Alien Lord

Chapter 1834: Ten Thousand Demons

In the mid-air, Ma Feng flew extremely embarrassed, he was not near Ding Yuan, he shouted loudly: "Ding Yuan, if the two of us are separated, it is easier to be killed by the enemy, so we are still together. The enemy is good, so the odds are greater. I assure you, as long as I can get away safely this time, I will give you enough resources for the advanced stage of foundation building, and I will recommend you to become the elder of the inner door. Should we cooperate?"

This time Ma Feng counts a lot of blood. Really, his promise is not so important. Not to mention those resources. Even entering the elders of the inner door is extremely troublesome.

The number of inner elders in each sect is limited because the cultivation resources in the sect are also limited. If there is one more inner elder, the amount of resources that other inner elders can allocate will be corresponding. A lot less, so it’s not difficult to promote an inner elder.

Fortunately, Ding Yuan has a bright future, and with so many elders ‘dead’ this time, Ma Feng believes that it should not be difficult for him to promote Ding Yuan to the elder of the inner door.

As for Ma Feng’s promises, it is too expensive. In the face of danger to life, Ma Feng can’t take care of his own losses. As long as he can save his life, he will be willing to bear any more losses.

"This..." Ma Feng's promise made Ding Yuan hesitate.

In the past, he would never be with Ma Fengshen. Looking at the way the wasp fleeing now, the fool knows that it is very dangerous around him. If he stays with Ma Feng, it is absolutely Make trouble.

It’s just that Ma Feng’s promises are really great for Ding Yuan’s temptation. // Not to mention those cultivation resources, the inner elder is what he wants most.

With the identity of the elder of the inner door, Ding Yuan can not only go further in the Hades of Sect, but also, the resources and rights allocated will rise by a class. At that time, his cultivation speed will definitely be several times faster. The odds of the stage Jindan period will increase accordingly.

The temptation of these things is so strong that Ding Yuan directly forgot the troubles around Ma Feng, his feet slowed down, and then stood with Ma Feng.

"Very good, Ding Yuan, you are very good!" Ma Feng praised directly after seeing Ding Yuan stop.

He knew that Ding Yuan stopped because of his promise to love him, but as long as Ding Yuan could become his backing, Ma Feng didn't mind at all.

"Elder Ma, what are we going to do now?" Ding Yuan asked. The situation is extremely urgent and a decision needs to be made as soon as possible. He hopes that the Hornet was prepared before.

"Ding Yuan, let's destroy the position of this foggy formation, and then escape at full speed." Ma Feng said without thinking.

What should he do, he had long thought about it.

He wanted to escape from this dangerous place. First of all, he had to get rid of this fog, but he still couldn't get enough power to rely on him.

"Very well, Elder Ma, we will act now."

"Well, we are now..." Ma Feng's eyes were instantly filled with horror, a mysterious, powerful mental attack directly into his sea of ​​knowledge, in his knowledge Inside the sea is overturning the river.

"Not good, that guy is here!" Ma Feng's face was pale for a while, and then he tried his best to mobilize the mental power inside the sea and fight against Lin Ze's mental power attack.

"Huh, huh, huh...!" Ma Feng's breathing was extremely fast, and sweat beads were on his forehead, but he was also able to expel Lin Ze's mental attack.

At the next moment, before waiting for Ding Yuan to ask something next to him, Ma Feng directly transported away the light and passed away in a hurry. He didn't care about the situation of Ding Yuan around him.

After experiencing this consciousness attack, Ma Feng has fully understood the strength difference between him and Lin Ze.

If he didn’t feel the strength of Lin Ze’s consciousness attack, Ma Feng could not be sure that Lin Ze’s strength was Jindan period. However, after feeling the strength of Lin Ze’s consciousness attack, Ma Feng knew clearly Lin Ze is definitely a strong Golden Power, and his mental strength has definitely reached the Golden Power.

What Ma Feng didn't know was that he was still wrong.

Yes, the strength of Lin Ze’s consciousness is the Jindan period, but his strength is only the state of the great consummation of the foundation period, which is still some distance away from the Jindan period.

"........." Ding Yuan was dumbfounded when he saw Ma Feng who turned away.

"Fuck, I was tricked by this guy. He wanted me to be the back cushion!" Ding Yuan reacted in an instant, and then his face also changed, because, he thought, since Ma Feng All fled pale here, did that mean that the enemy had arrived nearby?

Thinking of this, Ding Yuan's face also turned extremely pale, and the enemy that made Ma Feng afraid of escaping directly could not resist him.

At this moment, Ding Yuan felt the air flow behind him, his eyes full of bitterness, his heart had realized something.

"Alas, how can I escape!" Ding Yuan sighed in his heart, and then turned directly to look back, and indeed, where he could see, Lin Zezheng stood quietly and looked at him.

Seeing Lin Ze's figure, Ding Yuan's breath stopped for a moment.

Although it has long been known that the figure of Lin Ze appeared behind him, that was just a guess. Now that after seeing the figure of Lin Ze, the pressure in Ding Yuan’s heart instantly increased by a hundredfold.

"Bang Bang Bang!!" Ding Yuan is already a strong man in the foundation period, but, at this moment, his heart beats like a normal strong man in the innate period, beating very fiercely.

This is like a war between the two countries. When the enemy’s army has not arrived, your mood is extremely tense, but once the enemy’s army actually appears in your sight, your mood will be Even more nervous, even helpless.

Ding Yuan took a deep breath and stared at Lin Ze, his expression on his face changed and changed, and finally said with frustration: "Senior, I surrender!"

Ding Yuan surrendered very simply, not because he didn't want to resist, but Ding Yuan knew that even if he lost his resistance, there would be no good results.

I didn’t look at the dozen elders before, and now only him and Ma Feng are left, and, depending on the situation of this person, there is no injury at all, even on the forehead, there is not even a drop of sweat beads, it can be seen, clean up the previous A dozen elders, for this person, is extremely relaxed, so easy that even a drop of sweat did not come out.

Although Ding Yuan didn’t know why this person’s strength had been so weak before, he knew clearly that he was definitely not the opponent of the other party, not even the enemy of one move, so Ding Yuan knew the current affairs as Junjie surrendered directly to Lin Ze.

"Oh, you are a smart man!" Lin Ze said with a smile, a glance of appreciation flashed in his eyes.

A person who knows the current affairs can always give people a natural impression, and more importantly, the guy who knows the current affairs in front of him, but a strong person in the foundation period, can easily get a strong person in the foundation period, Lin Ze thought It’s strange not to be happy.

Seeing the smile on the corner of Lin Ze's mouth, Ding Yuan's heart was finally relieved, and the coldness in his heart also began to dissipate, because this means that his life is fortune-telling.

Although it is embarrassing to surrender, as long as his life can be saved, Ningyuan does not matter.

After his heart was relaxed, Ding Yuan felt that a strong sense of fatigue filled his body. He took a deep breath and stood aside respectfully, chanting: "Junior Ding Yuan, see Senior. What do you show for Senior? , Please tell me, Ding Yuan will follow suit."

"Well, great!" Lin Ze looked at Ding Yuan and nodded, then said directly: "Release your mind, I will plant a mark on you."

"This..." Hearing this, Ding Yuan's face was extremely ugly, because after the imprint was really planted, his freedom would be completely lost.

"Hmm!" Lin Ze's face was instantly cold, and the endless murders directly enveloped Ding Yuan's whole body.

"Seniors are angry, seniors are angry, and the juniors will do the same!" Facing Lin Ze's threat of life, naked, naked, Ding Yuan immediately compromised, and then appointed to open his mind.

Lin Ze was also polite, immediately stunned Ding Yuan, and then collected him into the world of Plane Seeds, and planted his puppet mark.

Turning his gaze to Ma Feng, after dropping Ding Yuan as a Ma Feng flew towards the front quickly. After a long time, he felt that the spiritual power in Dantian gradually could not keep up. Shooting the storage bag and taking out the Lingdan suit, it was just such a delay, the distance between Lin Ze and him was closer.

Ma Feng can now gradually feel that the oppression behind him is getting more and more, and the killing begins to slowly extend to him. By this time, his heart has become clear, with his current strength, and the inside of Dantian Little pitiful spiritual power, this time he could not escape.

Seeing Lin Ze getting closer and closer, the crisis in my heart was getting stronger and stronger. Ma Feng laughed loudly in his mouth, looked back at Lin Ze with a vicious look, and clenched his teeth, turning a piece out of the storage bag around him A blood-red token, on which is written two dark red "million devil" characters.

This token is the most famous Wanmo killing order in Wanmo Mountain. This order is handed down from the ancient times. The craftsmanship has been cut off now. Even if it is in Wanmo Mountain, there are less than 20 pieces.

Before the emergence of every Wanmozhu killing order, there will be a violent storm in the world of Wanmoshan cultivation. Countless practitioners have shed blood on Wanmoshan for this purpose, but even so, as long as there is a Wanmozhu killing order, There will still be countless practitioners who will be the successors.


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