Alien Lord

Chapter 1805: Endless black cloud

The speed of the silver boat is extremely fast, the distance between the two sides is gradually shortened, and the anxiety in the heart of the middle-aged man on the boat has dropped a lot.

However, soon, his face changed, because, looking at the direction he was heading now, it was clear that he was heading towards the extremely dangerous Wanmo Mountain in front of him.

Thinking of the Wanmo Mountain in the front, even the middle-aged man looks pale. The danger of Wanmo Mountain is not just talking, but really dangerous because he has been there a few times before, Every time it counts as a escape.

However, no matter how dangerous it is, it can't stop the temptation of Qianmo streamer to him.

However, at this time, the middle-aged man could not help complaining about the unfavorable claims from Ming's affairs, and he would be attacked by a junior.

Had Yu Ming not been able to move now, he thought it was Yu Ming's calculation.

However, these thoughts only dare to think in my heart, and did not dare to show signs on his face. After all, Yu Ming's background in Zongmen is also very strong. If one is not good, he will be out of luck.

"Lixuan, there seems to be someone chasing us behind?" Gu Xiyao's perception was also very sensitive, and he soon felt the faint sense of threat behind him.

"Don't worry, I have everything!" Lin Ze said with a smile.

The murderous bees he had left in Senri had informed Lin Ze of the situation behind him, but Lin Ze didn't care about the killer.

Lin Ze's words also reassured Gu Xiyao.

Indeed, the strength of the people behind is as strong as Lin Ze’s strength at the foundation stage.

Thinking of this, Gu Xiyao's inner worry disappeared directly.

Lin Ze looked as usual, constantly calculating from the bottom of his heart. From the time he learned that the guys who chased them down to now, it has been a total of about an hour.

The boat that Fuzhuan turned behind was very fast, but no matter how fast Lin Lin's current Yujian flies faster.

Yes, Lin Ze is flying in Yujian now.

In the past, Lin Ze wanted to make Yu Jian flying very difficult, very difficult, but now he has the strength to build a great circle. For him, Yu Jian flying is as simple as eating.

As for where the magic sword flying method came from, hehe, Xuanyin Master inherited it, many of them are of this kind.

Lin Ze just chose one of them, and after a few hours of practice, he could fly the Yu Jian smoothly.

The speed of Yujian's flight is very fast. In addition, the guy in the back also needs to distinguish the direction of their advance. In addition, from time to time in the middle, they need to drive off the attack of the wild beasts who are frightened by the flying movement. It's more urgent.

Calculated by Lin Ze, when that guy rushed to where he is now, he and Gu Xiyao must have entered the Wanmo Mountain.

After entering Wanmo Mountain, the guy behind wanted to find himself again, it was extremely difficult.

In the calculation in his heart, Lin Ze's sense of power immediately noticed a dense black cloud in the distance, sweeping across the sky, Lin Ze and Gu Xiyao went to the Wanmo Mountain.

The middle-aged man who was constantly chasing him behind him, as soon as he saw the dark cloud above the horizon, his complexion immediately changed, and he slowed down without hesitation. There was a moment of hesitation in his heart, and finally a burst of frustration appeared on his face. He gave up chasing and quickly flew back.

Thousand demon streamers are important, but where his own life comes from is important.

Of course, he would never say that, in fact, he was a little scared of the guy in front.

After all, in the **** battlefield before, this middle-aged man saw the remains of no less than ten zombie puppets whose strength was not under him, as well as the bodies of those master puppet masters.

These people have suffered misfortune. If he goes up, it will end the same way.

He had been tracking before, and he got up from the bottom of his heart to stare at the trace of the guy in front of him, and then notified the master in Zongmen to come to mind.

However, now that this guy has entered Wanmo Mountain, the middle-aged man has dismissed the idea.

As for whether he would be held accountable by Zongmen now when he turned around, he didn't care.

Because, this thing was all caused by Yu Ming. At that time, he directly said that Gu Xiyao could not be found, and the rest of the black pot was directly let Yu Ming go.

In this way, he may also replace Yu Ming's status.

Thinking of this, the loss just lost in the middle-aged man's heart completely disappeared, replaced by a glimmer of expectation.

The speed of Yu Jian's flight is naturally very fast. With Lin Ze's strength in the foundation period, his speed is now even faster.

Lin Ze took Gu Xiyao to the foot of Wanmo Mountain in just a moment.

After coming here, Lin Ze stopped first.

Gu Xiyao looked at the dark clouds in the sky continuously, and the whole person couldn't help but moved closer to Lin Ze's side. Until after leaning on Lin Ze's body, her heart was a little calm, but, inside her mouth Still exclaiming with a hint of alarm: "This is Wanmo Mountain, I really can't think of it just at the foot of the mountain, it gives people such an infinite sense of death, Lixuan, do we really want to go in?"

When things were about to end, Gu Xiyao wanted to back down.

Lin Ze looked at her with a smile, and said with relief: "Xiyao, rest assured, everything is with me, you don't have to worry."

When Lin Ze said this, suddenly, a powerful consciousness came from inside the black cloud, with endless momentum, sweeping towards Lin Ze in a sweeping manner.

However, when he met Lin Ze's body, he suddenly stopped a few meters away from Lin Ze. Heiyun therefore whimpered, with a hint of fear in it.

In response, Lin Ze smiled. He knew that it was because the wild beast in the black cloud felt his powerful breath and a stronger sense of consciousness than it, so he stopped instantly, and also There was a frightened whimper.

"Oh, it seems that the wild beasts in Wanmo Mountain, if they are bullying and afraid of existence!" Lin Ze said with a smile, and then grabbed Gu Xiyao's hand directly, and expanded the skill of sword control to twelve points of power. Escape and go directly into the Wanmo Mountain.

At this time, under the influence of Lin Ze's sword qi, the black cloud that was still calm suddenly rolled up. After that, there was a roaring roar in the black cloud, and countless wild beasts hidden in the black cloud. Reversing direction chased Lin Ze.

It’s just that the distance between the two parties is very far, and Lin Ze Yu Jian’s flying speed is extremely fast, and because of the presence of induction, Lin Ze does not need to worry about getting lost at all, so his speed from beginning to end Not only did it not decrease, but faster.

Although the wild beasts behind were caught up for a while, they could only be hung far behind and could not catch up quickly.

Gu Xiyao did not need to fly by himself at this time, so he had enough time and energy to check the situation behind him.

However, after seeing the horrible scene behind her, she was shocked at first, and then saw that the wild beasts behind could not keep up with them, and her heart was loose, and then an extremely strange thought came up, that is , The following wild beasts are not chasing and killing them, but are sending them off.

The skill of flying the sword is indeed a magical power. It not only requires a lot of spiritual power, but also has strict requirements on qualifications, but these restrictions do not exist for Lin Ze.

Lin Ze has the seeds of the plane, and the body has all the attributes of the cultivation world, even each of them is a genius level. Although his qualifications for cultivation are not strong, it can even be said to be very poor, but there are planes. The seeds are there, and this problem was quickly resolved.

Lin Ze’s current practice of flying swords is the simplest of flying swords. It belongs to the low-level existence. In addition to the huge cost of true energy, the qualification requirements are not high, and you can even let you Through continuous use, it can be grasped slowly and accurately.

In the final analysis, this is actually a fool-like practice method.

Although Lin Ze hasn't practiced for a long time, but with his current strength, he has used it very smoothly. So far, these swordsmanship has become familiar under his feet.

As for the consumption of spiritual power in the body, to put it bluntly, with plane seeds, Lin Ze is not afraid of the consumption of spiritual power.

With the constant replenishment of plane seeds, Lin Ze’s spiritual consumption has just reached three levels. After a few breaths, Lin Ze’s consumption will be filled with plane seeds.

Therefore, for Lin Ze, the problem of spiritual consumption does not exist.

The flying sword for three consecutive The amount of spiritual power consumed is actually very large. For the general practitioners in the foundation period, if they really want the flying sword for such a long time, he is already an aura Run down and fall.

However, for Lin Ze, there are more than nine layers of spiritual power in Dantian, which consumes spiritual power. For Lin Ze, a local tyrant, it is not a problem at all.

In this way, Lin Ze took Gu Xiyao to traverse the black cloud zone at the foot of Wanmo Mountain. The wild beasts behind him were already getting closer and closer, and countless roars were heard.

At the border of the Black Cloud Zone, Lin Ze took Gu Xiyao 咻, and put it out from the inside, looking at the wild beasts behind him after all, and he said Gu Xiyao with a trace of sickness on his face. Xi Yao, are you afraid?"

"Well, I'm not afraid. With you in, I'm not afraid at all." Gu Xiyao shook his head directly.

The wild beasts in the back look dangerous, but as long as Lin Ze is there, she is not afraid at all.

"Oh, my Xiyao is really good!" Lin Ze said with a smile, and then lazy Gu Xiyao behind him, he was going to pack up the wild beasts who chased them down.

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