Alien Lord

Chapter 1756: Misleading

"Yes, master, you will definitely prepare the best things for the young masters. Once the young masters start to practice, I believe you will also provide them with the best cultivation conditions and resources, right?" Qu Jingwen Asked again.

"This is a matter of course!" Lin Ze replied without hesitation. As his own children, of course, as parents, they will give them the best cultivation conditions and resources.

"So when the young masters start to break through the congenital period, what will the master do?" Qu Jingwen then asked.

"Where else do you need to consider, directly help them to advance the congenital phase as quickly as possible." Lin Ze answered the question quickly without much thinking.

"So if the young masters want to rely on their own power to break through the congenital period, and are still preparing to break through with force? What will you do then master?" To this question, Qu Jingwen has gradually introduced the topic Too.

"Well, there is a better way to go, why should I take such a difficult path, of course I will not allow it!" Lin Ze said this subconsciously almost without thinking.

After Lin Ze said this, Qu Jingwen said nothing, and Lin Ze seemed to understand it at this time.

Indeed, if a cultivator has enough resources, he will be stupid to use any forceful way to break through the innate period.

This is like drinking a billionaire child to start a business. Only a fool would not use the power of his parents to help him start a business. If someone really abandoned the power of his parents directly, the walker would say, this The guy is definitely getting water in his head.

The same is true in the cultivation world. The use of Elixir can be very easy, simple, and less dangerous. The advanced congenital, but you have to go the path of breaking obstacles and more dangerous.

This is the only way to make such a choice if you have a lot of water in your brain.

"What’s more, Master, our cultivators have a limited lifespan, and if we want to break through the obstacles, the amount of true energy required is at least five more than the true congenital amount of advanced congenital medicine. Six times, or even ten times.

It takes a long time to build up so much real energy. Some geniuses are better to say something. Maybe in 40 to 50 years, they can accumulate so much innocence, but if they are replaced by cultivators with ordinary qualifications, it may take more than one hundred to two hundred years. Time. "

"A congenital strong man's life span is about 130 to 40 years old, not to mention an acquired warrior of the acquired realm. He can have a life span of 80 to 90 years old, even if it is good.

At this point of life, you can’t even reach two-thirds of the amount of vital energy you need. Do you say that this warrior chooses to break accounts with interests? ! "

"With his qualifications, if he had taken the Elixir originally, maybe he would be able to advance congenitally after 40 or 50 years. Now, when he dies, he is an acquired warrior. You say it is you, you will What choice do you make?"

"Of course, there are warriors who are several times more geniuses here, and in the end it is indeed possible to break through obstacles with strength, but you don’t know that the warriors of the same level as him are even worse than him. This It has long been a Grand Master, or even a strong master of the Grand Master, but he has just broken through the innate period.

It was only at the age of fifty or sixty that it broke through to the congenital period. Even if the cultivator's qualifications are good, the future is very limited. "

"Therefore, this effort to break the barrier sounds very energetic, as if the future is also very bright. In fact, this is a pit, a bottomless pit. Once it falls into it, hehe, the final result will be very miserable. ."

Speaking here, Qu Jingwen directly sighed in his mouth, because, in the Confucian literature, he saw no less than 100 similar records.

These people used to be geniuses, but in order to show their differences or to be brave, they chose to break the barrier.

Among these people, nine layers and nine finally succeeded, but by the time they succeeded, they were not young, and the disciples who had been with them at the same time had some strength even reaching the strength of the Supreme Master.

With this comparison, these disciples ended up directly submerged in the figure of the next generation of disciples who were on the rise, and finally had no chance to get ahead, so they spent their lives as ordinary disciples. ,

However, at that time, if they did not choose to break through the obstacles, but directly chose to use immortality medicine to assist cultivation, to help break through the realm, maybe at this time, these people have become the pillars of the Zongmen, and some even directly became the Zongmen. Of people in power.

It can be seen that when faced with choice, you really need to think carefully before making a choice.

Otherwise, if you choose the wrong one, it will be your whole life.

"........." After hearing these explanations by Qu Jingwen, Lin Ze was speechless.

Seriously, when Lin Ze heard Eli break the obstacles, he really had such an idea in his heart. Did he try to do it? Because this sounds more energetic and more promising.

However, now that Qu Jingwen has explained this, Lin Ze’s thought completely disappeared.

As Qu Jingwen said, the time of a person's life is limited, that is, the seventy or eighty years, even if it is a congenital powerhouse, it is at most 156 years.

In these limited years, neither ordinary people nor cultivators can afford the years. Once they have spent the years indiscriminately, the waiting for them will be extremely severe punishment.

The most important thing for a genius cultivator with strong qualifications is to improve his strength as quickly as possible. In this way, he can see a broader future and enjoy a life span of hundreds of years. Otherwise, he also It's just over a hundred years of life.

Just like you are competing for a position in a company, one wants to rely on its own strength to compete for this position to show its ability; while the other is to directly use its relationship in the company to achieve this purpose.

The final competition between the two is obviously. The former definitely competes with the latter.

Competence is indeed very important when working in a company, but, in the same way, it is also important to handle the human relations inside.

If you think that in the company, as long as the strength is strong enough to achieve all purposes, then you are wrong.

If this is the case, then there is still a competition for promotion.

At that time, once there is a chance for promotion, it is just to wait in line with ability, is it still competing with each other? !

However, in the current company, a job requires many people below to compete, so it can be seen that ability is not the most important part of job competition.

Your ability is important, but how to deal with human relationships is also very important.

In the same way, if it is slightly modified, it is extremely suitable for the cultivation world.

The warrior’s self-esteem is very important, but it is also important that you have self-knowledge, and you must know clearly what is the thing you need most.

To be more straightforward, don't think that when practicing, when you break through, taking immortality is a kind of cheating, or that there is no dignity of the warrior, and it will be looked down on by other warriors. These are actually the farther realm you reach. At that time, just use a means.

Just like when you are writing, you can use a pen or a ballpoint pen. Similarly, you can also use a pencil.

As long as you can write words, what kind of pen are you writing? !

In other words, as long as you can improve your strength without any trouble, no matter what the way of this improvement is.

Cultivation, cultivation, the most important thing is the achievements of cultivation, not to care about the means inside.

"Oh, this time I really listened to Jun Yi's words and read ten years of books!" Lin Ze sighed, and then shook his head. There was a kind of thought in his heart that was really too young.

"Qu Jingwen, this time I really want to thank you, otherwise, I will really go the wrong way." Lin Ze turned to thank Qu Jingwen.

This time, if there is no Qu Jingwen's persuasion, then Lin Ze has a great possibility to choose to break the Compared to those cultivators with limited lifespan, Lin Ze with plane seeds There is no need to worry about the lifespan, so even if he chooses to break the barrier, there will not be a big problem.

However, once Lin Ze made such a choice, he would subconsciously believe that breaking the obstacles with force is the most right way to practice.

In this way, this kind of thought will inevitably spread to Lin Ze's men and future generations.

However, there is only one plane seed. Only Lin Ze is the one who does not have to worry about longevity.

If his men and future generations have chosen to break the barrier, Lin Ze can already imagine the not-so-good situation in the future.

In the future, Lin Ze will not lack a congenital manpower, and it is not a problem to protect his own territory. However, if you want to do something on the mainland China’s right to speak, then you don’t have to think about it because, at that time, Lin Ze’s men There are not many real powerhouses at all, that is, some innate powerhouses.

In the Chu Kingdom, some innate strong people can have some say, but when they leave the Chu Kingdom, this........., huh...

In the end, Lin Ze will inevitably encounter his descendants because he can't break through the stronger realm for a long time, thus staged such things as white hair and black hair.

Lin Ze never wanted to encounter such a thing, so he would thank Qu Jingwen.

"Master, you have really won the prize. This is what I should have done." Qu Jingwen said with a happy face.

It is Qu Jingwen’s greatest joy to be able to help Lin Ze.

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