Alien Lord

Chapter 1748: Turn Your Face (1)

Even people like Yu Ming would push waves behind them and push them in secret.

Because Gu Xiyao will fall to the present end, Yu Ming is the absolute culprit. If this matter is known by Li Ze, then Yu Ming will be remembered.

Being remembered by the former of the foundation period, Yu Ming and his family have no need to leave the sect in this life, otherwise, what is waiting for him is death.

Therefore, simply stay in the sect door, so that those who usually don’t want to see Gu Xiyao, or the guy who has hatred with her, kill Gu Xiyao, then, the anger of'Li Ze' will be vented to these people, Instead of implicating him.

Even Yu Ming can take the initiative to reveal these news to'Li Ze' and let him find the enemy'correctly'. If he is lucky, he may also be able to be thanked by'Li Ze'.

This can be said to be a good thing with two birds with one stone. You said that Yu Minghui would not do it? !

Realizing that Yu Ming was actually deceiving himself and fooling himself, Gu Xiyao quickly made up his mind.

As for what to find her master, Gu Xiyao knows that this has no effect.

One is the strength of her master, which is the state of the Supreme Master in the early days. Such strength lies in the fact that these people do not count in their eyes. Therefore, even if her master stands up to speak for her, it does not play any role.

What's more, with Gu Xiyao's understanding of his master, when facing these people, her master absolutely has no courage to stand up for her.

In addition, just looking at Yu Ming’s current way of doing things, Gu Xiyao knew that Qianmowa was absolutely important, so important that even her core disciple could easily give up, so even if her master stood up for her, the result was the same .

Therefore, Gu Xiyao knew that if she could not find her master now, nothing would change.

In other words, from now on, she is already a checkmate.

"Ah, I really don't want to leave Xuanyin Demon Dao in embarrassment!" Gu Xiyao sighed.

If she can stay in Xuanyin Demon Road forever, Gu Xiyao can guarantee that, with her IQ and city mansion, she can become one of the giants of Xuanyin Demon Road within 20 years, but now her ambition It cannot be achieved.

"However, even if I turned my face, I can't start this matter first. Otherwise, there will be news that I was judged to be a sect. I won't be able to excuse my mouth even when I am full of mouth. Fortunately, this guy Yu Ming shot at me first, and I fought back in frustration, and escaped from the sect, so that I would not have many stains on my body. In the future, these things will be passed into the ear of this guy. He will not have any misunderstandings." Gu Xiyao kept thinking.

Judging from Lin Ze's strength and the different abnormal temperaments on her body, Gu Xiyao believes that Lin Ze's identity is absolutely unusual. In this case, if she wants to be with Lin Ze, she can't have many stains on her body, so, The reason for this betrayal of Xuanyin Demon Road, she had to impose it on Ming.

After thinking about this, Gu Xiyao was not as polite to Ming as before. She looked at Yu Ming with bright eyes and said mercilessly: "Elder Yu Ming, I don’t know if I was wrong or your mind. Confused. When I came here, I saw that some of the younger brothers here gave you some soul-like spiritual materials. There are three ghost-faced fruits. I don’t know if I was wrong?"

Although Gu Xiyao's words were interrogative sentences, no matter the look on her face or the look on her eyes, she clearly stated to Yu Ming that she had already seen through his mind, and he actually didn't want to deal with her.

"You..." Yu Ming was furious, he thought that a little Gu Xiyao would dare to talk to him like this, and, to expose him directly in front of so many Zongmen children, this is simply All his reputation was destroyed.

Yu Ming can now imagine the movements in the future Zongmen. The Zongmen will definitely wear him everywhere to fool the disciples under the door. The most deadly thing is that the Zongmen will also be heard from the Zongmen to contribute to the Zongmen. The cold-blooded treatment of the heroes.

If such a thing spreads to the sect gate, then Yu Ming's future can be imagined. ,

Although Zongmen will not treat him with his strength and status, he will be driven out of Zongmen’s power center 100%. This is not only a punishment for the ineffectiveness of Ming, but also a disciple of Zongmen’s doormen. One of our accounts.

After all, if a sect wants to survive, the biggest reliance is on the ordinary disciples, but if these people lose faith in the sect, and believe that the sect is unreliable, then the authentics might as well count down.

Therefore, at this time, even if Yu Ming was the master of the Zongmen, and the strength of this foundation period, even the Jindan period, but in order to restore the reputation of Zongmen and the future, he had to be sacrificed. .

"Gu Xiyao, how cruel you are!" Yu Mingxin, who had figured out all this, was anxious, and could not but eat Gu Xiyao raw.

"I'm ruthless! Ha ha, not as ruthless as you!!" Gu Xiyao didn't step back at all, and directly sneered at Yu Ming.

"Ah..." Yu Ming was furious, he didn't think about the threat of "Li Ze" at this time. What he was thinking about now was to take down Gu Xiyao to make him almost win or lose Named guy.

"Blood Devil's Hand!" When he exhaled, a huge blood-red palm came directly from Yu Ming's right hand, and he grabbed Gu Xiyao in front of him.

At the same time, Yu Ming's left hand was very concealed, and he showed a dark energy under Gu Xiyao's feet faster. Gu Xiyao was not bad for a while, and the whole person flew backwards directly under this dark energy.

It feels like someone is running away.

At this time, Yu Ming directly yelled loudly in his mouth: "Gu Xiyao, you dare to defect, where to go!"

After that, the slow blood demon hand instantly turned into a blood streamer, and quickly grabbed Gu Xiyao.

"What a cunning Yu Ming, this time I was really fooled." Gu Xiyao's face was extremely ugly, and when she arrived here, she didn't understand where, all this was Yu Ming's hands and feet.

Yu Ming saw through her intentions before, but he soon came up with a solution, and directly imposed the reputation of defection on her. In this case, even those words she said before were passed to the sect. There will also be a lot of controversy inside the door.

Although Yu Ming will inevitably be scolded by Zongmen’s authority, it is certainly much better than the center where he was directly excluded from the power.

In addition, there are also many smart people in Zongmen. They will definitely publicize her defection and completely position her as a defector. In this case, even if there are some rumors in Zongmen, but in the matter With the thought of Guan Ji hanging high, these rumors will soon dissipate.

Thinking of this, Gu Xiyao's heart had to sigh: Jiang is really old and spicy!

Yu Ming was able to become the upper-level character of Xuanyin Demon Road, and it was indeed not covered. Not only was his IQ high, but also his speed of reaction was extremely fast.

The average person will never think of this relatively perfect solution so quickly.

"It’s just that you are as cunning as a tiger, but you still have to drink my footwash in the end. You think you can easily win me by virtue of your strength, so you can do whatever you want, but how can you not I wouldn’t expect that there will be a war puppet next to me, a war puppet at the peak level of the Supreme Grandmaster, so..."

Gu Xiyao's mouth showed a ridiculous smile, and Yu Ming, who was across from him, saw this, and he felt a sudden giggling in his heart, and a very strong sense of crisis immediately came to his mind.

"Blood Devil Shield!!!" Yu Ming, who felt the danger, didn't want to think about it, and tried his best to protect his body.

Only, this time is too late.

"War puppet, attack!!" Gu Xiyao commanded! ! With a bang, the war puppet who had kept calm before flew out of Gu Xiyao's storage bag.

When he first flew out, he was only about the size of a fist. However, in the blink of an eye, this war puppet would be about three meters high. He held a magic weapon-level epee in his right hand, and his left hand also had a defensive power. , The shield of the magic weapon level.

Then, this huge puppet of war instantly turned into a stream of light, so it crashed into Yu Ming's arms.

But at this time, Yu Ming's body protection qi will rise, and the thickness of the body protection qi is only a few thin layers.

As a result, in the face of the full blow of the war puppets, with a ‘click,’ Yu Ming’s body protection was like glass, which shattered instantly.

Immediately afterwards, the right hand of the war puppet flew towards Yu Ming's chest. "Woo", a very heavy roar sounded, and a five-black sword gas directed directly at the big hole in front of the bright chest.

"Blood Demon Escape!!" Yu Ming used the Blood Demon Escape directly in a panic. At the cost of burning five years of life, he teleported for 20 meters, and this will be the one that will avoid the war puppet. hit.

"Gu Xiyao, I want you to die!!! Ah!" Yu Ming, who had escaped temporarily, was completely furious. He yelled and launched an attack on Gu Xiyao.

It's no wonder that Yu Ming was angry like this. You know that Gu Xiyao never actually took Gu Xiyao in his heart. In his opinion, he took Gu Xiyao in his hands, but in fact he was Gu Xiyao. The lesson is given, it is still a very easy lesson.

In order to escape, Yu Ming finally had to burn five years of life. It was very embarrassing to escape the danger of death.

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