Alien Lord

Chapter 1837: Smiley

Soon, he seemed to think of something, and said quickly: "Master, Ma Feng was in charge of things around Wanmo City before. I believe he must know the news. Master, just ask him.. ......."

Ding Yuan did not go on with the following remarks. Obviously he also thought of it. Even if Ma Feng really knows the news, it is useless to Lin Ze now.

Because Ma Feng is still seriously injured and comatose, and, apparently, without a day or two, he will not wake up.

What's more, even if Ma Feng wakes up, will he know the current affairs like Ding Yuan is still a question mark, so Ma Feng's road is actually a dead end.

"Oh, it's okay, the soldiers will cover up the water and the soil. I believe your master my strength!" Lin Ze said confidently.

Lin Ze was worried about being chased by three or four Golden Powers. If it was just one, he really didn’t worry too much. Don’t forget, Lin Ze’s number of strong powers at the foundation stage has exceeded Forty, and his mental strength has long been the strength of the Jindan period. This kind of strength really does not need to be afraid of the last Jindan strong.

And actions like this to fight for the Ten Thousand Demon Killing Orders will generally be done by one person alone, otherwise, once the hands are grabbed, who should the Ten Thousand Demon Killing Orders belong to, do they need to fight by then? Will it work? !

In this case, it would be better to act alone than before. In this way, if you get the order of the Wan Mozhu, it is completely his.

As for the killing of other strong base-building period, huh, huh, with so many base-building period men around, will Lin Ze also be afraid of the pursuit of other strong base-building period? !

Honestly, Lin Ze also chased him not to have more foundation-building strongmen, because every time he came, he actually gave Lin Ze a man. Such a good thing, Lin Ze did nothing. What.

With a hint of anticipation, Lin Ze flew quickly towards the cave house where Gu Xiyao was located.

And at this time, the news of Wanmo's killing order reappeared from the mountain, and it was immediately transmitted through all channels and in all directions. The Wanmo's killing order appeared immediately, which is representative of who can kill this person, namely Can obtain at least the strength of Jindan's early monks.

These kinds of things, whether they are strong in the foundation period or strong in the Dandan period, can be described as a big temptation. Especially afterwards, once they succeed, they can be raised to the infancy period, a state they dreamed of. Too.

Even those practitioners in the later period of Jin Dan, or the practitioners of the Great Consummation, were also very excited about this.

Although, even if they get the Wan Mo Zhu killing order, they will not easily use it by themselves, but they can use it to exchange for some treasures that are extremely useful for them to break through the Yuan baby period, thereby increasing the chance of breaking the Yuan baby expectation.

Therefore, soon, there will be some practitioners in the later stage of the Jindan period, who have also joined the search industry.

However, the question now is that this time there is only news that the Ten Thousand Demons will kill the world. Where is it? Is it really there? It is not clear to others.

Therefore, the number of cultivators who came to participate in the search is not as much as Lin Ze had imagined before. Of course, the number is not too small. Anyway, there are at least thousands of them half an hour after Lin Ze left. The cultivator came to the place to check, and a large group of them chased directly in the direction of Lin Ze's departure.

Lin Ze is now hurrying at full speed. At this time, Lin Ze was not wasting time. He swallowed three Soul Remedies to fill the cost of previous mental attacks.

Three Tonic Souls were poisoned. Even in flight, Lin Ze also clearly felt that in his knowledge of the sea, there was still some empty before, but now he is gradually filled with mental power, and a trace of mental power is constantly recovering. In the sea of ​​consciousness, "angry" gradually recovered, and a strong sense of power filled his whole body.

The cultivation of Jindan's spiritual power has made Lin Ze's heart extremely confident. Under his calculation, his mental strength is more than a few hundred times higher than the foundation period, and his attack power is also 2 times higher.

He looked into the depths of Wanmo Mountain, his eyes seemed to penetrate the whole night, projected on certain places where the fluctuation of power was extremely obvious, a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, and he said silently in his heart: "Jin Dan period, hey, I hope I can meet this time Go to a strong man in Jindan period and use it to test my true strength!"

Lin Zezheng was thinking about it. Suddenly, his sense of power sounded an alarm, and then Lin Ze found out that a person suddenly came out of the night in the distance, and this person's body burst into flames. As he walked, inside the night forest The trees spread out obediently.

What made Lin Ze even more mind was that in his sense of power, this guy was black all over his body, black hair, black eyes, black clothes, black sword, all over his body, revealing a dark and dark mango.

If this person's face is extremely cold, if Rong Ruojian cuts, then don't look carefully, it will rise out of the sky with a sense of Xiao Xiao killing, but unfortunately, this person looks mid-approximate, the abdomen is higher Gao bulged, no difference from a beer belly. What's even more abominable is that the man's face became fat and round, and the corner of his mouth was still smiling.

As a result, the surrounding Xiao Xiaoqi was completely empty, but there was a funny taste in it.

It's just that Ding Yuan in the Plane Seed World changed his face immediately after seeing this person. Soon, he issued a warning to Lin Ze.

"Master, be careful, this is a smiling Buddha, no, actually it should be a smiling face demon!" Ding Yuan reminded nervously.

"Smiling face demon!" Lin Ze repeated, and his brows began to frown, because, he was indeed on the fat guy in front of him, and felt a breath of danger.

"Ji Jie... You have the smell of that place before, and the taste is very strong. It seems that the order of the ten thousand demons must be on you. Okay, okay! Okay, you pay now "Ten thousand demon killing orders!" The middle-aged fat man in black, as well as the smile face demon's eyes revealing a hint of green light, directly politely said to Lin Ze.

"Junior, you don’t have to deny it. My nose is very smart. You definitely have a kill order on your body. I will give you twenty breaths now. You can think carefully about what to do or not, and you don’t want to. Trying to resist, with your current strength, my smiling face is still not in my eyes, hahaha..." This person finished, with a happy smile on his face behind his hands, but this smile How chilly it looks.

Lin Ze looked at the smiling Buddha in front of him, no, smiling face demon, at the bottom of his heart were all funny.

Lin Ze has seen countless ordinary people fat, but, like a fat man in a cultivator, or a fat man whose strength has reached the foundation period, he still saw it for the first time.

Looking at the confident fat man in front of him, and thinking about the title of his smiling Buddha, Lin Ze's mouth smiled even more.

"What's the matter, are you kidding me?" The smiling face demon, who was still grinning before seeing the smile on the corner of Lin Ze's mouth, put the whole face straight down.

As long as Lin Ze looks now, the fool knows that he is laughing at him, and he is a fat man.

Just like the average fat man, the least favorite thing is that others call him fat, and the smiling face devil doesn't like other people to laugh at his fat. Therefore, he doesn't want to think about it, and kills Lin Ze directly.

"Little white face, you die for me!" As soon as he came up, the smiling face demons used their full strength, and a magic dragon fist directed at Lin Ze.

Before he was really overthrown, Lin Ze's eyes appeared a lifelike magic dragon head with a width of more than one meter, screaming and killing Lin Ze.

Lin Ze frowned and sneered, "You are looking for death!"

Smiling face Mo Wenyan stared at the face, a pair of small eyes and spared time to look at Lin Ze, sneered: "I don't know the thick and thick little guy, this time let the old man give you a ride, let you see, what It’s called the mid-term peak of the foundation..."

Before he finished the peak character, I saw Lin Ze's right hand was a little bit above the right fist of the smiling face demon, "poo", the magic head skull that was still majestic before, instantly turned into nothingness, After that, the smiling face demon heard a very cold voice rang in his ears: "Dead!"

As soon as this dead word came out, the smiling face felt a powerful force hit his chest instantly, and when he was confused and didn't know what happened, his chest suddenly flew out of a blue Yu Pei, Yu Pei split into two with a snap, a blue smoke came out, and dissipated in front of him.

"Huh?" Lin Ze's right hand pointed at the cracked jade The jade symbol divided into two pieces immediately fell into his palm, his mind swept away, Lin Ze's face flashed with surprise, and it was easy Put it in the storage bag beside him, afterwards, he stared at the smiling face demon standing in the same place with his eyes in horror.

"Tsuki base consummation!!" The cold sweat on the face of the smiling face suddenly rushed down like running water. This jade amulet was the only piece left to him by his master's death The body protection magic weapon is said to be able to resist a full blow of the Jindan practitioners.

Over the years, he has been wandering around Wanmo Mountain. When he met the Jindan strong, he immediately hid it and dared not provoke him. If he encountered something that was not as good as his own, he would have to search for anything, so , And gradually created a little prestige.

Before, when he saw that Lin Ze was only 17 or 18 years old, he thought that Lin Ze's strength was very low, and he could win it 100%, but now, this time, he got his head awake immediately , Knowing that he is not actually the opponent.

Under the tremor, Lin Ze's eyes were seen again. The heart of the smiling face was directly like a half-speed beating of the engine. Fearing that the other party's mouth was fast, he said another word "death".


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