Alien Lord

Chapter 1802: Yan Huangzong

After packing up Wei Bo and his party, Lin Ze opened the space channel and quickly returned to Gu Xiyao.

At this time, Gu Xiyao looked anxiously towards the place where Lin Ze had disappeared. It looked like a wife waiting for her husband to return home.

With the sound of "Boom!", a space channel opened in front of Gu Xiyao's eyes, and then there was the person who made her feel very concerned about it.

"you are back!"

A very common sentence, but listening to Lin Ze's ears, it is such temptation and warmth.

"Well, I'm back!" Lin Ze also answered a very common sentence, but Gu Xiyao on the opposite face showed a greasy smile.

This smile is full of peace and joy, just like the smile of the wife who sent her husband the battlefield after seeing her husband return safely.

"Xiyao, why did you fall to this point this time? Didn't you go back with the people of Xuanyin Demon Road? Did anyone peep into Qian Mowan's black hands against Xuanyin Devil Road?" Lin Ze asked with a concerned expression. This question is directly a three-question question.

"Brother Li, I betrayed Xuanyin Demon Road, can I follow you in the future?" Gu Xiyao's temperament is still so direct, she directly said what she wanted to follow Lin Ze, and Lin Ze's face heard again. A little embarrassed.

However, soon, he replied extremely firmly, "Of course, as long as you are willing, you will come home with me!"

Just after the words home, Gu Xiyao felt a sour eye for a while after hearing it.

Gu Xiyao has never been able to own the word home.

Even in the Xuanyin Demon Road, under the care of her master, the Xuanyin Demon Road did not give Gu Xiyao's feeling. Instead, the longer she spent in the Xuanyin Devil Road, the more she felt that the inside was really Danger everywhere.

In the Xuanyin Demon Road, everyone, including her master, the city mansion and the scheming are very deep. Even the children of seven or eight years old are very dark in their hearts. If they are not careful, they will follow other people's ways.

And if you follow someone's way, there is only one waiting for you to end, that is, being eliminated, and being eliminated in the Xuanyin Devil's Road, it is imaginable in the end.

Gu Xiyao had seen it more than once. Zongmen's servants carried small sacks and threw them into the garbage dump of Zongmen Houshan.

Although Gu Xiyao had never opened the small bags, she was clever and she knew exactly what was in the small bags.

Living in such a dangerous place, as long as it is normal people, will not like this place much, let alone treat it as their own home.

Even after Gu Xiyao grew up, he also had a deep city and calculation in his heart, and also became the first leader of the young generation of Xuanyin Demon Road. In the future, it will definitely be the top character of Xuanyin Devil Road, but Even at this point, Gu Xiyao did not regard the Xuanyin Demon Road as a home in her heart. She only regarded the cliff tomb road as a ladder to achieve her ambitions.

Gu Xiyao had long wanted a home belonging to her, a real home.

However, if you want to have a family, first of all, there must be her relatives in the family, you must have a peace of mind, which can let you let go of all worries, sleep in peace, you must have laughter that belongs to the family, you must have a family member Bit by bit

Home is your safe haven, a sustenance above your heart, and you can rest in peace after you are tired and quickly return to where you are. Such a place has never been found before by Gu Xiyao.

Now at this moment, she finally found it.

Because, when Lin Ze said that his home was her home, the huge stone that had always existed in Gu Xiyao's heart seemed to be weathered and drifted away with the wind. The peace of mind I had never felt before, and the hint of true sweetness in my heart.

These feelings all told Gu Xiyao that she found a real home belonging to her.

"Well, Brother Li"

Before Gu Xiyao's words were finished, Lin Ze directly stopped her, "Xiyao, here I want to apologize to you."

When Lin Ze spoke, there was a trace of embarrassment on his face, because his real name was not Li Ze, but Lin Ze.

"Oh, Brother Li, your name is fake?" Gu Xiyao looked at Lin Ze with a smile on her face. Obviously, she had thought about Lin Ze's problem long ago.

"Xiyao, you" Lin Ze's face was amazed, he really couldn't think of it, Gu Xiyao seemed to have known that his name was fake.

"Hee hee, your strength has been kept so low-key before, even when fighting with me, the strength is still so reluctant, now you are so strong, obviously, you are for some reason Want to enter the secret environment, but you don't want others to know your details, or to pay too much attention to you, so you limit your strength as low as possible.

Obviously, if you do this, you want to keep a low profile. In this case, of course, your name is likely to be fake. Otherwise, if you say the real name, someone seems to have heard it in that place. If your name, your pretend to be exposed soon, so, I have long guessed that your name is fake. "

Gu Xiyao looked at Lin Ze with a trace of pride on his face, all over his face was the kind of I am very smart, you have to praise me the girl carefully thinking.

"Xiyao, you are this!"

Where Lin Ze would disappoint Gu Xiyao, he gave her a thumbs up directly, the smile on Gu Xiyao's face looked even more tangled.

"Xiyao, my real name is not Li Ze, but Lin Ze. In fact, the following words are the same, but the surname is different." Lin Ze said his real name directly, of course, the name on earth .

Since accepting Gu Xiyao, Lin Ze will not conceal the real name Lin Ze in his heart!

"However, this is my own name and my favorite name. In front of outsiders, my name is Lin Lixuan!" Lin Ze went on to say his current name Lin Lixuan.

"Lin Ze, Lin Lixuan!! These are two good names!" Gu Xiyao repeated a few words in his mouth, remembering these two names firmly.

"So will I call you Lin Ze or Lin Lixuan in the future?" Gu Xiyao asked with a smile.

"Well," Lin Ze thought for a moment and replied, "When you are outside, you can call me Lin Ze. When I get home, I am Lin Lixuan."

"Well, understand." Gu Xiyao immediately understood the meaning of Lin Ze's words.

"It seems that the relationship between Brother Lin and his family is not very good, otherwise, he will not have another name." Gu Xiyao thought secretly.

If Lin Ze knows Gu Xiyao's thoughts now, he will definitely give a thumbs up again.

Indeed, Gu Xiyao is really too smart, but through some small words, he can see the essence.

Just like Lin Ze's name, Lin Ze used Lin Ze's name when he was on the earth, so he always used Lin Ze's name outside as a memorial.

However, Lin Ze didn't realize that after integrating Lin Lixuan's treatment in Houfu in Kyoto, his dissatisfaction with the Houfu in Kyoto had long risen in his heart. This dissatisfaction directly caused Lin Ze to change the name outside. For Lin Ze, not the name Lin Lixuan.

It's just that Lin Ze didn't really realize this kind of mentality. However, Gu Xiyao realized these points quickly through these two names. It can be seen that Gu Xiyao is really very smart.

"Brother Lin, are you the sect?" Gu Xiyao directly asked what she most wanted to know. At the same time, she also wanted to know more about Lin Ze.

"Xiyao, I am the person of Yanhuangzong." Lin Ze put a name of Yanhuangzong on himself.

The name Yanhuangzong was not just made by Lin Zehu, but a sect that he really planned to establish, and, in the world of plane seeds, he had already established it.

As a heir to the dragon, Lin Ze must of course choose a name suitable for his descendants of Yan and Huang, so Lin Ze directly took the name of Yan and Huang Zong, preparing to spread on the mainland of Shenzhou, and let the descendants of Yan and Huang proliferate.

Of course, Lin Ze now puts himself on the name of Yan Huangzong, which will also reduce countless troubles in the future.

After entering the Xuanyin Secret Realm, Lin Ze's strength has greatly increased, and now he can fight against the top sect of Chu State. Therefore, in the future, he is going to gradually move forward.

At that time, there will inevitably be countless people inquiring about his details. If Lin Ze had no strong background at that time, many people would not be able to start secretly.

Maybe these black hands are not a problem for Lin Ze, but, with so many people under his hands, they can't stop those black hands, so Lin Ze has to really glorify himself in front of the world. Powerful background.

This time the Xingyue Canyon Trading Conference is an excellent opportunity for Lin Ze to expose his strong background.

At the Xingyuegu Trading Conference, there were countless ancestors and countless loose repairs. By then, Lin Ze appeared directly at the Xingyuegu Trading Conference with seven or eight base-building demon warriors. He wanted to be famous. Will not work.

This is as many as seven or eight powerhouses in the foundation period, and they are directly sent out. It can be seen that there are definitely more foundation-building powerhouses in the sect door, even there are Jindan stage powerhouses. presence.

At that time, no one would ever underestimate Lin Ze, let alone provoke Lin Ze.

Even if Tai Yizong, the top ancestors of Chu Kingdom, knew Lin Ze’s ambitions by then, if Lin Ze’s development speed and the treasures in his hands were coveted, they would not be under the threat of these strong foundations. How dare you treat Lin Ze.


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