Alien Lord

Chapter 1824: Follow


Around the same gates of his ghosts and ancestors, he saw Liu Wu's expressions, all of them were expressionless, and there were even people in the depths of their eyes that even gloated in glory. The miserable green withered hand was about to fall, and suddenly a sharp flash of light flashed in his head, and he immediately shouted: "I... I remembered it. When he asked the man at Wanbaoge on the first floor, he directly asked if there was a senior Yin Soul, Demon Soul, and, after that, was directly brought to the top by this leader, and only came down after more than half an hour. Obviously, he definitely traded precious things, otherwise, he would have been rushed downstairs Now!"

In fact, Liu Wu didn't hear the words that Lin Ze said before, and these are just his guesses. However, he is really being anxious now. He even believed some of the higher words, and the other party might have bought some high-level ghosts.

The miserable green hand stopped for a while, and the eerie voice came again: "Senior ghost? Liu Wu, do you know what happened to me?"

Liu Wuyi gritted his teeth and raised his head daringly, saying, "The disciple dare to guarantee his life. Every sentence is true. If one sentence is false, he is willing to bear all the punishments of the elders."

At this time, Liu Wu was out, and at the same time, he also had a bitter smile in his heart. If he secretly knew that things would reach this point, it would be better not to follow that guy before.

But now that things have reached this point, it is useless for Liu Wu to regret anymore. ,

Moreover, if he hadn't said that before, he would not die now, and he would not be better off, so it would be better to gamble on it. If he loses, then he will be unlucky.

But once he wins, he will not only save his life, but also have unexpected benefits.

Everything in these old monsters, even if they are very low-level things in their eyes, is a great treasure for people like Liu Wu. At that time, as long as they gave the same, Liu Wu was really Fortune.

In addition, he can also leave a deep impression in the hearts of these five old monsters. This impression is Liu Wu's greatest achievement.

With these five old monsters as a guarantee, in the future Liu Wu will be in the Haunted Ghost Sect, so he can run wild.

"No matter what he said is true or not, we can keep up and take down the guy directly. It's not enough." The third elder on the right-hand side who had never spoken, also spoke at this time. When he spoke, the voice was as vast as a bell. Came.

As soon as this word fell, the other four people no longer hesitated, immediately took off, and quickly flew in the direction of Lin Ze.

And the disciples who followed them before, at this time, also quickly followed closely, and Liu Wu on the side of the heart was finally relieved. He first wiped the cold sweat, and a moment of insult in his heart, but, finally Soon followed.

This time, his credit is the greatest. If he doesn't keep up, will the previous adventure be worthless soon?

Therefore, Liu Wu not only immediately followed up, but also exerted his full strength to closely follow the elders of the five elders. He must not have any chance to show up in front of the five elders.

The elders of the five ghost ghosts, Wan Mo City originally meant that the ghosts and the three schools in Wan Mo City had important matters to discuss. At this time, things were done. The three evil factions inside have reached an agreement, and all the three disciples have been ordered before. They must not start secretly on the disciples of the ghost ghost sect. None of the disciples of the martial arts came out to stop the five people and the disciples behind them. Therefore, although there were many people on the way, the ghosts and ghosts were still walking through the city of demon like a broken bamboo.

"Looking at the hurried appearance of the five old guys, it is obvious that something happened, and I have to report it as soon as possible!" Soon, some of the disciples arranged by the three factions in Wanmo City realized that something was wrong and they quickly Report this news.

The three factions in the Wanmo City soon got the news, and then sent the corresponding personnel to investigate.

It is a pity that Lin Ze and the staff of the ghosts are too fast, plus the faction needs some procedures to report the news. This delay, when the three factions in the Wanmo City dispatched people to check, Wanmo Lin Ze had long disappeared in the city.

Even if these people chase out of the city and face the dark mountains, where can they find Lin Ze's trail so quickly.

As for Lin Ze, he directly showed his strong strength during the foundation period. Therefore, although he would want someone to come to check every time he flew a flight, but after feeling Lin Ze’s strength, these people did not dare to step forward, Just let Lin Ze leave quickly.

A few times later, the people in front had already received the message from the people behind, so when they saw Lin Ze again, they did not step forward and stopped, so Lin Ze flew to the gate of the city.

Soon, Lin Ze came to the gate of the city. The captain at the gate thought to come forward to please Lin Ze. However, Lin Ze didn't care about him and rushed out instantly, letting the gate of the city directly The captain was dumbfounded and didn't know what was going on.

It didn’t take long for everyone from the Ghost Sect to follow, and it was also a flash. At this time, the captain realized that something must have happened inside, and that the master was the former strongman and the Ghost Sect. People.

At the thought of this, the captain's face went white for a while, because the people who participated in it were all strong players in the foundation period. If he just stopped Lin Ze without knowing what happened, the result..., the captain's Feeling soft for a while, he collapsed directly to the ground.......

Shortly after Lin Ze and them all left Wanmo City, the other three disciples of Wanmo City, also led by several strongmen during the foundation period, also appeared at the gate of the city.

This time, they did not leave quickly, but first asked the captain about Lin Ze's thoughts.

They just got an order just now. If the other party is fighting in the city, they will be driven out directly. If the other party has left the city, they will neither block nor help. They will follow in secret and be a fisherman.

Now from the captain's mouth, these people learned the news they wanted. Soon, the three factions also disappeared into the night sky.

Lin Ze walked out of the Demon City and looked back at a certain direction behind him. There was a mysterious smile in the corner of his mouth. When he stepped on his feet, he flew to the top of the tree, turned into a lightning bolt, and quickly escaped.

At this time, the people of Hades and Guizong had approached Lin Ze.

After seeing Lin Ze price speeding up, the elders of the five ghosts who were chasing them, one of them frowned, turned his right hand, and an extremely simple ancient mirror appeared in the palm. Then, he opened his mouth and exhaled aura, aura Blowing on the ancient mirror immediately rolled around, and then, I saw the crystal light inside this ancient mirror flickering, and the sound of'咻' directly turned into a Changhong quickly flying out of the elder's hand, after a few revolutions in the air Then, a ray of light suddenly shot from inside the mirror, pointing to Lin Ze in the distance, and the light was transformed into a stern, directly killing Lin Ze's back.

"Carved insect tricks!" Lin Ze's eyes flashed a meaningful smile as he was about to approach direct, and then the whole person stopped instantly, and then fell like a stone.

The speed was so fast that even the elder who was behind Li Mang was a little caught off guard. He shot Li Mang and killed him directly from the top of Lin Ze’s head. He didn’t even hurt Lin Ze’s hair.

To say that his attack has failed, the elder's face should be very unsightly, but now looking at his face, he can see that his face is full of smug smiles.

It turned out that this elder had attacked Lin Ze before, and he didn’t really want to attack Lin Ze. Of course, if he could hit Lin Ze, it would be best, but it’s fine if he can’t, because his main purpose is to put Lin Ze forced down the treetops.

Don’t look at Lin Ze above the treetops, the figure is very obvious, can’t escape the chase of these people behind, but this way, the movement is too great, and, if you want to catch up with Lin Ze, it is not difficult.

Therefore, the people behind the Hades are simply preparing to force Lin Ze down. In this way, with the dense forest as a barrier, Lin Ze’s escape speed is completely slowed down. This is for the Hades. The benefits are great.

Therefore, after seeing Lin Ze being forced down the treetops, these elders who had chased Lin Ze's ghosts would smile.

The five met and smiled at each other, and then fell one after another, chasing in the direction of Lin Ze's fall.

At this time, the disciples of the Hades are also very This feeling of chasing and killing prey with the elders of the martial arts gives them a deep sense of stimulation and satisfaction.

Lin Ze frowned slightly, and his heart felt uncomfortable for a long time. He snorted in his mouth, and his powerful consciousness went directly to the disciples of the ghost ghosts who came after him.

The first to bear the brunt is Liu Wu, who chases the front and smiles the most.

"Ah...!" As Lin Ze launched a consciousness attack, I saw Liu Wu rushing to the front of the apprentice of the Hades. He suddenly snorted in his mouth, spouting blood, and his body fell, Like a stone, it fell from the book, and finally hit a large stone on the ground.

And Liu Wu's luck was obviously not very good. He fell directly down, and his head also directly hit a large rock on the ground.

Bright red is clearly visible at the scene, as well as some white things...

After seeing the end of Liu Wu, the fellow students beside him were all shocked. Many people subconsciously began to slow down and wanted to escape from this dangerous place.


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