!" Gu Xiyao opened his eyes, and the whole body was from the so-called Of ease.

"Maybe this is the feeling of home, it belongs to my own home!" Gu Xiyao blushed, feeling the warmth and smoothness of her duvet, she had been unwilling to get up for a long time.

"I don't know how these mattresses and quilts are made. It's really comfortable to sleep. In the future, I also want such mattresses and quilts at home." Feel the comfort of getting out of bed and the comfort of quilts Yao and fell in love with these things.

"Well, the pillow is so soft and comfortable, Li Xuan is really good to me, hee hee........." Gu Xiyao smiled extremely sweetly, just looking at the obvious around her It was a good thing that took a lot of thought, and she was extremely sweet.

"Well, I'd better get up, otherwise, it's a little too rude." Although Gu Xiyao didn't want to get up in her heart, when she thought that Lin Ze might be out now, she couldn't sleep.

Thinking of this, Gu Xiyao lifted the quilt directly to get up.

She still wears all the clothes. Lin Ze is surrounded by women, but it is not easy to take it out here, otherwise Gu Xiyao sees that the clothes on her body have been changed, and she will think that this is Lin Ze. At that time, Lin Ze's explanation was useless.

Although even Lin Ze did this, Gu Xiyao would only be happy in her heart, but Lin Ze would not do such a thing as taking advantage of girls.

"Xiyao, you are up!" Lin Ze asked when he heard that Gu Xiyao had already got up.

"Well, Lixian, don't come in first, I just got up." Gu Xiyao quickly stopped, she was just getting up now, her body, and her head hadn't been cleaned up yet. She didn't want Lin Ze to see her when she got up. That sloppy look.

"Okay, I just want to tell you that there are toothpaste and toothbrush in the washroom on the right hand side, and some cleansing facial cleanser and the like, you can use it with confidence." Lin Ze said loudly outside, and very Kuaihe Gu Xiyao explained how to use these sizes, as well as the dosage.

After about half an hour, the more beautiful and moving Gu Xiyao finally opened the came out of the bedroom.

As soon as she came out, she took the modern washing tools in her hand and asked Lin Ze: "Li Xuan, where did these things come from? Use them well. Not only is it convenient, but also, after use, the mouth and face It’s extremely clean and fragrant!"

"Xiyao, these things were researched by me. They are now listed in Baiyu City on a large scale. You haven't seen them yet, just because these things haven't spread here yet." Lin Ze explained with a smile. .

Regardless of whether it is a toothbrush or a daily necessity such as toothpaste, Lin Ze has let his alchemy master study it out, and now it is being produced in Huangsha Town on a large scale, and the products are exported to all parts of Chu.

"It turned out that you researched Lixuan, Lixuan, you are so smart!" Gu Xiyao looked at Lin Ze admiringly.

Seriously, even if Lin Ze developed a powerful martial art, Gu Xiyao would not be so excited. On the contrary, Gu Xiyao was really excited about these daily necessities.

Like toothpaste and toothbrush, not only can clean the mouth, but also can keep the mouth fresh, without worrying about the smell of the mouth.

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