Alien Lord

Chapter 1810: Resettlement Xiyao

"Xiyao, yes, this is the Yuan Shi to start the formation." Lin Ze took out some Yuan Shi and gave it to Gu Xiyao.

Now that Gu Xiyao only puts in a good position, if he wants to stimulate the formation, he has to put in a suitable Yuan Shi.

Gu Xiyao didn't say anything. She directly took the Yuan stones handed over to her by Lin Ze. After finishing these, she hesitated a bit and selected them carefully from the Yuan stones in her hand. After removing the extra parts directly with a gang gas, the face reveals the dignified color, carefully calculate a little, and put one of them on the calculated position in the bottom of the heart.

Afterwards, the calculation started again, and after all the thirty-six Yuan stones had been put away, this time, an hour had passed.

Gu Xiyao is now slightly sweaty on his forehead, and his face is also showing a tired color, but his eyes are full of surprises and said to Lin Ze: "Li Xuan, the formation method is finally arranged. There are a total of three Lixuan layouts before you, but these are only very basic formations, which can only prevent some Grand Master levels and the following wild beasts from entering. However, I just adjusted the power of these formations just now. , Strengthened the output of Yuan Shi’s power. Although this method is not high in level and the time for layout is too hasty, so it can only exert the three layers of power in the heyday, but now, even facing the Supreme Master At the level of the barbarian attack, these formations can also block at least an hour. For these three formations, I have only just begun to study, if you give me a few more days to refinish With the formation of the array, I believe that the power can be improved even more."

After saying this, Gu Xiyao looked at the three formations in front of him with regret in his face, and then tossed with his right hand to throw out a piece of memory jade.

After Lin Ze took it, he swept his mind and recorded the method of entering these three formations.

These formations have been transformed by Gu Xiyao, so the method of entering and exiting has changed. After Lin Ze looked carefully, he felt the power of these three formations carefully. Gu Xiyao gave a thumbs up, and there was also a trace of praise on his face. Gu Xiyao looked very happy in his heart.

Lin Ze put away this piece of memory jade jade and followed Gu Xiyao into the formation.

The two safely walked through the three formations all the way. After entering the Shifu, Gu Xiyao once again took out a few yuan stones from the storage bag around him, gently tossed them outward, and buzzed. At that time, the formation method outside the Dongfu Palace began to rotate, and bursts of mist rose directly into the fog inside the forest outside.

Therefore, from the outside now, it is absolutely impossible to find the clues of this place. Even if you walk in and look closely, as long as you don't directly bump into it, you can only see the mountain walls, not the real cave.

Inside the cave house, Lin Zedi looked at Gu Xiyao up and down. Gu Xiyao looked down at him with a blushing face, not knowing what to do.

"I'm in a room with Lixuan, this........., this..." Obviously, Gu Xiyao wanted to be crooked.

But it’s no wonder that now they are in the deep forest and there are no other figures around them. The two are alone in a room, and the relationship between the two is a couple. Now the sky is dark again. At this time, Gu Xiyao didn't want to be crooked in his heart.

It's just that Lin Ze's heart didn't actually make this idea. He would stare at Gu Xiyao like this, and was surprised by Gu Xiyao's talent in formation.

You should know that these three methods, Lin Ze only gave a brief introduction. However, Gu Xiyao just listened to it for the first time. After ten minutes, he can actually make some changes to this, and it is still good. The change of direction development really surprised Lin Ze.

Even Han Dong in the Planar Seed World, after seeing Gu Xiyao's performance, was willing to bow down.

This is not Pa Linze's bullshit, but Han Dong really thinks so.

Therefore, now Lin Ze is staring at Gu Xiyao in a strange way.

Gu Xiyao, I couldn’t bear Lin Ze’s staring eyes at this time. Her face was red first. Then she stepped back a few steps straight and whispered with a hint of coyness: "Li Xuan, we There are no worship halls yet, so..., so...

Gu Xiyao said two things one after another, but as for what, she was embarrassed to say so.

Hearing Gu Xiyao's words and looking at her now blushing face, Lin Ze's heart suddenly appeared.

"Hehe!!!" He first chuckled, then said gently to Gu Xiyao: "Xiyao, rest assured, I will not be more polite."

Lin Ze is not an anxious man. He is a natural man in his heart. Only in this way can he respect his beloved woman and love her.

Those who have only been in love for a few days have been in a hurry ///color//color on/// bed, in Lin Ze's view, this is not love, it's just //.

"Li Xuan..." After hearing Lin Ze's words, Gu Xiyao's face was even more rosy, and the whole person exuded an indescribable extreme temptation.

Even Lin Ze, after reading it now, there was a dry mouth in his mouth.

After reading the Qing Mantra several times in the bottom of my heart, I suppressed the impulse in my heart.

Gu Xiyao's heart was beating very fast at this time, her cheeks were always flushed, and her head was silent for a long time. After a long time, she raised her head with a shy face, revealing her charming and beautiful face. After looking at Lin Ze He whispered: "Li Xuan, thank you for your understanding, I just feel a little unaccustomed to it, after........., after..., um, you know."

After saying this, Gu Xiyao bowed her head flushed again. At this moment, she was so glamorous.

Regarding Gu Xiyao's present beauty, Lin Ze's eyes were instantly bright, and his heartbeat was accelerated by more than ten times. He was forced to meditate on the meditation mantra more than ten times in his heart again, and then he felt the slightest thought in his heart. Suppressed.

After that, Lin Ze also brought some pimples: "Xiyao, I... I understand!"

After saying this, Lin Ze took a deep breath and shifted the topic: "Xiyao, I still have a lot of things on the formation, do you want to take a look?"

In order to avoid being ugly, Lin Ze is ready to take out some of the things above the formation to divert the embarrassing topic before.

Gu Xiyao's eyes lit up as soon as she heard the things above the array, and she couldn't wait to look at Lin Zedao: "Li Xuan, take it out and take a look."

Seeing Gu Xiyao's can't wait now, Lin Ze smiled.

He didn't delay it. He took several storage bags directly from his waist and said, "All the related things are here. You can see if there is something you like in it."

Gu Xiyao took it and quickly opened the storage bag to check it.

Soon, she exclaimed in her mouth: "This... this is the Liuding Kaishan formation, this formation has been lost for hundreds of years. Alas, there are actually five elements upside down formation here, this formation I was early I just want to learn, but the price is too high, I can't afford it. This..., this...this is actually the Hunyuan Qiqi formation method, and the Taiyin Sijiu formation method, and Xianyin Mother-in-Law..."

The more I looked at Gu Xiyao, the more shocked I was, because the formations inside the storage bags that Lin Ze gave her were related. Most of them were the top formations that she wanted to learn before.

Some of them have even been lost in the practice world for hundreds of years. The time to hear these formations is at least three hundred years ago. Later, only the names of these formations have been seen in the records of Zongmen. It is completely lost that the sect gate was arranged.

Now these lost for hundreds of years, and even a thousand-year formation has appeared in front of Gu Xiyao, her madness, that is imaginable.

Looking at Gu Xiyao's crazy appearance now, Lin Ze understood very well. He thought about it and took out more than ten storage bags from the world of Plane Seeds. Look for some inheritance related to formation in the dark environment.

The Lingcai, Yuanshi, and Lingshi inside have been taken away by him, and only the inheritance related to these formations is left. Now it just makes Gu Xiyao rejoice.

After reviewing all the storage bags one by one, Gu Xiyao was radiant at the moment, sweeping the shy face just now, her entire face seemed to be filled with an excited light, clutching these storage bags, He looked up and said to Lin Ze: "Li Xuan, I can use these things at will, right?"

Of course Lin Ze nodded and said, "Of course, these things will be yours from now on. If Yao is not still have some here."

Lin Ze was not lying. He only produced very low-level formation inheritance. Those high-level, at least the Grand Master, and even higher-level formation masters can only study the formation inheritance. Lin Ze has not yet come up with it. .

It was not Lin Ze's stingy, but these things are too advanced for Gu Xiyao, and now they are given out to her, which is more harmful than good.

This is the same as going to school. Originally, your child should be in the first grade of elementary school, but you just registered him for the third grade of elementary school.

It seems better, but in fact you are pitting your child.

He didn't even learn the knowledge of the first and second grades, so he jumped directly to the knowledge of the third grade. It was simply difficult for the strongman!

If you really want to keep learning like this, your child will never learn anything at all. By that time, you will delay your child's future. In the future, his future will be a dark one.

Therefore, in many cases, things must be done from low to high, starting from the most basic things, do not deliberately be able to step into the sky!

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