Alien Lord

Chapter 1829: 0 Zhang Feng

At the same time, the elders of the dozen ghosts and ghosts had already arrived in front of the fog. One of them was a dwarf old man whose head was obviously larger than the average person. At this time, he touched his huge head. Eerie sneer said: "It seems that the kid really set traps here in advance, how these mists are caused by the formation method, we underestimated the junior!"

"Oh, a little fog formation, just see how I get rid of it!" Another elder, who was extremely thin, said disdainfully. He was the most powerful person among the dozens of elders.

After finishing these words, he stood up directly and did not take a closer look. His right hand just grabbed it. With a "huh", it immediately turned into a big hand in the air, grabbing **** the fog.

However, unexpectedly, at the moment when his big hand was about to hit the mist, the mist immediately rolled up densely, and then a giant jiao flag with a length of more than ten meters appeared from it.

This flag was just a wave. Suddenly, a knife-gauge with a length of more than ten meters appeared instantly, directly hitting the elder's gangster.

The sound of "Boom!" was instantly destroyed.

The thin elder suddenly exclaimed, and the figure stepped back quickly, with a look of consternation. Several other elders beside him were all blinking at this time, staring closely at the fog in front of them for a long time. Dare not step forward.

"When did such a powerful formation appear here?" Ma Feng, the strongest elder, asked indifferently and calmly.

The rest of the elders looked at each other, no one answered Ma Feng's question.

"Want to come here should be one of the kid's old nests, otherwise how could there be a formation here." Ma Feng murmured in the mouth.

Now, he only thought of this possibility, otherwise, he could not explain why there was a big formation waiting for them.

Lin Ze did not leave their line of sight for a while, and there was no one to rescue Lin Ze in the middle of the way. Therefore, in Ma Feng's view, there was only the above possibility.

"Elder Ma is wise!" A dozen other elders agreed.

"Humph!" Ma Feng hummed in his mouth, carefully looked at the formation in front of him, frowned and said to an elder around him: "This formation can transform a flag that is more than ten meters high. It must not be a simple formation. Fa, Elder Qu, try it with your Baizhangfeng Seal."

The elder Qu called by Ma Feng was one of the five elders who first hunted down Lin Ze. After hearing Ma Feng’s words, he raised himself without saying anything, and flicked his right hand with big sleeves. The black stone seal appeared out of thin air, then became famous in the wind, and immediately turned into a huge mountain of more than 30 meters high.

Elder Qu's eyes were solemn, his big hand pressed down, and the huge mountain immediately shook, and then he fell down from the sky.

Facing the huge mountain peak that fell from the sky, the flag streamer just formed in the mist seems to be wise at this time. After seeing the danger, it directly roared, and the flag streamer became several times larger and became 30 to 40 meters wide. A flag face, and then soared into the sky, directly colliding with the huge mountain that fell from the sky.

"Boom!" The thunderous roar immediately shook the surrounding space of hundreds of meters, and the powerful shock wave spread out, so that the dozens of elders nearby could not help but retreat for hundreds of meters. After that, Or Elder Qu's Baizhang Peak made a difference, and the huge mountain was directly hit by the flag streamers below.

Qu Yuan, who was controlling Baizhang Peak, looked white, and the body's spiritual power surged and surged, and he took a few deep breaths quickly, which only relieved him.

And while the huge mountain peak was flying, the giant flag streamer immediately turned into a fog and dissipated, and the entire large array seemed to restore the previous calm.

Seeing this, Ma Feng sneered a few words in his mouth, and said directly to Qu Yuan who was still healing around him: "Elder Qu, give me your Baizhangfeng seal."

In other words, he didn't wait for the other party's consent. He directly reached out and grabbed it. The strength of the late stage of the foundation period was clearly shown. The Baizhang Peak in the mid-air, which belonged to Qu Yuan, was immediately pulled down from the sky without resistance .

When it fell into the hands of Ma Feng below, its size had already changed to its original state, that is, the size of a fist.

Ma Feng first stretched out his hand and temporarily blocked Qu Yuan’s consciousness within Baizhang Peak with his spiritual power, then temporarily branded his own mark, and then exhaled a breath of aura, waiting for the aura to fully merge into Baizhang Peak, And after giving birth to induction, he reached out and tossed, Baizhangfeng Dayin took off again, immediately became larger in the wind, and turned into a giant peak again, but its size was more than double that of just now. It is more than 80 meters high. Compared with the mountain peaks before Qu Yuan, where did the mighty sword go?

The giant mountain is floating in mid-air like this, and it looks like a dark and crushing piece of rock. If you want to use a word to summarize, you can use the sky to cover the sky to describe it.

Ma Feng stared at the mist in front of him, and pressed his right hand at will. The giant peak on that day immediately rushed down, and the flag in the mist was formed again, and Li Xiao struck up.

"Boom!" The same scene appeared again, but this time the result was very different from the previous one. At the moment of impact, Jufeng just paused, and the flag streamer below, after the explosion , Silently dissipated, and at this time, Ma Feng controlled Jufeng immediately fell down again, trying to beat down the water dog.

But dead, just at the moment when Baizhang Peak continued to smash down, there was a violent tumbling in the mist, and then Ma Feng and their dumbfounded things appeared, because this time the ten-level flag streamers directly appeared on the mist, and these flags The streamers are connected to each other to form a giant flag streamer that is a few hundred meters wide. This time, instead of colliding with the mountain peak, the giant peak was directly rolled into the flag streamer.

"Buzz!" Ma Feng's hands felt an endless pulling force in an instant, and Baizhang Peak seemed to be pulled over gradually.

After feeling this, Ma Feng's sneer in his mouth sneered at the other elders around him: "Every elder, everyone shot together!"

As soon as the words fell, the rest of the elders of the Ghost Sect immediately rolled out their magic weapons and attack methods with a smile, and began to forcibly break through.

"Booming!" Suddenly, a violent explosion sounded from the misty array, countless magic weapons, and the gas attack continued to attack the misty array. The mist in the giant array was crazy. Churning.

Let’s talk about Lin Ze’s side. After being assisted by his demon warrior into the large formation, he immediately spurted a few mouthfuls of blood again. A few marks clearly appeared on the back of his protective body armor. There was also a continuous smoky black smoke. Obviously, this was due to Lin Ze's previous move.

However, soon, Lin Ze's body was covered with white light, and these black silk disappeared without a trace.

The power of these black silks is strange again. In front of the seeds of the plane, there is also slag. Lin Ze can clean up these black silks with just one thought.

Seriously, if it weren't for the protection of the defensive treasure armor, Lin Ze was not so injured just now.

Ma Feng's strength in the later period of the foundation period, together with the dozens of other elders in the foundation period, shot at the same time. At that time, the attack power Lin Ze faced was definitely reaching the power of the Jindan period.

Even if he was in the state of the great consummation of the foundation period, under the power of the Jindan period, he was still incapable.

Of course, there are plane seeds, Lin Ze seems to spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, but at most it is a minor injury, which has little effect on Lin Ze's strength.

"How is it, how are the guys outside?" Lin Ze asked how the elders outside the ghosts are doing now, while they are practicing.

"Informed to the master, they are now attacking our large formation with all their strength, and, looking at them, it seems that they will not break the formation, nor stop." A demon warrior stood up and reported.

"Very well, let the large array consume their strength first, and then clean them up." Lin Ze nodded with a smile, feeling that his injuries were a bit better.

The big fog here is actually Lin Ze let these demon warriors come out, in order to lure the people of the ghosts into this big formation.

It's just that the number of'guests' coming this time has greatly exceeded Lin Ze's So, in order to avoid the current departure of guests because they are not'satisfied', Lin Ze only had to let this mist go After consuming the "strength" of these "guests", Lin Ze shot again, and all "remained" these guests.

Lin Ze is a very hospitable person. Since others have come to his door to'guest', wouldn't Lin Ze fail to live up to these guests if he didn't leave them all? !

The vibration above the fog formation is getting more and more intense with the passage of time. The speed of the previous fog rolling is only fifty yards, and now it has a speed of one hundred yards, countless The afterglow of the gang gas even destroys the surrounding space of hundreds of meters.

The solid ground before, and these aftermath of gangue gas quickly turned the plow into soft soil. If you step on it, the part below the thigh will directly sink into the ground.

The ground around a few hundred meters was covered with a thick layer of dust.

Seeing that the fog is rolling faster and faster, Ma Feng, who is constantly attacking outside, is also more and more excited in their hearts, the means and power of attack are also getting stronger, and the sound of fighting and roaring is getting stronger and stronger. faster and faster……


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