Alien Lord

Chapter 1779: 1 kill

Facing more and more followers behind him, Gu Xiyao gritted his teeth for the last time, and his heart was ruthless, and he really took these people behind him and flew towards a large barbarian herd that she knew before.

After that, she took the lead directly into the beasts of this large group of beasts without hesitation, and set off a human///beast war.

As for Gu Xiyao, she already knew a very secret safe passage here. Through this safe passage, she was safe to get out of her. As for those who followed her, as long as they heard the herd The battle inside, and a scream of screams, you can know their end.

In this way, Gu Xiyao directly asked the followers behind her, and when she thought she was safe, suddenly, there were followers again behind her, and, this time, these followers didn’t even think about going around with her. As soon as he came out, Gu Xiyao was stopped directly, and, without saying anything, she was killed.

What makes Gu Xiyao even more strange is that these guys who gave her a dead hand will actually be the people who control the Beast Sect.

"Gu Xiyao, when things are here, don't you still understand?! Obediently hand over the Thousand Demon streamers and be my slave girl, I can promise not to kill you, hey!!" Feng Qiping looked at this with greedy eyes. The tempting fruit, when he saw Gu Xiyao before, Feng Qiping felt itchy in his heart.

That's right, don't look at Feng Qiping as the elder of the Beast Sect, and he is a righteous man, but his love of beauty is also very famous in the cultivation world.

The number of his wives and concubines in Zongmen alone has already reached the number of thirty, and it is still unknown how many of his women are outside Zongmen.

"Shameless!" Gu Xiyao yelled at the bottom of his heart, his face flushed with anger.

However, in the view of Feng Qiping in front of him, Gu Xiyao at this time is even more beautiful. Of course, the tickle in his heart is also rising linearly.

"Gu Xiyao, rest assured, as long as you surrender surrendered, then I will let you become my eldest lady, how?" Feng Qiping looked at Gu Xiyao with a sullen face//color//squinted//squinted.

What he said this time did not deceive Gu Xiyao, but really thought so.

As for why Feng Qiping would say so, the reason is actually very simple.

One is that Gu Xiyao's appearance really fascinated Feng Qiping, especially her identity, which made Feng Qiping's heart bursting with joy.

In addition, Gu Xiyao is a genius of cultivation. With his support, I believe that becoming a supreme grandmaster is not a problem. In this case, perhaps her future will be one of the pillars of their Feng family. Therefore, Feng Qiping will only promise this way.

"Bah!" Gu Xiyao didn't bother to say anything to Feng Qiping, he just spit at Feng Qiping, and his heart was disgusting.

"Ravage!" Feng Qiping exasperated.

He would have faced Gu Xiyao and Yan Yuese just because he thought Gu Xiyao was an acquaintance. In the face of absolute power, she could only surrender.

Like this kind of person, Feng Qiping had met more than one before, but he didn't expect that he would face Gu Xiyao's saliva and a look of contempt.

This directly angered Feng Qiping.

"Blood wolf, give her some good looks, but don't really hurt her." Feng Qiping said softly directly to a blood-red giant wolf lying next to him, and his right hand also pointed to Gu Xiyao opposite.

"Hoo!" For a moment, the blood moon wolf that was lying on his back stood up directly, facing Gu Xiyao fiercely, and then nodded spiritually.

"Puff, puff!!!!" Gu Xiyao's heartbeat accelerated several times when he saw the huge blood moon wolf standing four to five meters high not far away.

"Blood Moon Wolf, the most powerful spirit beast around Feng Qiping!" Gu Xiyao secretly murmured something, these are the information of Feng Qiping recorded in the Xuanyin Demon Road.

"How about, it's still too late to surrender. Tomorrow, my blood wolf will not be polite to you." Feng Qiping saw Gu Xiyao's look change, smiled and looked at Gu Xiyao.

He is not in a hurry to take Gu Xiyao now, because he wants to enjoy the fun of cats and mice.

After catching the mouse, play enough, and then eat it!

"Surrender?! Oh, I don't want Gu Xiyao to surrender to you old thing!" Gu Xiyao scolded without leaving a face.

"Okay, okay, okay, Gu Xiyao, you are fine!" The old thing angered Feng Qiping again.

As a person who likes //female//sexually, especially since he is seventy or eighty years old, Feng Qiping doesn’t like to hear others call himself old things. Now Gu Xiyao is very kind to call him old things, Feng Qiping The bottom of my heart was really angry.

"Blood Wolf, come on!" Feng Qiping directly ordered the attack.

"Aooo!" With a wolf howling, the blood moon wolf in front of Feng Qiping turned into a blood streamer, and in a blink of an eye, he came to Gu Xiyao.

Then, Blood Moon Wolf lifted the two giant palms in front and shot directly at Gu Xiyao.

Of course, it still remembers Feng Qiping's order not to hurt Gu Xiyao before. The first two giant palms were shot against Gu Xiyao, but the goal was only Gu Xiyao's side.

"Waiting for you!" Faced with the surprise of the Blood Moon Wolf, Gu Xiyao not only did not panic, but smiled slightly at the corner of her mouth, because this is what she wanted to see.

"Devil Soul, attack!" Gu Xiyao flipped her right hand, and a small black flag streamer appeared on Gu Xiyao's right hand. Then, Gu Xiyao's right hand held the flag streamer like that.

"Hoo!" At once, a black demon appeared in front of Gu Xiyao, and then directly flew at the blood moon wolf in front of him.

"No, why did Gu Xiyao have refined this thousand demon streamers now!" Feng Qiping not far away saw this, his face changed, and his mouth was shocked.

According to Feng Qiping's previous knowledge, Qianmoban is extremely difficult to refine, otherwise, Xuanyin Demon Road has been refining this Qianmoban for so many years.

Therefore, in Feng Qiping's previous thoughts, there was simply no scene of Qian Moban helping Gu Xiyao in battle.

Now the facts directly hit Feng Qiping's face, making his face black and white, and his face changed richly and abnormally.

"Fortunately, there is only the most basic power left in the Thousand Devil's Hat, so although I was given a "surprise", I still can't hurt my blood wolf much........."

The last few words hadn't been spoken yet, Gu Xiyao slapped Feng Qiping's face fiercely again.

"War puppet, attack!" Gu Xiyao took the opportunity to inspire the war puppet after directly using the demon soul of the Thousand Demon streamers to entangle the Blood Moon Wolf.

With the sound of "Boom!", a small puppet suddenly appeared on the ground at the position of the blood moon wolf's chin. Then, the puppet rose in the wind, and in less than one tenth of a second The size of the duck egg has grown to more than three meters high.

And, the next moment, and heavy fist directly hit the jaw of the blood moon wolf.


"Click!" A heavy punch directly smashed the blood moon wolf's body protection and took away a third of its teeth.

"Aooo!!" The chin is definitely one of the weaknesses of the Blood Moon Wolf. This heavy blow directly made the Blood Moon Wolf scream.

Then, the war puppet changed into his left hand, and the left hand was directly transformed into a sword, which was directly inserted into the **** wolf's chin like lightning.

"Boo!!" The war puppet's left hand easily penetrated the blood moon wolf's head, and countless blood and brains spattered like a fountain.

"No!!!" Feng Qiping's wailing came from afar.

Feng Qiping couldn't imagine that his blood moon wolf would be killed in a simple way.

He had thought that Gu Xiyao had some means before, and Yu Ming was also hit by Gu Xiyao. He also knew that, but in Feng Qiping's view, Yu Ming would be hit hard. The biggest reason was because he didn't pay attention, he couldn't think of Gu Xiyao. Will be bold enough to attack him directly, so he will be hit hard without rubbing.

Even, Feng Qiping's heart is still very dark speculation ~ ~ Yu Ming was seriously hit by Gu Xiyao, will he deliberately.

The attraction of Qianmo streamer is unparalleled for any strong man who knows its details. Now it is in Gu Xiyao's hand. If Gu Xiyao handed it to Yu Ming, then Yu Ming only obediently turned it in. Zongmen, in this way, he can never get a thousand demon streamers.

However, if Yu Ming was hit hard by Gu Xiyao, and Gu Xiyao fled with the thousand demon streamers, then Yu Ming would not have the chance to get the thousand demon streamers.

As for the concern that Gu Xiyao was going to go without a trace, if he replaced it with Yu Ming, he would leave a secret note on Gu Xiyao when Gu Xiyao attacked him, and then he would catch up in secret.

For these two ideas, Feng Qiping believes that the latter is more credible, because, if it is his, he will also make this choice.

Zongmen's order is important, but, no matter how important, is it important to have your own strength? Is it important to have your own advanced foundation period?

Therefore, even after the disciples brought news from the door, Gu Xiyao actually relied on Yu Ming, a powerful war puppet, and after listening to Feng Qiping, the first thought in his heart was that this Yu Ming was really out of the question , So realistic...

As soon as this idea appeared, where would Feng Qiping think about other things, let alone pay attention to Gu Xiyao's threat.

Of course, it's not that Feng Qiping didn't care about the war puppets in Gu Xiyao's hands, but, when he wanted to come, the strength of this war puppet, that is, the master, at most the strength of the grand master level, no matter how strong it is.

Because, like a war puppet of the supreme grandmaster level, it is definitely a killer inside the sect. Those who can own it must have a high status, where can a small disciple have it.

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