Alien Lord

Chapter 1826: Horrified

As for the demonized warriors, their strength is enough, but, because these people are already demonized, so in the shape, it is a bit inappropriate, once it appears in Wanmo City, it will definitely be countless cultivation Siege.

In addition, even if they are not besieged by the practitioners in Wanmo City, they are ultimately not suitable for being placed in Wanmo City.

The long, hundreds of years of imprisonment made these demon warriors become a bit neurotic, and many people were even directly mentally ill.

It was okay when Lin Ze was there. Because of Lin Ze’s constraints, these people couldn’t do anything, but once Lin Ze didn’t look at them, soon, they would do a lot of things. .

At that time, don't say that you have collected treasures in accordance with Lin Ze's orders. It would be good if you could not be eager for public anger. A lot of them would even be hunted down by countless practitioners.

Therefore, it is extremely inappropriate to leave them in Wanmo Mountain.

In this way, if Lin Ze wants to leave the treasures in Wanmo City to collect the treasures here, he has to find them in Wanmo City.

Since Lin Ze decided to look for candidates in the Wanmo City, the most suitable of course are the three major schools in the Wanmo City, as well as the personnel of the powerful Demon Sect such as the Ghost Sect, and it is best to be a person with a high status.

No, the five elders who followed Chasing Linze and the other masters behind Wanbao Pavilion were the most suitable targets.

As long as Lin Ze wins them, he will be able to leave enough manpower in the Demon City.

At that time, Wanmo City is equivalent to opening for Lin Ze, and the treasures here will also belong to him.

Even, in the future, if Lin Ze thought about Wanmo Mountain and wanted to occupy it, these people would be the best openers.

However, it takes a certain amount of time to conquer these people, so it is not possible to do these things in the vicinity of Wanmo City, so as not to be discovered by some interested people. Therefore, at the beginning, Lin Ze did not lay down the five elders behind him. Dead hand, but choose to continue to provoke them, continue to lure them with top-level treasures, and then guide these people to the place where Lin Ze wants to go.

The five elders of the Ghost Sect were already attracted to the Xuanming Sword from Lin Ze at this time. Where did they go back to think about other things? Therefore, Lin Ze's plan went very smoothly.

"Now let you be arrogant. When I get to the place, I will let you really see my power, hum!" Lin Ze snorted, avoiding a few gang attack and continued to move forward Flying.

The five elders of the ghost ghost behind them continued to hunt down Lin Ze. Under the continuous pursuit of these five people, Lin Ze fled in front for nearly an hour. At this time, they were away from the Wanmo City. It is already two hundred miles away.

During this period, the five elders behind him were constantly exhibiting countless attacks of qi. Slowly, the front Lin Ze seemed to have some mental strength. It seems that the spiritual power is a little overpowered.

Seeing this, the five elders behind him almost smiled and blossomed. They quickly stepped up their attacks and wanted to take Lin Ze down as soon as possible and take everything away from him.

Lin Ze's inductive force kept staring at the back, seeing this, he smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth.

In addition, in order to reduce the suspicion of those who follow, Lin Ze has not always not counterattacked, this is no, now Lin Ze is ready to launch a psychic attack, to teach the five people behind him.

"Spirit Hammer!!" Lin Ze's eyes were cold for a while, and a spirit hammer was instantly generated in his sea of ​​knowledge, and then the elder in front of him was directly locked with the inductive force. Then the spirit hammer flashed out immediately. People suddenly felt a flash of light in front of their eyes, and then, the elder at the forefront felt that his brain felt like he was hit hard by a huge hammer, and the love in the sea suddenly broke, and immediately It was blood from the nose and nose. After a few shakes, a plop fell directly to the ground. At this time, the seven tricks on his head kept yearning for blood. It looked really scary, just like a Goblin.

Seeing this elder's end, the other four elders showed their unprecedented horror and dignity.

At this time, the devastated elder again opened his mouth wide, spouted a gulp of blood, his eyes were red, and his face was extremely painful. If someone beside him grabbed him, he would lie down on the ground again.

"The guy in front is definitely not a simple foundation period, it should be the top strong foundation period who is only a minute away from the pseudo-knot stage!" One of the elders took a deep breath and calmed the mind of the great earthquake. Said the other four.

Being able to attack one of them instantly with the consciousness attack, such strength is definitely the strength of the pseudo-Jindan period, otherwise, his consciousness attack cannot be so powerful.

"We must kill him, we must kill him, otherwise with this person's magical power and strength, if he is successful, then the five of us will definitely die in the future!" The first elder on the right hand had a gloomy face Said.

Now they have completely offended this master. If he escapes, the future of them will definitely be miserable.

The best thing is that you can’t get out of the gate of the Hades and Sects for life, otherwise, there is only one way to wait for them.

"Well, this time we completely offended him. If we don’t kill him, we will only be able to stay in Zong Men honestly. In the past, I have used Chuanyin jade to notify other peers. Someone should come here to support us soon. By then, killing the guy in front is definitely not a problem." The elder who was the first to be seriously injured said before.

"Okay, let's not get close to him first, just stare at him like this, waiting for the arrival of others." The left-hand elder who apparently appeared to be the leader said.

He did not reprimand the elder who was the first to be seriously injured, and notified the other fellow students, but instead agreed with his face, and was prepared to stare only at Lin Zewei, instead of killing Lin Ze directly.

These five elders will change now, all because of Lin Ze's previous psychic attack power and frightened them.

Since one of the elders will be directly hit by Lin Ze's one-stroke consciousness attack, they will be replaced with the same strength.

Fortunately, others said that the two elders who had been hit hard, if they hit again with the attack of consciousness, then they would not be able to sustain it.

Once these two elders are lost, if the remaining three elders want to win Lin Ze, then it is really dangerous.

Therefore, although these elders do not want other fellows to divide the treasures on Lin Ze, but for safety reasons, they are still ready to wait for the arrival of other fellows.

Lin Ze also noticed that the five guys behind him were not right at this time. His brow furrowed, and he secretly said in his heart: "Is it because my consciousness attack is too powerful and scared them. If this is the case, then... ..."

Thinking of this, Lin Ze felt a bit regretful that he had just attacked the mental force.

He would have launched a consciousness attack before, in fact, in order to reduce the suspicion of the five guys behind him. After all, his strength is not low. If he hasn't fought back, the fool will realize that there is something wrong.

However, this time he seemed to have gone too far in the counterattack, and the first attack of the consciousness directly scared the five guys.

"If I knew it earlier, I would use the spiritual thorn." Lin Ze thought very helplessly.

However, soon, his worries disappeared because the five guys behind continued to catch up.

However, this time they were frightened by the power of Lin Ze’s previous psychic attack, so instead of being very close to Lin Ze, they chose to fall behind Lin Ze and follow him, and only launched a long distance to Lin Ze. Gang attack.

"Oh, look at them, this is waiting for reinforcements!" Looking at this, where can Lin Ze not understand the minds of these people.

"But it’s okay. The more people who come, the better it will be for my plan in the Ten Thousand Demons. I still have thirty-six base-building demon warriors in hand. By then, I believe absolutely I can give you a'great surprise', hehe..." Lin Ze continued to run forward with a smile in his heart.

The five elders behind did not know Lin Ze’s current thoughts. After seeing that Lin Ze did not take advantage of the counterattack, there was a burst of relaxation in their hearts, and then a burst of thought Lin Ze was afraid The strength of their unity, therefore, they are more determined to follow Lin Ze's mind.

"Hum, as soon as our reinforcements arrive, then, depending on where you want to escape, hum!" This is the same voice in the hearts of the five elders.

Lin Zeke didn't pay attention to this. He was still flying fast in the front. It seemed to be exactly the same as a fugitive, which made the five elders in the back more at ease.

It was another half an hour later, and the group escaped again for a distance of nearly fifty miles. At this time, the sky could be said to have been black and the fingers were missing.

In these more than half an hour, Lin Ze also used some counter-attacks, but it was just a killer weapon such as the consciousness attack. Lin Ze did not use it again. Each counter-attack can only delay a little time, and soon after Those five guys will continue to catch up.

At the next moment, Lin Ze's mouth showed a smile, because his sense of power saw a conspicuous mark. He suddenly stood and turned to look at the five people who had chased him for nearly two hours.



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